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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Raw in what way, what are you using? This is strange, most distros use pulseaudio these which KSP/Unity works with without any messing around, it may be that KSP is trying to send the sound to an unplugged device or to headphones, look for "FMOD Ex App" in your sound settings while KSP is running, there is a selector box to the right of it. Alternatively if you start KSP with "padsp ./KSP.x86" it'll make pulseaudio fool KSP into thinking it has direct access to the soundcard. This is an issue with KSP on all platforms, there's a UI scaler in Settings but no built-in text scaling yet. Most distros have built-in unzip support, rightclick a zip and "Extract Here" or open with whatever archive manager is installed, you can always install more from the repositories, 7zip support is very useful, RAR is available and there's plenty more
  2. Hi Scubapink, I believe installing addons on a Mac is the same as with Windows and Linux, if you unzip the addon to the Kerbal Space Program/GameData folder it should find it
  3. Very true, Squad will try and fix their leaks, but engine leaks depend on Unity.
  4. Also don't forget that the state of 0.90.0 isn't indicative of the state of 1.0, memory leaks will be fixed if found, so don't forget to report them on the tracker rather than just writing them off
  5. Hmmm, AML225 what are your graphics settings? Your pics look like the window was expanded from a lower resolution than your screen can handle. As micha noted, the open source driver is better for AMD these days, it should be fairly up to date.
  6. Actually Renegrade and metalmouth7 do make a lot of sense, it's easy to miss memory leaks if that memory is reallocated with a scene change, if there is a leak and you are in one scene long enough it will eventually consume all your RAM. Sarbian has made an in-game memory tool we can use to watch KSP's RAM use and garbage collection that would be very useful for tracking down such leaks, you can find it here. Of course, the less memory you have free the sooner you'll run out, so anything that maximises free RAM will help to avoid a crash, that's probably why most games suggest you run them without other programs in the background Oh this is off-topic but I was on a site the other day where the moderators would just instaban you for disagreeing with them, luckily we don't do that here, thanks for the info metalmouth7, It's true you can learn something new every day
  7. Noooooooo! Rock the Kasper, rock the Kasper!
  8. Yeah, a list of emails that may or may not be active, emails that are known to respond though are probably worth more.
  9. 1091: There is nothing here, no rooms, no walls, it's like someone just hit 'delete' on the entire floor, all that remains are the steps from 1090 to 1092. You can see a bit of the sky and some hills in the distance, and the cold wind ruffles your hair.
  10. Check the staging order on the right hand side of the editor, parts activate lowest first, make sure your decouplers are above your engines by dragging them
  11. This is why, your driver is not there, reinstall it and reboot.
  12. Sometimes, the darkness is what you're showing off
  13. I'm not convinced there's a leak, if it were a memory leak in the stock game the memory used would keep rising until it crashed, and for players with insufficient RAM that can happen (time to upgrade!) and a lot of people are going to say this is exactly what happens but high memory use is not the same as a memory leak. A leak is when memory set aside for something is never freed for use again. The terrain system does use a lot of RAM to store the terrain (and the water) you fly over and the objects on it, this is unloaded as you fly around though and when you leave a planet, as long as you have enough memory it's usually able to handle it. Things get tricky when you have addons however, sorry modders! Fly around with addon parts, you now have extra stuff in RAM with the game (mostly it's the textures of those parts) and the terrain filling the cache, you get to the point where there's no memory left KSP can use and it crashes. So what can you do? You can try reducing the texture size (settings), or convert them to a more compact type (ATM). You can remove parts you aren't using, that could be a problem when you approach craft that are using those parts though. Turning off terrain scatters can help too
  14. Yep, hold down the modifier key (alt or rightshift) while attaching the part
  15. Sorry, not seeing your point Sarbian, I'm pretty sure it's not impossible to have memory leaks with C# even with garbage collection, a programmer can't always rely on the CG
  16. The Unity engine is written C and C++, C# is used to extend Unity with both developer code and addon plugins
  17. So strange, never seen that even when I installed addons, what's in your logs?
  18. You can find the missing fonts here, as for your keyboard I'd check to see if you have a built-in numpad
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