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Posts posted by The-Doctor

  1. On 10/31/2016 at 0:49 PM, panzer1b said:

    I did a very similar thing with my mod (but i didnt go that in depth to save on performance).


    Those effects are EVE based atmosphere rendering and are not reliant upon scatterer (never was a fan of scatterer's atmo renders myself).  If you want an example of how to do this just take a look at my mod here and mess with the "atmo" layer of kerbin.  I didnt go all out on the blue coloring as those pics but this is done in teh exact same way, just edit the color for the atmo layer to be something like 0, 0, 255 for maximum blueness...

    Its not perfect (and im pretty sure we can agree your pics are better looking then what i have), but its the best i can do with virtually 0 performance issues (mid range rig, i can run my mod with 2 1000 part warships in low orbit, laggy but playeable)...

    Hey, do you have a link to those fighters? I would really love to have them, I suck at building such, I'm a noob :P

  2. @tomek.piotrowski may I suggest a few ideas for merging remoteTech with commnett. Here's my suggestions, that remoteTech use the many DSN tracking stations that kerbin now has due to commnet, where Kerbin would now has many red dots on it's surface and that you can select these sites for dedicated antennas. Now for signal delay, when the signal bar goes down, it should mean you're getting close to being out of range, when  it reaches one bar, most controls should be frozen, exactly like what commnet does when you lose signal, and when the signal bar drops to 0 you should have 0 control over the probe. Include the flight computer with this system, and you'd have a perfect lightweight mod that builts on top of commnett while keeping all the features people love about remoteTech. 

  3. On 5/6/2016 at 6:03 AM, Ziw said:

    With @ZodiusInfuser's permission I'm proud to present a repack of latest beta release


    This pack has updated configs to accommodate for latest IR 2.x and IRS 1.x changes and has most parts from beta, except wheels and mecanums, because they need much more than just a config fix.

    Also in this pack there is an experimental build of ActiveStruts, but please DON'T use the FreeAttach functionality, or it might crash your game. Use TargetAttach or StraightUp attach.

    Updated version of IRSurfaceSampler plugin was kindly provided by @DMagic himself, so it should work with our surface sampler part in 1.1.2


    EDIT: Alternate link for those who cannot use Mega


    is this updated for 1.2?

  4. 16 hours ago, Tarheel1999 said:

    Why would his answer be any different to this question?  The legs currently come in one size. If that doesn't work for you that's okay. Install infernal robotics once it updates and build your own legs. Or use girders and add wheels. Lots of options in this game if one particular part doesn't scratch your fancy. 

    I really like this mod, it has what I need without too much unused part, unlike infernal robotics

  5. On 6/8/2016 at 7:27 PM, panarchist said:

    Looks a lot like what I've been cooking up for an Interstellar mission:


    I'm very interested in seeing what this mod cooks up that I can redesign this ship to incorporate. (I've already used Kerbodyne Plus parts to get some of this into orbit)

    what mod are those cargo containers from?

  6. @ShotgunNinja I'm unsure if I stated this before, but um, parts like, never break down. I've experienced this issue in sandbox, I haven't played career in a looong time. 

    2 hours ago, theJesuit said:

    looks awesome, KSP is really becoming something special, virtually all the mods Ive ever wanted are being made. 

    I've never been this excited for KSP since 0.23.5. all the mods I've ever wanted are here!!! :)

  7. 50 minutes ago, cxg2827 said:

    @The-Doctor feel free to post pictures of your crafts using these parts in this thread, or tag me if you post craft shots in other threads. Seeing this pack being used by others is a good motivator to continue working on it.

    Also, the Roadmap in the OP is a good indicator for when an update is going to be released, as I had it noted that a release was scheduled for today :wink:.


    v1.4 now available on SpaceDock


    thanks! I will, personally I haven't yet upgraded to 1.2 yet, but I will soon, plus I have a while to wait for my other must have mods like kerbalism to update.

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