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Everything posted by Benji13

  1. I've been designing a space station (among other things) and I need to get 250t to a 400x400 km orbit around Kerbin. I was wondering if anyone has any rockets that can do this please? Low part count would be great if possible... Thanks in advance!
  2. @HGGundamReviews Nothing too special. It is pretty much Vens revamp with only the command pods and storage container.
  3. Snacks is cool but I want a bit more than a massless part that needs ore to make more of. If there was a current mod that I could easily modify that would be good.
  4. Hey guys. I've been looking at some life support mods and I was wondering if there where any with only Oxygen with 1 or 2 tanks and some sort of way to produce it for stations. I don't want too many parts. If there is a mod that has more than that (like food, waste, CO2) that I could modify, that would be fine. Thanks in advance.
  5. Hey. Is there a way to remove the hatches on the Cupola module. I don't mind if it means the rest of the texture goes back to normal, but I want to keep the lights. Thanks in advance.
  6. Same here. Been playing ksp for ages. Not once docked in the light.
  7. I didn't include any of the added parts that Vens revamp has. This adds the lights on/light off toggle to all the stock parts and also adds new textures to them. Exactly the same as space plane parts. @ShotgunNinja edit: Light up antennas could be a while away as I want to do light up docking ports first and I'm not that experienced at modding. Edit: I'll add some more screenshots as well, some showing the right click menu.
  8. @ShotgunNinja Just added a license to the download as well as putting the license into the description on curse.
  9. Thanks. As I said, most of that is Ven's work. I will be doing some more though to add lights to other things like docking ports and possibly antennas. @ShotgunNinja
  10. Introducing, Benji's Light up Command Pods! This mod allows you to turn lights on and off on command pods/modules like you can with cockpits! It also works on the Hitch-hiker Storage Container. This is good for making your rockets look a lot cooler, as well as being more visible in the dark. This doesn't currently work for the Mobile Processing Lab but I am working on it. More info and mod download at http://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/245069-benjis-light-up-command-pods. This is the first time I've made anything even remotely like a mod so please go easy on me. Thanks to @Ven as most of the files in this mod are based off of his Stock Part Revamp. I'm hoping that overtime I will use more of my stuff. Licence: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. Some files and textures are taken from Ven's Stock Part Revamp. If you like what you see here, I suggest downloading his mod.
  11. This is an awesome mod but I only want the textures, not the new parts. Is there a way to remove the new parts? I tried myself but the kraken didn't like it. Thanks in advance!
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