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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Well if you're having any trouble with playing KSP there's a rather good Gameplay questions and tutorials section, where other members will be glad to help you out
  2. This is rather an old thread @kendfrey, over 3 years old, it'd be better to start a new thread. Also, official KSP merchandise is available
  3. Guys, until this is fixed can you F5/F9 after jettisoning fairings and before you dock please, it's the same workaround as for the EVA Kerbal with fairings issue.
  4. VTOL's can work quite well actually, if you take advantage of the thrust reversers you can keep your CoM below the craft
  5. Hi @nobled, can you locate the player/log file, it should be in .config/unity3d/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/ It should show the graphics card and driver that Unity detected, this is what mine looks like. Also if it doesn't get past this line then it's Unity crashing before KSP loads. This usually occurs when Unity cannot start the graphics engine, and can be worked around by using the -force-glcore command line argument to force Unity to redetect your OpenGL version.
  6. Hi @Farmerbubba, please take a look at this thread, we'll need more info. Thank you.
  7. The latest release is 1.1.3 so I suggest you update
  8. I really thought this had been fixed, it's a shame to find it hasn't, I wasn't saving/loading during the last stages of docking (why do people do this anyway?) so I guess that's why I've failed to trigger it. @Rune, have you tried the docking fix in 1.1.3?
  9. Forgot one, inigma's ASC thread was suggested a few months ago but wasn't used.
  10. Heya Kerbs, it's that time of the month again where I flood the forum with stickies showcase your threads, after all it's you girls and guys who make this forum what it is Joining me this month in choosing top threads from around the forums are... @Mrsupersonic8, @Speeding Mullet, @UnusualAttitude, @Draconiator, And @Spaceception! First up we're in the Spacecraft Exchange, but not with a ship, instead we have @Columbia's much needed guide to posting craft on the KSP forums! In Challenges we have @icedown and his Heavy SSTO efficiency challenge, bro do you even lift? @inigma joins icedown in Challenges this month with his air superiority challenge! (submitted before but missed out) and comes with an intro video by Draconiator! I have two entries from Fanworks this month, first @Pine amazes us with his artistic skills, redrawing screenshots in a bright, colourful and I'd say Kerbally way. Followed by a Perfect Tomorrow, by @Creature! And a brace of Elcano threads (that means a pair or two, not a couple ) from Mission Reports, starting with @Maverick_aus on Kerbin... And @HoloYolo a little further away on the furthest planet, Eeloo! Daring to enter DYJ's dominion we find @NecroBones with a pachyderm propellant plume propulsion platform plugin! And doubling up one more time this month, here's two Science threads I could not choose between, so check out @FreeThinker's thread on Mun, er I mean Moon. And @ProtoJeb21's thread on searching for exomoons! And finally we have @flyboy67109, asking us what hobbies we have besides KSP That's all for this TOTM, see you next month! Last months TOTM, you'll never be forgotten Felipe.
  11. It sounds more like a station or base to me, and you can set these when you change its name from the tracking station.
  12. Hi @THobson, can you take a look here please, we'll need more info from you and your save file, thanks.
  13. Well you need an account, after that you click 'new issue' on this page, you can copy your post in, and images/files can be attached. I can confirm the issue and the devs can work on it, hopefully for 1.2
  14. Thank you @bungee-, I'll give this a go, I was just docking craft in a line (craft with and without their original root) Edit: Still unable to reproduce this, and your save folder shows me the bug hit before you docked/moved the second vessel, all of the backup saves have the same issue. Can you remember the steps you took when deploying this station and docking the first vessel?
  15. It looks like wheels aren't occluded from drag, as you say, possibly due to the layer they are on. If you could post this (sans mods) to the tracker that would help Rune. Thank you.
  16. I tried that, no success. I'm also trying to cause this bug, with no success, as it really helps the devs to know the steps that caused an issue to occur, as having an affected save only shows the result, not the cause. If you could try your vessel again and see if this occurs every time or randomly that would help.
  17. Sorry to tell you guys but both those are taken.
  18. While texture replacer is unlikely to be a cause it can still be a cause, as loading any mods can change how KSP runs, so it cannot be ruled out until this is reproduced in a stock install and a stock save. What we need. In addition, steps to cause this issue that the developers can follow, it is extremely difficult to fix an issue if it cannot be reproduced. So if anyone can find a way to trigger this in stock please let me know. Thank you.
  19. Can anyone reproduce this with a save that's never been modded? @Zwieg88 your save is throwing errors. @luizopiloto so is yours. TRScenario shows up in both on reverting to the KSC.
  20. Try quicksaving then quickloading, it will be quicker than returning to the vessel from the tracking station.
  21. You can get around this issue with the rotate tool in absolute mode, press F in the editor when a part is selected with the rotate tool. The devs are aware of this issue but it is not fixable at this time.
  22. @KSP Rules, if you can get the stop code you can look it up here. Searching for those BCP numbers in your error doesn't turn up much, but there's a few threads on the nvidia forums with a similar error so this may be your graphics card/driver.
  23. Looks like a rendering issue to me, rather than temperature. You could try starting KSP with -force-glcore and/or -force-gfx-direct, they seem to be the LC_ALL=C of KSP on Unity5.
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