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Everything posted by Kaizen

  1. Nice. I'm installing...but I actually agree with ProtoJeb21.
  2. Well, if the inner solar system is at war, they would want to rush out as quickly as possible.
  3. A possible very-far-future end goal for KSP: Quantum chromodynamics for superrealism.
  4. When I landed on Minmus without MechJeb after an hour of trying to get an encounter on a DarkMultiPlayer server. I landed 51km away from the base mind you and then died hitting the ground at 12.5m/s
  5. - several other systems to colonize - nbody simulation - more realism (but not like Orbtier level) - more bases - just what has been already said -
  6. Also I'd like to point out that there is a bug in v0.6.5 that I couldn't trigger in 0.7.3. Also: KSP 0.6.5 Dev Test.zip 60,343,588 bytes KSP 0.7.3.zip 59,918,203 bytes ^ direct download for you (and 0.7.3 for the comparison) Proof that they are different sizes. EDIT: ‎18/‎06/‎2011 - 0.6.5 Also, a forum post has v0.7/v0.7r2 on 20/23 Jun 2011. 24/‎06/‎2011 - 0.7.3
  7. As in, the exact same ship, in v0.6.5 and v0.7.3, went 200 meters further in v0.6.5.
  8. True. Although I've been doing some testing of v0.6.5 and v0.7.3 and I've only found a few things so far: 0.6.5 is a bit buggier, and the Mk1 Command Pod is renamed "devtest" Also: - The Mission End screen is a bit different - The green early version overlay is not there - Ships go slightly less far. (6.1k v0.6.5 - 6.3k 0.7.3)
  9. 0.6.5 found... http://www.datainterlock.com/Kerbaltopia/ksp-archived-versions/http://www.datainterlock.com/Kerbaltopia/ksp-archived-versions/
  10. A pre 0.7.3 version. Wha?? The file is at http://www.datainterlock.com/Kerbaltopia/ksp-archived-versions/ It's smaller by about 1.5MB than the 0.7.3 ZIP
  11. Well I think as well as budget cuts, we should also have random budget increases to balance it out, with maybe some long (5/10/15 year) term trends up/down. Also the bduget increases if you are going to another planet, proportinatelly to the planet being visitsed and all mission costs so like... Year 7: -3.2% Year 9: +1.9% Year 11: +0.2% Year 13: -2.9% Year 15 +3.4% Year 17 -2.3% (10 year trend (randomly selected up/down and if 5/10/15): -2.9% Year 19: 1.8% Year 21: 2.2% Year 23: 4.1% Year 25: -1.7% Year 27: -0.8% Year 29: 2.4% Year 31: 2.7% Year 32: -1% (15 year trend: +9.7%) 5 year trend min/max up/down, +-2.7% 10 year trend min/max up/down: +-6.8% 15 year trend min/max up/down: +-11.1%
  12. 1. Go to the Exploring Gilly scenario 2. Go on EVA 3. Kill your Kerbal (I HyperEdited him into Eve's atmosphere) 4. On the "Mission Results" screen, click "Space Center" 5. There you go. You can save game, play normally.
  13. @Hard/Xhard Yes. and closed orbit for med and up.
  14. since you seem to be doing easy the v0.23.5 one is nullified. The v0.90 one is not. I only started just after 1.0.5, did they nerf the Rapier?
  15. update: made new one, stopped at 205 because the TWR was going below 1.00. seriously: 18th stage: TWR 1.02 SLT 1.09
  16. dude it's easy. Get the tricoupler and chain them together. I crashed at ~260 parts on 32 bit. (now I have 64 bit)
  17. you're both wrong. Spacelab was a optional component of some Shuttle missions, not a space station. Skylab was the first space station ever launched, in 1973. Four missions were sent to it before it was deorbited in 1979, http://www.en.wikipedia.org/Skylab
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