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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. This trick isn't 100%, but it can help.... Use landing legs (LT-1's) to brace your craft, they can push against parts of your rocket and against each other, and of course they fold away when not in use
  2. I'm looking for the Mun circumnavigation, but until then you could check out Brotoro's circumnavigation of Duna
  3. Someone did the Mun in a sort of far Lands Or Bust style, and did a tour of old landers and bases from earlier flights, it was interesting to read as he approached each landmark Wooks, you really outdid yourself with this though, circumnavigating Kerbin is definitely no small achievement
  4. What does the scouter say? The user below me has fewer posts
  5. Semantics, rather pointless things to argue over I'm sure you'll all agree
  6. You may be out of luck Cannon, KSP's minimum resolution is 1024x768, you can try forcing 640x480 in the settings.cfg but you should expect oddness such as buttons being off-screen.
  7. Hmm, most of those go to the missing image page :/ Have you got the original url's Majorjim?
  8. Hi Grossbeer, I don't think there's really an addon that does what you want, as any fuel producing addon is only limited by time and we have timewarp. It is as you say, fuel for free... There's another option though, that is more time consuming in a real sense, and limited enough to keep the challenge, it also requires no addons. Fuel can only be refined on Kerbin, so all fuel you use has to come from home, this means fuel barges sent ahead of time on low energy orbits, bi-elliptical transfer is good for this. Rendezvous, refuel, your supplies can be left in orbit but are of course limited to what you've sent, you can combine this with kethane or karbonite for even more difficulty though by shipping kethane/karbonate back to Kerbin for processing (imaging the refineries are too heavy/require too much maintenance to be sent into space). Fuel caches will let you extend your missions, but need a real input of effort to achieve
  9. What happened to the link? Also MajorJim, you need to use imgur tags, like this without the spaces: [ imgur ] imgurGalleryCode [ /imgur ] Also, use the imgur gallery code, it's the last few characters without the image number, so just Tk4u3 for example
  10. Welcome to the community gazzareth Good luck with the SSTO's, they can be tricky but thankfully there's a lot of people here who will be glad to give you some advice if you need it. Have fun and fly safe
  11. Guys, Squad tried to provide an addon (yes I'll keep pushing this term for mods) repository but found it was too much effort to maintain themselves, they went for a 3rd party (we know who) because they want somewhere for addons and for modders. It's still early days for Curse, the client will eventually support KSP and with any luck it'll be made cross-platform, but there's nothing nowhere that says modders have to use Curse. If you want to put your stuff on dropbox, good on you, it's a fine service, if you want to put your stuff on Kerbalstuff, great, it's new but really nice. The point is that your excellent mo...er I mean addons are somewhere and players can get them, enjoy them, and enjoy KSP even more thanks to modders efforts. Sure, Curse (or more accurately, Curseforge) is the "official" place for addons, this is Squad saying "Lets have some support for these guys who mod our game, and not leave them with nothing" Add to this the affiliate program, maybe someone has heard of such and such an addon, and ends up buying KSP so they can install it, and does it through your affiliate link, it's a nice way to say "thank you"
  12. KSP is the worst Game Ever because it takes time from playing other games
  13. Hi styckx, are people not getting segfaults at all now? The fix may still be valid for other reasons but I'll put a note there about your findings
  14. Hmmm, maybe something like this? Rather than just maxing the tech tree, can you strip the Kerbol system of science in as few launches as possible?
  15. Build numbers are not usually added to the menu screen, it's just easier to use the buildID.txt for them As long as your buildID.txt says 24.2.559 you're fine, no need to file a bug report
  16. Members used to be able to delete their own posts but that functionality was lost with forum updates :/ So yeah, if you want your post or thread closed or deleted, let the moderation team know Also, it's just a notice, we use those so there's a record.
  17. Mass is taken into account when making torque calculations, so the heavier part actually has more oomph
  18. Hmmm, Mun, modded craft, texture seam, arch.... Nope, can't see the Easter egg at all :/ Edit: Oh do you mean the smiley made with craters?
  19. Okay K^2, PM me when you are ready and I'll stick the new thread, it's probably a good idea to link to this one so people can see how this started
  20. It's cool to see this develop, any new pics for us Nova?
  21. I'd settle for more exposure, and maybe sticking this thread for August will help do it
  22. This is impressive, must have taken you some time to get this right katateochi, stickied for August
  23. This looks like a lot of fun and I hope to see more entrants so I've stickied this for August goduranus
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