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Everything posted by Crabman

  1. Hello, I'm wondering how to make a big base with MKS but now that only one Duna and one Tundra modules have planetary logistics distribution (only with things attached directly to it), how do you think it's a good way to do this? Sending a Duna Logistics module to every mining location to store supplies and the mined resources? (By the way, to make logistics work, does it need to have a pilot?) MKS 'Ranger' Scout-200 Power Pack can supply under full load can hold up to 1000 days, I think it's enough. But since it isn't rechargeable, and can't be grabbed (with kas) by one kerbal, I don't know if it is the best option. Thanks for any help!
  2. How are you mounting 3,75m Tundra parts (with Cradle under it) with Konstruction? It is too high to put under PAL and I'm not being able to move it with the forklift. Edit: Crane is too weak to lift the Tundra part But maybe I'll be able to do this on Mun or Minmus, because of gravity. (I'm testing things)
  3. @Angel-125, it this sheet right? I'm doing this to help with constructing functional bases and I would like to know if I'm going on the right way. When I finish (if it is correct) I'll release to help anyone that needs. I'm posting the sheet to dropbox also if anyone want's to add something. https://www.dropbox.com/s/0734znf81js6mzu/Kerbal Pathfinder.xlsx?dl=0
  4. If anyone is wondering if this mod is updated to 1.2, this is written on MKS changelog:
  5. Thank you, Micha, this is the best science mod I've ever used!
  6. I don't care about any of these, I just want the final release!
  7. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I heard in Roverdude's stream that he'll release a sheet to help with this when 1.2 releases.
  8. Using only MM, KAS, KIS, Buffalo and Pathfinder. Ponderosa is inflating here Edit: I should have listened when Angel said the last ksp build broke the mod xD
  9. Thank you, Angel-125, this is a wonderful mod. I have just two one minor reports. 1. When installing Pathfinder and Buffalo's pre-release versions, I think one of them have some outdated dependencies. I was getting this console spam (log on dropbox). Spam had something with "RedecorateModule". I tested only with MM, KAS and KIS and had no problem, but when I added Pathfinder + Buffalo, the spam happened. It just happened when I installed Pathfinder and then Buffalo (overwriting everything asked). I tried again installing first Buffalo and then Pathfinder (overwriting everything asked again) and the bug didn't happened anymore. 2. I don't know if this is a problem with my graphics card (notebook onboard ), but even after sorting out that first report, TrailerHitch's model isn't being loaded. (I'm using the example craft provided on github. That tutorial is awesome, btw) That was happening with the part provided with craft from tutorial on github. I just took it out and put a new on and it loaded perfectly. Maybe even the first report has something about it, but I'll leave it here anyway, because you can see if there is a problem or was just this part giving some problems.
  10. I reported this bug to sarbian, but he didn't liked it and was a little angry about the report (even with provided log and bug description as described on this forum). If I understood correctly he said the bug is on roverdude's end, but I'm not sure. Log is here, if anyone is interested. Tested with only MM and Konstruction. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikdbywe1zdkn18v/output_log.txt?dl=0
  11. [1.2 PRE] Konstruction! Weldable ports, servos, cranes, and magnets! I think this is 1.2. I think you are confusing things, but ok, it was just a report. thanks
  12. Bug report: KSP: 1.2 pre-release Problem: Log spam: "MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'ResourceRatio..ctor'." Mods installed: Konstruction (USI) ModuleManager.2.7.1 Reproduction steps: 1. Build a simple craft with a RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit, batteries, fuel and an engine. 2. Send it to launch. 3. On the launch pad, press Alt+F12 to check console. Spam line after line going down fast. Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ikdbywe1zdkn18v/output_log.txt
  13. I don't know. If it isn't, provide logs, steps to reproduce so we can try to help
  14. what if you don't like, don't install This mod is the only reason I can still play career/science mode. Thank you, maculator!
  15. As I said, I didn't reported because I couldn't reproduce, since after I deleted the cache, bug was gone
  16. I also had this problem. I took out all my mods except USI's and it didn't happened again. So after that, trying to reproduce, I got everything back, but deleted all of MM's files (configcache, configsha, physics and techtree) minus the main dll and the problem was solved, no more spam. I didn't reported to MM's topic because I already deleted that files, so I couldn't reproduce.
  17. Steps to make a mod work: 0. Make sure you have Module Manager updated to the version you are playing. Don't try to install on 1.1.3 a MM that is designed to work on 1.2 and vice versa. 1. Delete everything of that mod you had previously. If this problem is with USI mods, delete all of them (USI tools, umbra...). 2. Reinstall basic parts. Your problem is with Survivability. Try to download and install only it. 3. Play. It should work.
  18. https://github.com/BobPalmer/MKS/wiki If I were you I'd wait until next tuesday when Roverdude may (if I didn't misunderstood) release the new version of his mods with KSP 1.2. Edit: Now I saw this isn't MKS thread. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2RaeRJUfcTI ^ This video shows how the mod works, but it is in italian. =)
  19. [snip] Me neither. Becomes too expensive in the long run
  20. Well, @Andem, this is just a different vision of business. If they think they should make KSP 2 or whatever it's their choice. And make DLCs isn't "milking as much money out of the game". If DLCs are needed to keep KSP alive, I'm all in. If you'd rather see KSP being trown to trash and forgotten, that is your point of view. I just want to see KSP evolving and alive.
  21. Thats one reason why they stopped updating Halo 1, right?
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