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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Well, I build my craft to be stable at that angle, though it may take some up trim.
  2. I prefer a 45 degree angle when re-entering with a spaceplane.
  3. I played it on my cpc464, and Castle Master is next on my list as well as Captain Blood, Mercenary, Prince of Persia and Guild of Thieves. I don't know if any of the old versions are legal, they are abandonware which is a grey area, but here's a freeware remake of Driller for the PC. Edit: Added bonus! GPLv3 Spindizzy remake More freeware remakes by Ovine including Total Eclipse
  4. Actually, there's a few things KSP still needs. Rewired. Working wheel code, Vehicle Physics Pro is not suitable and I see nothing else available, here's a chance for a modder to get their work into KSP. And for @NovaSilisko to finish his story. The above words are mine and is not endorsed by Squad.
  5. Yes, sort of, if you set the wheel brakes to a numbered action group it will toggle the brakes on and off. The Abort group also works.
  6. Glad you found a workaround MrBonk, I can't reproduce the joystick issue on Linux though, maybe because of different drivers. KSP relies on the list Unity makes when detecting controllers at startup, so adding controllers after this messes up which controller the bindings are assigned to, so please make sure all controllers you want to use are plugged in before KSP is started.
  7. Welcome aboard I can fix your name, what is the correct spelling?
  8. Moving to addon discussion, you'll need to identify which mod added that option and check its thread.
  9. Left alt can't be used on Linux because the supported distro (Ubuntu) uses it as a special key, it allows you to grab and move an applications window without using the header bar for example. Right alt is a bit strange, it's really AltGr on many keyboards and Unity seems unable to detect it.
  10. https://twitter.com/KerbalSpaceP/status/844262697244020737 Sudden maintenance! And an updated IPS version
  11. Moved to addons Have you seen this? You might like it.
  12. Facepalm! I moved it and forgot, I thought this was a tech issue, moving...
  13. By the way you get less air if intakes are sideways or backwards to the airflow, but for rockets I have no idea. Maybe plasma occlusion blocking control? It's an advanced difficulty option.
  14. You know this is the unmodded support section right? Have you considered that one of your mods might be causing this? It may go away in a clean install.
  15. We really need stock issues, even having mods installed can affect the game.
  16. Hi Alpha, if you post the URL to an image the forum will embed it for you, for example this totally random image... Is just this url pasted here, http://img10.deviantart.net/28b5/i/2015/112/b/4/minmus_treat_by_y0rshee-d8qp0rx.png If you want to post any of your own images I recommend you upload them to Imgur first, then view the image to get the full url. Hope this helps.
  17. I'd love to, but I'm just a moderator there
  18. Actually it's built into the CPU, I have one like it, an AMD A8-7650K APU with built in R7 GPU. I'm actually running Linux Mint, so I'm using the open source driver, but KSP 1.2.2 runs well, not fast with big vessels but it's certainly playable. On Windows with the proprietary driver you should be fine.
  19. Unfortunately this is a feature, I don't like it either but that's how it is. I'll ask to get it revoked (again).
  20. Well it should not do this, but it'd really help if you could post an issue here and attach your logs and save, the devs could use that to find what's going on.
  21. Can you post bugs to the tracker please, that's where devs will see them and work on them, thanks
  22. I guess, though I find my left hand on wasd, and my right hand on the mouse or joystick, comfortably away from the button that can wreck my flight if I hit it by mistake, which is also comfortably large and easy to jab when I do actually need it. So there's some logic to it.
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