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Everything posted by secretly_asian

  1. I just installed this update to my game, making sure to remove TCA from gamedata before doing so, but now even with it installed, it doesn't look like TCA is even showing up in game. I can see the tech tree nodes that contain the TCA "nodes" but in editor there are no engine group buttons and in flight there's no TCA button in the toolbar or on the side.
  2. I dont think that is a KSPI issue. I remember reading on the KER thread that the mod is a little wonky with dV calcs for the xenon engines, particularly asparagus staging ion engines
  3. I'm testing to see if scatterer's sunflare looks better with/without the stock sunflare. As i'm told, it was a little side effect of having kopernicus installed.
  4. Never mind, I went ahead and experimented with it and tried Tekener's solution to someone wanting lots of clouds for their normal kerbin. Turns out this makes the cloud density just right for 10x.
  5. My altitude is fine. My clouds rest at 4km above sea level as they should. Im talking about DENSITY. Moar cloudz. *Because my kerbin is 10x the size of stock kerbin, the cloud mapping is spread out to cover more area. I want to know how I can keep the clouds scaled with the planet so they cover more of the planet.
  6. Since I play with a x10 sized kerbol system, the clouds on kerbin seem a bit spread out and sparse. Is there a way I can increase the "amount" of clouds on kerbin in the configs? EDIT: I know that i need to be in the Gamedata/BoulderCo/Atmosphere/clouds.cfg I just dont know what parameter of the kerbin-clouds to change.
  7. I posted this on the Scatterer thread and was told to come here.. My issue is with the stock sun flare. Since I have scatterer installed, it comes with its own sun flare. I was told that both sunflares are overlapping because of kopernicus and I wanted confirmation on that, as well as how to actually remove the stock sunflare. Thanks!
  8. I have a feeling that this latest update borked the interstellar x48 liq. fuel tank. http://imgur.com/a/xWs68 Interstellar Fuel tank x48 holds only ~4000 units of LqHydrogen, and any bi-propellant mesh is missing the liquid oxygen. This was as of the most recent update
  9. Do you require screenshots? *EDIT* - Kopernicus is installed, if thats relevant information...
  10. I recently started to try SVE (high res) with my game build, however I seem to be encountering a problem. I have sigma dimensions installed, and have rescaled everything x10. Now i know that the clouds get rescaled to the same factor, so they are 10x too high, but when I went into the configs and sized down the altitude of the various cloud layers by a factor of 10, something weird happened. I suddenly had two cloud and aurora layers. One of them at seemingly normal altitude and one at 10x that altitude. Is there a way I can remedy this?
  11. No, I just want to know where i can delete the stock sun flare.
  12. I've got a quick question, How would i go about disabling the STOCK solar "flare"? I've installed scatterer and i love the new flare and sunspikes but the stock flare (bright blobby orangy bit) still persists, and is annoying because the sun does not seem to shrink with distance as a travel to outer planets. Thanks!
  13. I've got a quick question, How would i go about disabling the STOCK solar "flare"? I've installed scatterer and i love the new flare and sunspikes but the stock flare (bright blobby orangy bit) still persists, and is annoying because the sun does not seem to shrink with distance as a travel to outer planets. Thanks!
  14. Does SETI only affect the procedural parts or does it affect all fuel tanks?
  15. With SMURFF installed and now recently the SETI mod, I've noticed that my procedural liquid tanks if below a certain size (~3.75m x 2m) has a very *high* negative mass. When making tanks for one of my small low-tech orbiter probes, the dry mass is something like -900kg. Any clue on how to fix?
  16. Right because i'd totally demand my money back if and when this mod breaks my game
  17. bleh i probably worded it weird. its in the /GameData/Sigma/Dimensions/Configs/Bodies/(insert planet name here).cfg. Since i changed the actual atmosphere heights in the .cfg's i changed the atmosphere multiplier height and visual height multiplier back to 1, I also backed everything up in case my ludicrous KSP build decides to rapidly and unexpectedly disassemble.
  18. Okay the keys were what i really needed thanks so much! I went ahead to edit the actual Sigma Dimensions body configs and everything works awesomely. No more explosions when reentering at mach 35 lol
  19. So keeping the atmosphere at 140km, how would i go about actually changing the atmosphere curves and to what? I've got a keys chart open in my browser from RO, but that won't do me any good until i find what to actually edit.
  20. Using Sigma Dimensions to rescale my kerbol system to 10x to make things more realistic, i came to a problem when i rescaled the atmosphere to 130km high (similar to earth). Because reentry from interstellar was roughly 10km/s, and the stock atmosphere curves are balanced for a much lower velocity reentry, I was wondering what mod i can download or what i can change in the game config files to make the atmosphere curves realistic ie: not explode due to overheating 10 seconds into reentry. And no, I don't want the entirety of realism overhaul.
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