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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. The GOG version seems to already be updated, it's giving me 1.0.2 for Linux.
  2. I just checked, it's working fine on Linux, not sure about windows. It's extremely likely you have log errors, it's somewhat possible that those errors might help solve this.
  3. It fixed segfaults when using more than 3.5gigs of memory, the PAE limit of 32bit operating systems. I usually have firefox open so there's less free memory for KSP, and I use very few addons.
  4. You're crashing due to running out of memory, this may be related to this issue.
  5. I thought NASA verifying it works was enough, it works in a vacuum. How it works will come later.
  6. Looks like it may be a bad install, can you verify the game cache in Steam please.
  7. I think it's just waiting for the next cue to start a new song.
  8. Guys, lets not start bickering please, this thread has been doing so well up to now.
  9. If you're using the proprietary driver for the card, Catalyst should already be installed and in your system settings somewhere. If you're using the open source driver then you're kinda stuck with no anti-aliasing :/
  10. That it generates a force and consumes electrical power is all anyone here knows at this time, exactly how it works is not currently answerable.
  11. I don't know yet (only have 4gigs here and never got hit by that issue) there may be new offsets as the Unity version was updated.
  12. Nope, playing on moderate here, not too hard or even grindy, sure I can't unlock every tech after two flights but progression feels okay
  13. Please delete your settings.cfg Galane, see if that solves this. If it does not, please see the support stickies.
  14. Sorry CanadianDutchman but saves are not backward compatible.
  15. Hi Amedee. The first lot are easy, all wheels require attachment to a rigid body to function, this error really should be suppressed and is completely harmless. The elevon is a little more interesting, that part was remove but the entry to load it was missed, it's also harmless. You can report the errors to the public tracker, see the support stickies for details.
  16. The only thing that's really changed has been the textures, KSP uses .dds instead of .mbm and .tga now. Maybe your graphics drivers are failing to load the textures directly and are trying to convert them from .dds to .dds Can you try a different driver?
  17. Unfortunately not, KSP should be loading faster than before thanks to the .dds textures, KSP doesn't need to convert .mbm or .tga to .dds for use by the graphics hardware. Edit: Guys, you need to disable any unused network adapters, real or virtual, that will solve the loading times issue.
  18. That's actually the fairing for the heat shield and nothing to do with the separator, and as you found the separator will still function normally. This is a new if minor graphical bug, the larger fairings can do this as well. There's no fix as of this time.
  19. Its an old issue, collisions on 3D are never perfect and Squad have addressed this several times now, its one of the reasons we have launch clamps.
  20. Okay that's strange, a few others have mentioned settings related issues that mysteriously disappear, if it reoccurs please upload your game logs and settings.cfg
  21. Hi BinaryBad, you're using an AMD graphics card right?, Unity3D's built-in anti-aliasing is broken and causes this, please disable AA in the game settings and force AA via catalyst instead
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