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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. I think I should start a new one, but finding the time you know? Go ahead, I'll add you to the leaderboard
  2. Work was done to the other easter eggs as well, so you might want to revisit them too. And we already know the magic boulder is back, albeit in a new form.
  3. No it's been there since they were added, they were made bigger because the devs wanted to do so.
  4. Arguing posts had to be removed, sorry guys. All the easter eggs got some love, and it was decided that the monoliths were not grand enough, so they were enlarged. I'm afraid that assumptions that this was due to consoles is sadly misplaced
  5. He doesn't need to provide one, and I'll thank you for not arguing The reviewer can easily have approached KSP without preconceptions, as is expected of a professional reviewer he judges it on its own merits instead of slamming it based on comparisons to other games, or indeed to the same game on PC. KSP is still fun on console as a lot of console players could tell you if they weren't too busy having fun and didn't feel the need to get involved with complaining online. Yes KSP could be better, it can always be better as it will never and cannot be perfect for all players, but that's true of any game. So yes, the review can be taken as a review of KSP, and the reviewer had fun, as they make clear in the article.
  6. Also the review does say it's the PS4 version, and the reviewer would hardly be able to comment on performance if they were really playing it on PC. Thing is, not every player feels they have to conquer the planets to have fun in KSP, they can have just as much of a blast crashing on Kerbin, just as the reviewer says "is the most fun I've ever had failing."
  7. Yeah sorry it's not very clear, I wish KSP could show your fuel flow overlayed on your craft.
  8. Stage priority doesn't use your stage list so modifying your staging won't affect it. Instead it checks to see which monoprop or xenon tanks are furthest from the root based on the 'stages' it is physically broken up into by decouplers. So mono tanks that are N away drain first, then N -1, etc
  9. Welcome to the forums AxsFin, if you're having trouble with the cursor try holding a shoulder button, it'll slow the cursor movement, making it a bit easier to handle
  10. Pinned! Peasants is a little harsh though, we're just jealous that they can sit on the couch more easily than PC players can, and they have better social lives :'(
  11. Thank you @Liquid, I would like to pin this thread if you don't mind.
  12. Can you try just quicksaving and quickloading, rather than restarting the game, as sometimes the orbit solver has trouble resolving points on your orbit but reloading the scene resets the solver. This is also the case on PC.
  13. Re-entry should be exactly the same between console and PC versions.
  14. Unfortunately not, but it may become available in the future.
  15. You can rename any craft in the tracking station by opening its Knowledge base tab on the right edge, and clicking its name, this will let you set the type. The type can also be set via the pod or probe action menu. KSP on consoles will treat and vessel tagged as a rover as a rover Hope this helps!
  16. H @Ryoisawesome, welcome to the forums KSP on consoles uses a 16:9 aspect ratio, and you can set your Hitachi to automatically adjust to the aspect of the input signal, whether that is from your XBox or another device. The video settings on the on-screen display of your TV will let you set auto mode, see here for details. Hope this helps!
  17. Not a worry, but the log is important as this has only been reported a handful of times, the exact cause is not known, one player reinstalled Windows to resolve it. The white screen suggests that the Unity engine isn't able to start properly, at a guess I'd say it's graphics but that's just a guess without logs.
  18. This only works for me if I lived on a boat on Kerbin...
  19. You can get around this in windowed mode as well by forcing the Unity game engine to redetect your version of OpenGL. Start the game via terminal or script with ./KSP.x86_64 -force-glcore
  20. Hi Bemosco, the game will make an output_log.txt file in the KSP_Data folder, right click KSP in Steam and browse the local files to find it. It should help us determine what's going on. Also, please see this thread.
  21. Yes, we know, we're expecting it to be addressable in updated versions of Unity
  22. There is no official modding support at this time for either console, sorry.
  23. The XBox version is still on course for release, please exercise a little patience and decorum on our forums, and check out the rules As this thread has been answered I think it's time to close it.
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