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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Puddin, can you please show me where KSP is still currently called an alpha by Squad, apart from old stuff from before the forum wipe and news articles where all unfinished games are called alpha by definition, I can't find anything.
  2. There is no solid timeline, that's the tall and short of it, it's done when it's done and it would do no one here any good to have KSP rushed. As for the investment, KSP is playable right now, even more so with addons (and there are so many!), for a vast majority of players KSP has more than proved its value, and as every update is free once you have bought it, it just gets better each time
  3. Well, the term they use now is "feature complete" rather than alpha, alpha is a term still used by game journalists when describing KSP, and indeed many other "indie" games
  4. Things take time Puddin, it's a long process, I really don't know what else can be said, the game just isn't finished yet. It's in development, we all have to put up with that until Squad release 1.0
  5. Hmmm, though really, KSP is not alpha any more, Squad are no longer following the traditional alpha/beta/gold release paradigm. What Squad currently do is a mini alpha, beta then gold routine for each update they release, alpha could be considered the QA phase, this is closest to the developers work, there can be nightly builds and new features and content is chopped and changed, some builds will be nearly complete, others only contain UI updates for example. Then comes beta, when the Test team rips into the build, there are fewer builds during this time and a lot more feedback rather than just addressing bugs. Finally the gold release is the update we get to play with, then the process starts again with the next update, this method means Squad can output a playable if incomplete game instead of a buggy mess. Development is continuing and Squad are determined to see this game to completion, and yes, things will be fixed, given time
  6. Hi Jack, it's good to see another new(ish) fan of KSP join the forums, you'll find a lot of players here who can give you ideas and encouragement
  7. I quite like this idea, there could be an in-engine cut scene showing your craft rolling out, it'd give KSP more of a chance to load stuff, though it doesn't take long to load the scene anymore.
  8. Does cleverbot even deserve the name anymore?
  9. If I remember correctly he saw flashes and motes, possibly due to cosmic rays hitting his retinas
  10. If decent content is posted insteat of "+1!" then it's not so bad, it's a guideline rather than a rule. Also, I do get bored of the current version of KSP from time to time, and I go back to 0.13.3 to land on the old Mun again
  11. Sorry I misunderstood KerbaFett, I though you wanted something like this, this was using blender and the separate tool on the two side sections, and the alt+f fill tool on the edges to fill them. Scale and Rotate were used as well, though from what blizzy posted I see you'd not need to rotate the basic sphere mesh.
  12. It should be in the folder, but you may require the %command%_64 launch option to start it via Steam unless Steam autodetects your architecture.
  13. I'm pretty sure this counts as an airlock in space, might not be the first though
  14. Those programs should be able to do this, but I think where you are having problems is with the polygon seam. Here's what I'd try, make a regular sphere and instead of scaling it vertically, scale it on the X axis so it's narrow, like a saucer on its side. Then, rotate it 90 degrees so it's flat. You should now have a saucer with the polygon edges running vertically from front to back, select the ones you want and separate the edges, giving you three parts with nice flat cuts Oh and the empty areas can be filled easily enough, not sure on how you mean by cutting it though.
  15. Bug submitted to the official tracker, please update this with any additional information you think may help, as always your output_log.txt and KSP.log files will be most useful. Also if In-house streaming has any event logs those should be submitted as well
  16. sal_vager

    Good AV?

    I'm hesitant to recommend Avast!, while it does seem very effective the software is very annoying and high profile, it tries very hard to ensure you pay attention to it even when trying to uninstall it, it's very clingy.
  17. Can you test with ALCOR removed? Most diagnosis is just elimination after all
  18. 502's occur due to a server between yourself and the KSP forums not responding, there's nothing we can do about it, sorry.
  19. Actually they disregarded three legs due to having no redundancy, and five legs was safest should one of them fail, the remaining four could still support the lander. The decision to go with four legs was a compromise, five legs was too heavy.
  20. It's not so much a prohibition as exasperation, "oh gods not this subject again!" If the thread stays civil and does not devolve into the usual grumbling for resources then it's fine
  21. This is gameplay questions, not development suggestions, so the point of this thread is how to deal with the offset ladder
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