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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Hi @Pine / @SaplingPick, your account was last online before the forum upgrade so it's likely your password became corrupted, PM me and I can help fix it.
  2. Squad, like other developers who use the Unity engine, will file issue reports on the Unity tracker, but if you take a look you'll see plenty of threads on many issues on the Unity forums, from developers and end users, someone might have already opened a thread on a supposed memory leak and had help from other members. Case in point, unused network adapters are known to cause slow loading. But to go any further with @Papa Smurf's issue we'll need to know more about the nature of this memory leak, as currently we do not know the OS, the system specs, we do not have the logs, or any reproduction steps. All we have is an angry post, this does not help Squad find and fix an issue if it exists, and certainly doesn't help other players who might be experiencing a similar issue. So I suggest people take a look at this thread before continuing. Thank you.
  3. Hi @Papa Smurf, if you have any actual evidence of a memory leak please share it, so it can be dealt with. Bare in mind however that Squad has no control over memory leaks in Unity Technologies Unity3D game engine, and if any such leak exists in the engine this information should be made known on the Unity3D forums.
  4. Hi @jcam_84, can you give us more information on your system please, we need the output_log.txt from Windows, it's in KSP_Data, or the Player.log from OSX or Linux, do a file search for that one. We also need the KSP.log and your hardware info, on Windows you can use dxdiag to get a hardware report. These files can be uploaded to a free dropbox account and shared here.
  5. Hi @_Astra_ KSP 1.1.2 should and does respond to mouse clicks so we need to find out what's causing this for you, can you also provide the output_log.txt and your dxdiag hardware report, thank you.
  6. Hi @capsulecorplab, many graphical issues on the Linux version of KSP can be worked around by using Unity engine command line arguments. Try starting KSP with -force-glcore
  7. Do you also have module manager? You might have a bad module manager tech tree file. These old parts shouldn't even be in the game, and can only appear if 1.0.4 or earlier was updated by unzipping later versions of KSP into the same folder. There's a few duplicates in your save, but this should not occur with a new career unless a mod is causing it.
  8. Well there isn't really a discreet patch, Steam will update incrementally, as should the Squad patcher for store customers. GOG sometimes provides their own patches for games, but usually only until they have finished repackaging the full game in their own installer. If you copy your Linux KSP install to the Mac (using your external drive) you could use its folder as the install target, and Steam should only download files that have changed. So instead of ../ksp_linux you'd use /home/username/path/to/your/linux/ksp/install
  9. Did you know you can download games for other platforms using SteamCMD? It's a command line program so takes a little more work than the Steam client, and while mostly used for game servers you can get the Linux version of KSP this way. The command should be something like this (might vary). ./steamcmd.sh +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType linux +login <username> <password> +force_install_dir ../ksp_linux +app_update 220200 validate +quit Hope this helps!
  10. Hi @DragonHalo99, I am sorry to say that KSP 1.1+ is less stable than 1.0.5 Have you overclocked your PC yourself? This can reduce stability with KSP (a factory OC gfx card should be fine though). Unfortunately your log is not very informative, I see this. Which doesn't make sense, are you using a custom cursor? And this. But his happened early, do you see a texture on the big fuel cell in a sandbox game? Also, can you please provide your dxdiag hardware report, thank you.
  11. On OSX the MODifier key is Option. KSP key bindings. The Fn key may be required on some compact keyboards such as those found on laptops, where the Function keys are often combined with other keys to save space. Fn itself is not rebindable as it is invisible to programs (it has no scancode of its own). On Lenovo laptops it is possible to swap the Fn and Control keys in the bios, but this is the only means to change the Fn key. Without knowing which Lenovo you have or which operating system I cannot give the correct key combination for the debug menu, but I expect it is Fn+LeftAlt+F12
  12. Hi @loga, what you describe can occur with saves from 1.0.5 carried over to 1.1 Your persistent.sfs file (your save file) will contain duplicate entries in the ResearchAndDevelopment scenario module. You can edit these out yourself (backup the save first) or if you upload it to dropbox.com and share it here we can try to fix it for you.
  13. Hi @RomanceEngineer Wheels still have issues, and this phantom turn is one of them especially on short wheel base designs, further work on wheels will be done for 1.2, thank you.
  14. It's all here, or at least most of it, some older commands like -force-gfx-st and -force-opengl still work but are really for Unity4. -force-glcore forces Unity to re-detect the available OpenGL versions and use the best one it finds. -force-glcore33 forces OpenGL version 3.3 -force-gfx-direct forces Unity to use single threaded graphics rendering. All these commands change how Unity works before any Squad code is loaded, and they should work for any graphics card though the results may vary.
  15. I'm glad it helped, as to why, I wish I knew, it shouldn't cause a crash and doesn't for most players, and PhysicsSignificance = 1 is used to reduce wobble on such a large and flimsy part. So you may now need a few more struts, but make sure they are not to the decoupler itself. As for the flags, it is supposed to work fine just as on Windows and Linux, and this graphics issue does not affect all Macs, older Intel GPU's seem unaffected, but the Iris shows this issue. Unity5.4 is supposed to have some gfx fixes and I hear Unity is working on Vulkan and Metal support, so issues like this should become a thing of the past.
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