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  1. The most original landing? I thought theres only two kinds. A normal one and a crash... Will be streaming this challenge in career mode later today... Twitch TV/Dill sub
  2. Gettting a Bug, used CKAN to install all my mods this time around. Encountering this with only one mod (KWRocketry), this happens when I select to update the mod. Getting an unhandled exception, here's the details from the dialogue.
  3. Quoting Einstein himself from 1982 publication Physics and Reality Ideas and Opinions "[GR does not] consider how the central mass produces this gravitational field" - Neil DeGrasse can drop himself into a hollowed out earth all day but until he does it for real and has a video of it, it's all just fancy and fantasy.
  4. "scrambling to get a better understanding of the measurement for G." You must have misunderstood me. I know that we have measured G to several decimal places I was simply stating the fact that they want to improve the measurement for G, thus, scrambling to get a better understanding. Take a look at figure 3 at http://gravitationlab.com/ Figure 3 isn't made up or speculative it's the truth so far.
  5. I think after all, we could safely say, the issue is best left at hand for the specialists and experts. Although they can look very closely (or look closely from afar!) at the issues at hand it's up to them to determine and interpret information for the rest of us. It's very important that scientists maintain a high level of scrutiny and empirical evidence for their work. They must also be incorruptible to the guesses and suggestions of others. Here's the gig. 400 years, no one's dropped a thing through another thing to get the proof. I'll go on seeking reasonable explanations for reality. Nothing will sate my hunger for knowledge except the truth and with evidence the truth is revealed! I did make a new post for this because I heard the national science foundation is looking for help to measure G.
  6. So the conspiritarnoids can hear the calls, of course.
  7. I heard some people think that gravity isn't some particle or secret bond between dark energy and other dark magic things (which in fact are most likely just ordinary matter) but something to the effect of gravity is the motion of matter through time and it generates space? I like the gravity in KSP compared to other space games I play. I recently looked at a picture of the Spheres of Influence. My only gripe is that we as humans understand little about gravity. I also heard some big-wigs and head-hanchos of many organizations are scrambling to get a better understanding of the measurement for G. Will their clocks fall, err I mean fail, as everything comes to a grinding halt, asymptotically approaching the center of their "dials"?! Remember we only accelerate when the ground comes up to meet our behinds! The link to gravitationlab can give you "an answer" about the, yet unproven, largely talked about interior workings of our friend G. 400 years after Galileo proposed it, we just like to pretend, but no one has ever proved that the object will even oscillate or not.
  8. Hey just want to let you all know that Kopernicus just got updated 6-7 hours ago. I'm getting OPM right now and maybe it will work since Kopernicus is updated
  9. I'm happy with the direction of the game. However I still feel like if they didn't mean it they shouldn't have mentioned that multiplayer would be implemented some time soon after 2015. Kerbal MultiPlayer mod proved the concept is doable and even today, GoDarklight and others are keeping the dust off Darklight-MultiPlayer. Also they are doing this with out the QA and development team. The fact that people outside the company can make multiplayer so easily suggests that it's not as difficult as anyone will have you imagine. Maybe the original guys from Squad weren't the best net coders. Maybe they wanted to make sure the game was at it's finest-well tuned state before they implemented MultiPlayer so they wouldn't have to work a SinglePlayer and Multiplayer system through update after update. I'm not a developer, a programmer, a scientist -- I just use words and play games, and stuff. I do know 1/2 of the people in my friends list have it on the shelf until a stable version of Multiplayer is implemented.
  10. I just want to confirm I'm experiencing this too. When I first upgraded and played stock 1.2 and 1.2pre this wasn't the case. After I loaded ~25 mods which had all been updated at least around mid-october. The bugg is a flicker that seems to only affect certain UI elements. It's been well described here though so I just want to comfirm. Should be easy to lock down, thanks for the hard work everyone. Kerbal is the game of the century! I would mention that this only occured for me in the VAB/SPH areas, AFTER I added a bunch of mods. Once I was at "space center" or on a mission the UI seemed to work fine. And I realize now that this was an unmodded bug maybe it should be moved to modded unless devs are ever planning on saturating the game with more parts.
  11. NoMrBond said: "What's this thing coming toward me very fast? So big and flat and round, it needs a big wide sounding name like 'Ow', 'Ownge', 'Round', 'Ground'! That's it! Ground! Ha! I wonder if it'll be friends with me? Hello Ground!" This reminds me of a story an acquaintance has written. Benish, Richard J. "Rethinking Einstein's Rotation Analogy" GravitationLab.com, Richard Benish, May 2012, http://gravitationlab.com/Grav%20Lab%20Links/Rethinking-Rotation-Sep-5-2012.pdf, 19 July, 2016
  12. I guess there's another point that physicists are quick to presume that what happens outside of gravity is conclusive evidence of it's inner mechanics. There actually isn't any empirical evidence proving that our current interior solution for gravity is correct, that's the larger issue at hand. Some experts might compare it to "stars moving through a star cluster" however that isn't the inside of a gravitating mass. Other experts will refer to some preconceived notion, that it is what everyone says it has been and painting it green-black polka dots won't change what it is even though today no one can tell you how gravity truly works. Yeah, I mostly want to do this for aesthetics as I realize the results will be as you say, based on the software. I'm still curious to find the answer to Galileo's 300 year old question. The space generation model actually matches up quite will with the forces in the GR model. So my excitement with it is -- Do the safe, slow moving, unobtrusive (potentially inexpensive), experiment and if the thing oscillates it does and great my acquaintance can move on with his life finally and so on ... however if it doesn't, it might just change the way we see gravity. An accelerometer indicates zero acceleration when free falling on earth. If you set it down it indicates positive acceleration. I can't really relate or argue fully because anything I know about "physics" I've basically learned from a K-12 education and this acquaintance who I run into a few times a week. It's all his work and he's been at it for some time.
  13. I have an acquaintance who is really pushing hard for a gravity experiment to get real evidence of the interior solution for gravity. I don't fully understand everything about the work though it's laid out plain enough in his papers. My intent is to create a mod that can simulate the experiment in KSP. I haven't modded KSP or any other game for that matter. How difficult would this be to learn and any good pointers on what utilities or software? I'm imagining right now a Kopernicus mod that added a planet with a hole in it and then drop... a ship through? Does anyone who can interpret physics tell me how gravity is calculated in KSP? Compared to what we may (or may not!) know about reality? Your insight is appreciated ...
  14. Yes, of all the "imagined problems" people have regarding KSP:MP this is probably the one, most obvious, which is probably least imagined. My experience in DMP has learned me that even when you click that sync button it doesn't take long for difference in CPU clocks between 1 or more clients and the server to turn any craft in the "experience" into kessler-cloud-soup.
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