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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Did anything interesting appear in the logs, null references for example?
  2. Sorry but if you're experiencing a technical issue please ask for support in the support section rather than in KSP discussion. Moving!
  3. That's not something I can answer, but the developers do listen and they take note of requests like yours, though you have to be aware that the console versions were ported by another company and not by Squad, so changes to the console versions are not as simple as churning out a new build on the Jenkins server and deploying it to the Squad store, Steam and GoG. But I will make sure the people who can address this are made aware.
  4. An off topic post was removed. Unfortunately changing the mapping is not currently supported.
  5. Yeah there's a lot in the console on-screen menu, it's pretty cool, lets you use the action groups, sas and rcs. Also you can push in the left stick for cursor mode and activate IVA from the Kerbal portraits, right stick in should cycle camera and exit IVA.
  6. @Squelch could take a look, it looks neat and tidy though, thanks for doing this.
  7. @Taipan can you put it on dropbox? Ideally it needs to be on the wiki if anyone's willing.
  8. A bug tracker label is coming, for now please put the console type in the title This is a known issue that is solved on PC, and will be fixed on console as soon as possible.
  9. Hi Taipan, have you checked out the ? icon in the console versions app launcher? It will show you controls for your version, and is context sensitive so won't show EVA controls while you're in docking mode for example. Afaik there's no document outside KSP yet, but keep an eye on the Wiki
  10. Nice work @Gotbread, don't forget to add that this is under the CC-NC-SA license and give attribution to @TheJangleMan
  11. I remember seeing what you describe during pre-release, a player had set the friction to zero and the gear was like ice skates, heavy planes would just rotate on the spot. Have you tried increasing the friction?
  12. Were they white when you staged them? If yes then they should have survived, though it's possible your Physics.cfg is bad and needs replacing, try renaming it, KSP will make a new one. If you're starting KSP via a shortcut or ckan make sure the target directory is the KSP folder, or put ckan inside the KSP folder. Also try starting the KSP.exe directly.
  13. Sorry no not really, plugins are disabled and new parts cannot be added, the most you might be able to do is replace an existing part with another.
  14. Parachutes can be activated but not deployed, as long as they are not activated that won't be damaged unless the part itself is destroyed. But your mods could have changed this, if you have not activated your chutes then try looking through your mods for any that change parachute behaviour, and adjusting their settings or removing them.
  15. Hi @Kyky617, is your ships folder still there? If it is make sure it still contains the vab and sph folders, as if any of these are missing KSP won't load the save. If they are fine then the issue is likely with your persistent.sfs, you can back it up (rename it) then use the last backup save from the backups folder in your save folder, or your quicksave if it's more recent. You'll need to copy the quicksave or the backup save and rename the copy to persistent.sfs, and it will load, though you will have lost a few minutes of play you will at least have recovered your game. This may seem a bit convoluted, as the backup saves was a debugging feature left in for everyone's benefit, as it can be a windfall in these situations. Hope this helps.
  16. Hi @WasterOne, a lot of members had their passwords mangled when the forum software updated including me, I was able to reset mine but if you're unable send me a PM and I can try to sort it out.
  17. Hi @davidpsummers, I see the first decoupler on your stack is a TR-38-D, as you are crashing I guess you run OSX. If that's the case then this is from the known issues list. If this doesn't help you then we will need your full logs and system information, as per the support sticky here.
  18. Also you should have a backups folder, so you should lose too much progress if your persistence.sfs is corrupted.
  19. Shoulda closed it... I won't lie, I snerked, but this thread really isn't suitable for these forums, sorry guys
  20. It's clearly what it is, don't you agree @Red Iron Crown?
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