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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. @bioman3, can you install a 64bit version of Windows on your PC, or is your PC also 32bit? I ask this because older 32bit Windows operating systems are limited to about 2gb for user applications (3gb with 4-gigabyte tuning (4GT)). 32bit KSP on Windows 64bit will have a little more memory accessible to it. It is possible to bring KSP's memory use down by running it with the lowest texture setting of 1/8th resolution, it's also possible to reduce it further but this requires deleting texture files.
  2. That looks like the Unity stencilling is failing with that driver, stencils or masks control what can be seen on a layer. It might disappear with 1.2 as Squad are keeping current with Unity upgrades.
  3. You're running out of memory, the operating system will use some, as will any other open programs such as your browser. KSP_x64 won't help a lot here as you don't have a lot of memory, if you are still using mods I suggest you remove some more, and check that you are using KSP version 1.1.3
  4. Hi @Xenro66, are you in Steam big picture mode? The pad will default to basic controls when not using big picture.
  5. Perhaps it does not have broader attention because it is not affecting everyone with an XBox One controller? I managed to test this in Windows 7, after installing the Microsoft XBox controller driver and calibrating the controller in Windows I was able to bind all axis and buttons, as well as the D-pad to the camera movement controls. Maybe someone else who is using Windows 10 and an XBox controller will be able to help as I don't see a reason why it isn't working for you, unless there really is a bug between Unity3D and Windows 10.
  6. Have you tried without LD_LIBRARY_PATH= ? I usually just click the .x86 or .x86_64 directly, or cd to the folder and run KSP with no arguments.
  7. Hello again @T0ffel0k, this is weird and I'd expect this issue to be more widespread if the controller did not work for everyone, I cannot test this on Windows 10 as I use Linux, but for me the Xbox One controller is working in KSP, I first calibrated it in the operating system then bound the left and right sticks and the A button to staging. The pad is plugged into USB, that might be a factor here, and Linux uses a different driver to Windows. I can try this on Windows 7 later, but it looks like this is an issue with Unity3D and Windows 10, as there are reports on the Unity3D forums of issues.
  8. Nope 1.1.3 is correct, and your BuildID.txt should say this. Glad you now have windows, and scratching my head as to why redownloading the whole game didn't work
  9. With your Mk1-2 I have windows and interior textures, but then, I remembered that's not where the interior is stored :/ Here, try this in your /GameData/Squad/Spaces folder, replacing the existing PodCockpit folder.
  10. Okay @Kerbal Kommander, please zip the Mk1-2 folder and put it on dropbox for me, I will load it on my machine.
  11. You might like this as well...
  12. Did you know you're starting KSP with -force-opengl ? That's not 100% reliable on Windows, it'll be in your Steam launch options for KSP and is best avoided. Also if I'm reading the dxdiag right your driver is from 2015, there's a newer driver for your card and OS here. Maybe updating the driver and removing -force-opengl will solve this.
  13. Okay this is really strange, it should be working fine. Please post the latest KSP.log and output_log.txt files and your dxdiag hardware report, dropbox.com works well for this. Also, please check your Kerbal folder for any left over mods in the GameData folder, as they were not installed by Steam they would not be removed.
  14. Hi @T0ffel0k, the pad should be working but may require calibrating in your operating system before starting KSP. The buttons will only work on the key bindings though, which are on the left side of the Settings screen, on the input page. The sticks, analogue triggers and D-pad (which acts like a joysticks hat switch) can be bound to the axis, on the right hand side of the screen. Hope this helps!
  15. You mention dragging the window @evilwombat, do you do this when KSP starts or do you leave KSP alone? I say this because this is what I see when I drag the window, though it does not crash and doesn't happen when I leave the window alone. Unity3D starts first, sets the screen resolution to the contents of the prefs file, then Unity3D starts KSP, the very first thing KSP does is show the monkey head screen, there's nothing before that point that is Squads. Even the KSP.exe/KSP.x86 is just a generic Unity3D binary file, and is interchangeable with the binary from any other Unity game. If that is what you see then I do see this, I thought it was something else.
  16. Remember, only versions 0.13.3 and older, and the 0.18.3 and 1.0.0 demos are free to redistribute, all the others are for the personal use of players who have bought a copy of KSP.
  17. And the patcher is still using the same repo as the store copy, so it's not the repo What you describe with resolutions @evilwombat does not occur for me, so I can't test any of the workarounds, the one that I think you need is OOM killer, by @Psycho_zs This seems to be a bug between Unity3D and the Gnome and Unity desktop environments, it doesn't occur on xfce or lxde. As before though, make sure you delete the prefs file, that should force Unity to make one with the KSP resolution settings. There's no way to disable prefs unfortunately, it's created by Unity3D for all Unity3D games on Linux and OSX, its windows equivalent is the windows registry key for each field. Also don't swear on the forums.
  18. Yes that's the line, but it's already false. There used to be an option to use shader model 2 for parts, but it was removed, if you upgraded an earlier install to 1.1.3 then it may be that the line is still in your settings file. If you rename the file KSP will make a new one when you next start the game, resetting everything to its defaults. It's worth a try.
  19. Well, the moderation team is being accused of applying rules unfairly, but those rules have changed in 3 years. That's a trifle unfair.
  20. Kiwi, that was posted in 2013, the rules back then were worded differently to how they are worded now, the rules did used to ban all conspiracies regardless of validity, now rule 2.2 forbids 'Accusatory comments that lack merit, offer no proof of concept or are of a potentially slanderous nature;' You're comparing apples to oranges here, and making the false claim that you were unfairly treated, when under the rules in 2013 your post was forbidden. So it's not the thread starter, it's the content, and the rules that govern that content have changed over time. It was against the rules, now it's not against the rules to make joke conspiracy threads. You are not owed an apology, quite the reverse actually.
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