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Posts posted by Agnemon

  1. This may be a Kopernicus issue so may be in the wrong forum but the errors relate to the loading of planets, gets as far as loading callisto data then crash's

    Win 10 64 Bit

     16 GB RAM

    Core I7 -6700K 4GHz (10% overclock)

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 @1920x1080

    KSP 1.4.5

    Kopernicus 1.4.5-4


    Real Solar System 14.0.0 (Theysen)


    RSS Texture pack  8192 (also tried 4096)

    Module Manager 3.0.7

    KSP was run once bare to check install then the above mods were installed. 

    GAMEDATA looks correct (No nested Gamedata folders)

    Game gets to the initial start screen ( Start Game -- Settings etc)

    Kopernicus error message on screen "Kopernicus was not able to load custom planetary system due to an exception in the loading process"

    Logs https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kbds9wo8nu3ywrx/AAAeoD5xD9Y9MqzA-lo0qfcBa?dl=0

    Kopernicus log indicates an out of memory exception as does KSP's log which I don't think is the issue (16GB)


  2. @EatVacuum 

    11 hours ago, EatVacuum said:

    And BTW thank Linuxgurugamer for maintaining this (and so many other) must have mods.

    Don't thank him, pay him :)  


    For a list of his work load look at this




  3. Hmm, I updated KW Rocketry in the game folder I use, not the test one and RCS Build Aid is back!

    One thing I did note is that the default option for toolbar choice seems to be set to Blizzys Tool bar. I would suggest this be set to the Squad toolbar. This would explain why RCS Build Aid did not show up in the previous post, Blizzy's Tool bar was not installed.


  4. Getting the following error from KSP.log

    [ERR 08:39:54.946] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'RCSBuildAid': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
      at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
      at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
      at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

    Additional information about this exception:

     System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'RCSBuildAid.AppLauncher' from assembly 'RCSBuildAid, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.


    [ERR 08:40:03.948] [ModuleManager] Post run call threw an exception in loading RCSBuildAid, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    [EXC 08:40:03.949] ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
        System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes ()
        ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader+<ProcessPatch>d__33.MoveNext ()
        ModuleManager.Logging.ModLogger:Exception(String, Exception)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)


    Win 10.

    KSP 1.4.1

    Module Manager 3.0.5

    No other mods installed ( not a clean install, install was copied to a new directory and other mods deleted).


  5. EVA Transfer V8.0

    Not showing in game?

    Check your KSP Log for the following error

    [LOG 21:40:26.931] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'EVATransfer/EVAFuelLine/EVAFuelLine/EVAfuelLine'
    [ERR 21:40:26.934] PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/fuelLine/model' as model does not exist

    To fix edit the "GameData\EVATransfer\EVAFuelLine\EVAFuelLine.cfg file and change the spelling of "fuelLine" to "FuelLine" (2 occurances, consecutive lines)

            model = Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/FuelLine/model
            texture = model000, Squad/Parts/CompoundParts/FuelLine/model000 


  6. Just want to know if anyone has issues with manouver nodes?

    When I try to get an intercept with Mars from Earth the closest I can get is about 67M km then the approach nodes disappear.

    It may well be something particular to my setup, just trying to eliminate the possibility that I pull out what little hair I have left trying to resolve a known bug.

    Otherwise I will have to uninstall everything then incrementally reinstall (45 mods, a slow process)


    KSP 1.3.1

    RSS 13.0.0

    Kopernicus 1.3.1-3

    Plus heaps of other stuff



  7. I think the real reason for the "Boring Company" is to get first hand experience with tunnels. Think underground bases on Mars. Elon Musk typically doeas something short term to generate income that then feeds into something bigger/long term.

  8. 7 hours ago, Unfawkable said:


     I click finalize build and it appears, but then before I click release, regardless of where I move the fuel slider, the craft won't get any fuel. It stays empty. However the fuel from the storage is spent, it's no longer there.


    If you have "Interstellar Fuel Switch" installed, try uninstalling it. I had the same issue several versions ago (1.1.3) and "IFS" was causing it.


    7 hours ago, Unfawkable said:



  9. I am trying to setup an alternative launch site with KSCSwitcher (ver 0.7) but can not seem to get the config right.

    The location is on the southern slopes of Nevado Cayembe in Ecuador. It's 0.05 south of the equator and around 3900 meters above sea level. The problem is that there should be canyons to the east and west, there is a smallish plateau at that locale with the ground falling away to the east and west. However the site shows KSC in the bottom of a valley with mountains on all sides.


    this is the setup I have so far.


                name = ec_cayembe
                displayName = EC - Cayembe
                description = Located almost exactly on the Equator (0.05s) in Ecuador, Nevado Cayembe has both the advantage of Equatorial launchs and an altitude of nearly 4000 meters. It also has the "advantage" of being an active volcano (last eruption was in 1786). What could possibly go wrong!
                    KEYname = KSC
                    latitude = -0.04
                    longitude = -77.975
                    repositionRadiusOffset = 3898
                    repositionToSphereSurface = false
                    lodvisibleRangeMult = 10
                    reorientFinalAngle = -90
                    radius = 30000
                    heightMapDeformity = 10
                    absoluteOffset = 3898
                    absolute = true
                    latitude = -0.04
                    longitude = -77.975


    So if anyone can tell me where I am going wrong I would mucha appreciate it.

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