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Everything posted by secretly_asian

  1. Alright, I figured how to tune down heating in my physics.cfg, but that will be moot if i can get to the core of this problem, which is the atmosphere density curve, right now, the atmosphere after having rescaled with SD is too evenly distributed, with having atmospheric density equal to that of 20km in the real world at 50km in the game. When returning from minmus (Reentry at 10km/s with 65km pe) i experience about 10-20g of deceleration at 90km altitude, now this is using FAR, but i was wondering where i could fix the atmospheric curves to match RO.
  2. Quick question, how would I edit the atmosphere of my 10x kerbol system so that as soon as i hit 130km i dont immediatley explode due to overheating? I feel like it should be more gradual. All I did when i resized the kerbol system was to increase atmosphere height to 1.857x, making 129997m the top of the atmosphere akin to the real world.
  3. Hey Trigger, I have a question... I used a mod called Sigma Dimensions to rescale everything to 10x (Real-scale kerbol system). I've also changed the length of day to match earth, and I've run into a bit of confusion with KAC and possibly with the transfer window planner. With a larger scale system, I don't think that the transfer window planner will be accurate, and with KAC showing only kerbal times (6h days 426d years) it gets a bit confusing. What I mainly want to know is, will the Transfer window planner calculate correctly for my new system? It seems as though the phase angles for transferring are different, because when I tried to get to Jool when it was roughly 94° to kerbin, the close approach nodes were way far apart.
  4. After pairing this mod with Sigma Dimensions and rescaling the kerbol system to 10x, I noticed that the sun flare is very small (because kerbin is now 10x farther away from kerbol). I was wondering how i would go about increasing the size of the flare?
  5. Alright well, one thing at a time. Thanks! and good luck with any other nasties you might encounter, i'll be sure to put any horrifying invisible wall bs here whenever i get around to landing on gilly or bop
  6. As mentioned before, I suck at this kind of stuff. If you'd be so kind to point me in the right direction
  7. Well you ARE the modder, I know as much about programming as a toddler knows integral calculus. Something I forgot to mention, with my x10 kerbol system, the solar "flare" from scatterer is proportionally smaller because kerbin is now 'farther' away from the sun. I'm not sure whether that's something you could address or the creator of scatterer could address, but it takes away from the mod because when i look up all i see is a fumbly yellow-orange smudge.
  8. Okay that was it, I thought it was a multiplier but i guess I read it wrong. Although, now that i've been around ginormous trees, the stock trees are underwhelming. Where's the middle ground? Maybe when you get the time you could add that in Cheers!
  9. Hey Sigma, I've been watching your mod for a while now and just now decided to try it out. I read through most of the posts on this forum, but I have a problem that doesn't seem to be here. My scatters are not re-scaling when using the scattersize tool in the config file. I have my kerbol system scaled up by 10x, and did the whole atmosphere thing, but the ground scatter on kerbin is WAAY too big. The trees must be at least two hundred meters tall and 20 meters wide. http://imgur.com/mvzEo6G A kerbal and a Basic Jet Craft are circled in red, they are only a dozen meters away from the 'tree'. My config has the scatter set to 0.01 times size and in-game scatters set to 20% density, but i've tinkered around with different numbers, and apparently this is sitting at 100% scatter density and like 100x the size. It should be noted that there are NO scatters anywhere near KSC and that to find these scatters i pretty much flew to the mountains.
  10. I'm a newbie to this CKAN mod, looks wonderful, but I'm having a bit of a problem. I downloaded CKAN.exe and NETKAN.exe and placed them in my Kerbal Space Program Directory (Separated from steam) but I keep getting this error when starting CKAN: "Failed to connect to repository. Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Here's to hoping its a simple problem because I'm ignorant on how this mod works, but I'd really like to know how to fix this
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