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Everything posted by secretly_asian

  1. Yes that is correct, here is a test craft using only stock and KSPIE parts. I still have the same problem, and the engines are set up the exact same way they are in the aircraft. https://imgur.com/a/b7DenKA https://www.dropbox.com/s/pcgkhc1lyj4pmj6/Positron Engine Test.craft?dl=0 ***please note*** The slow motion mod i have installed is only so i can capture individual physics frames, when running at normal speed, the craft jerks to one side.
  2. https://www.dropbox.com/s/t2vseztilfep34f/Antimatter Retriever.craft?dl=0
  3. I don't think you quite understand the issue i am currently having. I have a spaceplane with 2 positron reactors, with a thermal nozzle and thermal generator on both. When I throttle up, one reactor powers up faster than the other, causing a difference in thrust between the two engines, cause the aircraft to spin out of control. No matter how slowly i throttle up, and no matter how high i set the reactorspeedmult, at any given time one engine is putting out 50-500kn more thrust than the other until they both reach maximum thrust, at which from then on there isnt a difference in thrust. If i reduce throttle and increase it again, the same problem happens, regardless of propellant used.
  4. There seems to be a problem with the thrust of the thermal turbojet nozzle when attached to the positron reactor, if there is a pair of these turbojet/positron engines, one engine will spool up faster than the other causing asymmetric thrust, i've tried re-installing and rebooting the game but the problem persists.
  5. I dont know if this is a bug or not, but i recently went from v1.3.1 to 1.4.1 and noticed that one of my craft that utilized the positron reactor and MHD couldn't support a single 2.5m ATILLA thruster. if I fired the Atilla thruster, it would push out several thousand KN's but would dwindle to just a fraction of that. I took a look at the reactor control window and saw it wasn't even pushing out a single GW of power, whereas in 1.3.1 i could run multiple thrusters at once. I can't seem to find what changed.
  6. So when I started a new Modded KSP build, I decided to install Interstellar Extended because I've had a good experience with it in the past, however I did notice a little solar panel bug (stock panels, specifically the retractable ones). Whenever in direct sunlight, if i retract my panels, instead of producing 0 ec, they produce their maximum amount. So If i have the 1x6 panels, they produce 1.6 ec/s when retracted and my vessel is exposed to the sun. When I extend them, they go from their maximum to producing ec normally based on the angle they are facing to the sun. I am not completely sure if KSPIE is the culprit, so I included a dropbox link to the log. Cheers
  7. Is this mod compatible with Interstellar and Procedural parts?
  8. I installed mechjeb for everyone and suddenly it works. But in sandbox mode without MJ4Everyone there were no MJ parts, at all. This is weird. Thanks for the suggestions!
  9. I originally ran it by ksp64.exe completely outside of steam. However, i'm giving ckan a whack with it running with steam. we'll see where it goes.
  10. I dont use CKAN, this is all manual. I have a completely separate game from steam. I basically copied the one from steam inside programfiles (x86) folder onto my desktop. And what do you mean by "write permission"
  11. Man I've tried damn near everything and the game just refuses to see the mod. i want my mechjeb back
  12. I installed Add-on Version checker to see which mods i had installed. Every single mod except for MechJeb was in the list.
  13. I don't have it installed inside the program files (aka from steam). I have it on my desktop in a completely separate folder. edit* when i go in game, with raster prop monitor installed with mechjeb, and i hit the "auto" button (autopilot) it complains it cannot find mechjeb. And this is a problem with many other mods i have.
  14. I just got a new gaming PC, an MSI with Windows 10 installed. One thing i noticed that was different when trying to install mechjeb was that it just doesn't show up at all. This mod works fine on my old pc that has windows 7 on it, but for my new PC, the game doesn't even recognize mechjeb, nor a bunch of other mods like xscience or kerbal konstruction time. Anyone else having this problem? anyone have any clue how to fix this?
  15. Looking at the "adding a plume to an engine" guide, how do I go about editing the prefab plume to incorporate my own sounds? I'm not much of a coder and i dont know how to create/adjust the EFFECTS node to insert my own sounds. Also it'd be helpful to know how to adjust the running sounds using :FINAL for the module manager node.
  16. Hmm, I'm not sure how to say this, but for some reason the stock wing parts and control surfaces seem to randomly not generate lift. Sometimes elevators on my aircraft generate only drag and other times nothing at all. Here are the logs of my last launch https://www.dropbox.com/s/idna4sps1i74868/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/a8jtuqa5dbmh18j/output_log.txt?dl=0
  17. I use KW rocketry and i've noticed something between having real plume installed and not (besides the plumes... duh). The sounds with the engine ignition without realplume installed is different for most of the KW engines, with the bigger ones sounding more "manly." However with real plume installed, all the engines with exception to the service module engine have one of two ignition sounds. Is there a way to have real plume yet have the KW engines keep their own sounds?
  18. This is a bit of a weird one, the Deinonychus engine doesn't seem to have any gimbal ability at all, I just recently started using it as a mid-stage booster for mid-career mode, and my rocket is unable to start its gravity turn when using only the Deinonychus engine. I went into the config to change the engine's gimbal from 1 to 5 (7.5 degrees) but it still has no ability to gimbal. May this be an overlooked bug?
  19. Uhh... thats a pretty big file to copy and paste, how can i just send to you instead?
  20. Yes, I installed AT_Utils bundled with it. Where should I pull the logs from? And also, I do have the most recent module manager
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