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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hey now people, it's wrong to assume that console users have difficulty understanding their machines, many console players also use a PC.
  2. Unity 5 actually, and I guess it'll come in later Unity versions. Re-entry effects could use an overhaul, it's a Unity hair shader and it's pretty slow. There is a map shortcut, hold LB and tap RB. Lights are slow too, so there's a limit on the number that can render at one time.
  3. There are no limits to craft in flight, it's just a 300 part limit in the VAB or SPH. Though you'll reach the limits of the hardware... Seems the Xbox doesn't support Unity's anti-aliasing yet, but the PS4 does.
  4. Sorry guys but I have to close this, It's completely unfair to marginalize other gamers because of the hardware they use. As for KSP on console, it's unfortunate that the initial release is in the current state, and anyone spending $40 on a game will understandably be upset if that game has issues. It's not new for games, even console games, to have some bugs at release, but thankfully in these modern times it's much easier for developers to address these issues, instead of leaving their fans with an immutable cartridge or DVD. And Squad is working with Flying Tiger on these issues, and just as with the PC release, the consoles will see updates over time. All I can ask is that you're a little patient, and that you don't look down on others for how they choose to play their games, as it doesn't affect you playing yours.
  5. Hello Kerbals! Here's Augusts TOTM, and this month I used a calendar Picking the victims this time around are... @Dman979! @Red Iron Crown! @Maverick_aus! @Snark! and... @Deddly! I don't usually pin threads in KSP Discussion, but Pecan's is too good to pass up. This is an old one but worth checking out, a mission report from a Kerbals perspective... In the Spacecraft Exchange we see Jon144's awesome Kinchook, er Chinook helicopter! Uninstall KJR before flight though Seanth makes his TOTM début with an unusual boat efficiency challenge. And The Raging Sandwich reminds us of the past with This Day in Spaceflight History. Another newcomer to the TOTM with a recent thread that caught my eye is NSEP telling us how the forum changed the way he plays KSP, his post reminds me of how the forum was and is a big part of the Kerbal experience for myself, our community is easily half of the game if not more to me. And happy birthday NSEP! That's all for now, see you in space! See Julys TOTM here!
  6. You're welcome The next TOTM is still open to submissions, so if there's a thread you like let me know.
  7. Nope! Missed the call, nooooooo! Maybe @Val will be next?
  8. Well, I won't say you're wrong but it's immaterial for the purposes of the test here, and it's a thread from 2014, so I'm closing it.
  9. Well, as 64bit only really makes more memory available and has little to no effect on performance, nah. Where the devs can make the most improvements is with CPU usage, just filling your RAM and hammering your page file is a hardware problem
  10. I've not run into this specific issue as far as I remember, if prefs is correct or absent it should be working. What resolutions are you getting though?
  11. Yeah the patcher still doesn't work properly, sorry :/
  12. I don't know actually, I don't think I've seen this one before, have you tried other resolutions? If you post a link to your output_log.txt and dxdiag we could take a look.
  13. I'm sorry this had to be closed @swjr-swis, to be honest I'm not sure of the best way to help console players myself. But I do know that we should offer what help we can while remaining true to the good conduct guide, new players who are joining us from consoles deserve to be treated properly, just like anyone else.
  14. It seems to be, do xboxes let us back up saves in any way? I've not found an option for it.
  15. I'm sure I've seen this with my own craft actually, especially when undocking a rover when the parents brakes were on.
  16. Okay some modded craft were still present but didn't load (of course) and the first rover worked fine. The 2nd rover wouldn't move! I poked a bit, finally I cycled the brakes on then off again, and then it moved, it even works after F5/F9. So it looks like the brake light on the UI was misreporting the state, put it down to a sticky handbrake.
  17. Erm, they are supposed to be drawn on top of the pic, not under it, so they shouldn't be obscured.
  18. It would probably be best if you fully described your issue, and included your game logs and mod list so that @01010101lzy had more information to work with. Some courtesy would also be nice, don't forget your please and thank you
  19. Erm actually that may not help, as it is about x.org crashing, not resolutions, sorry. What resolutions are you trying @azander?
  20. What desktop are you using? Some like Gnome are freaking out with KSP, and there's a workaround using OOM killer.
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