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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Nope, 1.0.0 was slippier than a teflon coated slide in a grease factory, the devs should make the default values right, not broken in another way.
  2. Oh I just made a tiny spaceplane on a rocket for those, launch into orbit, deorbit near the area and fly around, it's a lot easier and more fun And my plane has wings low enough to clamber on, no ladder needed.
  3. Nope they could be pretty broad, when UFO: Enemy Unknown first came out it wasn't playable due to a bug, and have you looked at the Support forum? People spot even the tiniest things that aren't even bugs in KSP. At least KSP is working, the default values aren't suiting everyone but that's all they are, defaults that can be changed, that's not even a bug.
  4. I remember waiting each month for a PC gaming magazine, in the hope that the cover disk (3 1/4 floppies, then CD's) would have the patch I needed. Or I'd have to write to the publisher, send them a floppy disk and they'd send me the patch. You tended to be more accepting of bugs back then.
  5. This has been reported several times now, AMD cards are having trouble with these and a few other parts, I don't know how to fix it yet. This may be too low level to fix, or a fault in the driver as the open driver just does not have all the features of the proprietary driver.
  6. What happens if you allow the engine to clear the interstage?
  7. Memory use will climb as you fly around as the terrain is loaded and stored, but it will peak and remain stead (or it would if not for the heat gauge bug), this is normal and that ground data has to go somewhere Though if you are short of RAM, you can reach a point where the terrain tries to allocate space that isn't there, causing a crash.
  8. You will want your saves folder, don't use the 0.90.0 settings.cfg with 1.0 as there can be problems, any addons should be installed new with current versions.
  9. There's no toggle, it didn't make it in but it's on my "bother the devs" list for 1.1, the primary and secondary bindings just let you define two keys as one action, you could setup two joysticks I guess, one for rockets and one for planes.
  10. Maybe firewalling KSP will also solve this, can someone test that please?
  11. Squad used to release the experimental versions to the community, and back when KSP was small with a close knit community of technically minded players who understood the game was in development and would contain bugs, this was perfectly fine. Then KSP gained wider appeal, there were more members, the concept of early access to an unfinished game eluded them. 0.14.0 was released. It was an absolute, unmitigated and complete disaster. The forums were absolutely hammered with endless screaming and abuse, many players expected, demanded, fully working and playable versions from a game in the early days of development. What we've seen the last few days has been nothing in comparison. Squad realized then that public releases of experimental builds were no longer tenable, the testing team was set up and only versions that had passed them would go to public release. 0.15 was playable, so was 0.16 and 0.17 and so on, every update has been playable. If you were given the experimentals, or worse, the QA builds, and saw everything break and all your saves and craft destroyed you'd flip your lid, the testers know they can't expect things to work which is why they are on the team. Thanks to them you can actually play KSP. Public access to experimental builds is never coming back, and with good reason.
  12. Delete your settings.cfg, this issue is caused by the 0.90 file.
  13. Well, the volume is up in the settings.cfg, I assume you can play sounds with other applications so your speakers work and are on, that leaves the sound card software. Can you post your latest KSP.log and output_log (it's in KSPData) please, also if you have other speaker ports please try them while KSP is running. Also please check your sound card software for an Fmod stream while KSP is running, it might be muted.
  14. We didn't get a key to swap bindings in the end, which is more than a little annoying, I'll be asking again for 1.1 The binding is bugged yes, the modes won't stick if you don't also rebind the key or axis, so even if you're using the same key you need to rebind it.
  15. KSP does have trouble with azerty yes, the KSP.x86 should be fine though as it forces posix compatibility (LC_ALL=C), the KSP.x86_64 however does not, so that may be why some settings are lost. Action groups are written to the craft files, and can be affected in the same way. Screen resolution is backed up to the prefs file in "/home/user/.config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/", you can delete this file to force KSP to make a new one with default values.
  16. Hi again Galane, please post the logs from the game, your dxdgaig and settings.cfg
  17. Hi SolidJuho please see the support stickies and post your game logs
  18. We can fudge our own launch clamps as soon as we get any decouplers, by using stack decouplers as feet or using radial decouplers and modular girder segments, we can keep our troublesome craft off the surface. The issue here is known as "sticky launchpad" and is caused by the Unity engine colliders, coding around it only helped to an extent.
  19. Yeah it can happen, you don't have to do that contact though, you can decline it or leave it, and something better may take its place
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