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Gordon Dry

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    Trying it again, as the magic happened and RO is on the same KSP version which is the latest.

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  1. I assume the claim is that right-clicking an entry on the Part Wizard's list should open the part's original PAW.
  2. So, 2022 is the year the new good stuff was discovered: Say Hello to the Toughest Material on Earth - Berkeley Lab – News Center (lbl.gov)
  3. I know, it happens. It's the infamous attention thing.
  4. Just saying that the latest update of ROKerbalism not only adds what the changelog says but changes all .cfg files' encoding from "Unix (LF) UTF-8" to "Windows (CR LF) UTF-8" which makes a file synchronization software show all files as different, even as only those 2 files have been changed: GameData/KerbalismConfig/Support/ROCapsules.cfg GameData/KerbalismConfig/System/Parts.cfg
  5. @kspperson Normally is the other way around; you post something if you know a solution - or if you have been pinged. In a contemporary timeframe.
  6. Now I got something similar to but this time it's RP-1. I guess in some edge cases building a vessel that's very non-stock (aka. RSS/RO/RP-1) breaks the mod and/or Attaching the "wrong" parts in the "wrong" order seems to trigger it.
  7. Yes. I'm on RP-1, so RO, so RSS, so FAR as a dependency. Edit: I see two entries in MM cache for a conformal decal part: physicalSignificance = NONE and then later PhysicsSignificance = 1 Edit: I found the culprit: GameData\RealismOverhaul\RO_SuggestedMods\RO-ConformalDecals.cfg // ========================================================================== // Conformal Decals configuration // ========================================================================== @PART[conformaldecals-*]:FOR[RealismOverhaul]:NEEDS[ConformalDecals] { %RSSROConfig = True !MODULE[GeometryPartModule] {} %PhysicsSignificance = 1 %mass = 0.0001 %maxTemp = 3000 @MODULE[ModuleConformalDecal] { %scaleRange = 0.25 5.25 } } I will open an issue on the RO side. Done: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul/issues/2746
  8. I witnessed that decals have been ripped off if a vessel got high AoA problems - shortly before it was destroyed.
  9. No air raid incoming message popped up this time. No mentioning of "pwd" in the log.
  10. Game booted up to main menu as I was eating, here's the log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/22p1o6jtoxemr4p/2022112601.7z?dl=1 Mainly I use two start parameters; -force-d3d11 -single-instance but I also dare to launch the game this way, using a command batch file inside the game root folder which contains @echo off cd /d "%~dp0" cls start "KSP x64 with MemoryAllocationFix" /NORMAL "KSP MemoryAllocationFix.exe" KSP_x64.exe -force-d3d11 -single-instance taskkill /IM "KSP MemoryAllocationFix.exe" using
  11. Wow. I still use KSP 1.12.3 in another folder than Steam and so never had any issues with that obscure launcher - but after updating KSP Recall I get this popup message with a warning like the air raid is coming soon. And when I click "Ok" then KSP closes. Edit: This is the logged part: [KSP-Recall] Version /L running on KSP 1.12.3 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [KSP-Recall] ERROR: pwd != Application Root! -- pwd=E:\Spiele\Kerbal Space Program\ ; AppRot=e:\Spiele\Kerbal Space Program\ at error:0 (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUI (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) Unable to use a named GUIStyle without a current skin. Most likely you need to move your GUIStyle initialization code to OnGUI (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) [KSP-Recall] "Houston, we have a problem!" about "Your 'pwd' doesn't match KSP's 'Application Root'!" was displayed (Filename: C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35) So, the only difference is the capital drive letter E: versus e:
  12. What does minAtmoPressure = 14.2 represent? I tried to find any conversion table or function that tells me what 14.2 X is, when it's 5 kPa.
  13. Gordon Dry


    7-Zip is out there for 23 years now and you can consider it being the better normal zip of today, especially as it's freeware. Like HEVC/x265 is the better normal video codec of today. The issue with stuff like this is that any other mod's patch that calls NEEDS[JNSQ] assumes that you installed it, even if there are only a few files left inside. That can create a borkyness of a next level.
  14. Well, still does not remember the user settings for the next game session. It's the same behaviour as
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