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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. My assumption at this point is that there's some processing of the files being read in, and it's changing the controller strings so they don't match. But I can't think what it might be, if the strings are all being converted to lower or upper case it'd affect all my sticks, and it can't be snipping duplicate characters as there aren't any on the yoke. This one will have to wait for the devs to get back, sorry.
  2. Don't let Kerbals stand on wheels, yes it's known, no there's no fix yet.
  3. DMP isn't quite enough, we'd want better than that, and I'm 100% in favour of player hosted games including LAN support.
  4. The Kerbalizer is dead until Unity Technologies fix their web player, the price on the Squad store is $0 and there is a warning right there on the page. Please contact Paypal for a refund for the Paypal administration fee.
  5. Okay it's working with my Logitech Wingman, Logitech Dual action and Saitek ST90 but not with my CH Yoke or GreenAsia stick, the Logitech also has a period in its name and the CH yoke does not so the period is unlikely to be the cause. As with your findings, the sticks are all shown in the settings.cfg, but two just aren't working in the game after a restart. What is interesting is the large gap in the name of the GreenAsia stick, it may have unprintable characters, but then the CH yoke would have to have them as well. For some reason, the GreenAsia stick is always Joystick 0, but as this also affects the CH yoke I don't think that's significant. There's nothing fancy about the controller assignment code, it just checks the axis from the Unity3D method GetAxis() against the Unity3D GetControllerNames() array, and as they are in the settings.cfg it's clearly working, but it is not correctly reading the names back in on next start. Like I said this looks similar to the other issue where parts of the Physics.cfg are not being read correctly or at all. @Claw says he has found the cause of the issue that results in no body lift, if there is a problem with file reads then that could also be the cause of the issue here. So I suggest you try his fix, or use a joystick that can be read correctly for the time being.
  6. Okay, PM me so I know you have seen this post, as changing your username changes your login.
  7. Good suggestion, and definitely something to look at as a quality of life improvement!
  8. I'm using Xubuntu 16,04 64bit, with the UK English locale. But I don't think it's libdev, after testing KSP every day since December I've been trying to play other games to unwind, and guess what... Yep, now my controller axis aren't persisting in 1.1.2, but only if I go back to the settings screen, if I go straight into a game the controller axis are working. This is likely a similar issue as in this thread, but in this case the settings are loading, but are nuked when entering settings. @Claw has a fix for the Physics.cfg in his stock bug fixes, see this comment for more info, I don't know if it'll work for the settings.cfg though, but he can likely add it. Checking back over my KSP zips, this bug seems to have occurred between 1.1 and 1.1.1 Badsector, can you try setting your axis, restarting KSP and resuming a game without going into the settings please?
  9. Hi @Arugela, unfortunately undo is known to be unreliable and should be used with caution, the undo feature will be revisited in future KSP releases.
  10. Still no luck finding the cause of the double free() btw, but as new Unity versions become available they will be explored in the hope that they address this issue, so to suggest that Squad will do nothing is not quite correct
  11. Thank you @alane, this may be of interest to one of the Squad developers, @Romfarer
  12. Try adding more information @olekopyto Also try an unmodded game.
  13. I don't think that will work for KSP. @Badsector, can you try starting KSP like this please. LC_ALL=C KSP.x86_64 LC_ALL=C will force the program started after it to use the posix standard for its locale instead of your system locale.
  14. Okay, can you please put the KSP.log, output_log.txt and your dxdiag hardware report on dropbox. Also, if you have any graphics overrides in the Catalyst control center try disabling them.
  15. I actually updated the bios the other day due to a keyboard issue, I get "USB_Submit_URB(ctrl) failed: -1" from the bios during boot, it was causing a long delay in boot time until the bios update, it still occurs but the delay is gone. Not sure if the Debian kernel will work, but I'll try the other suggestions, thanks guys Edit: Still locking up in KSP, now in Pulsar Lost Colony beta 8, which uses Unity5.2.3f1
  16. Well, I can't speak for other players, but I'd like to see... More terrain features, including procedural terrain features (scatters) so there's more variation when you're exploring, and make them collidable. Science experiment maps, like biome maps but specific for each science device, so you can go find areas of higher/lower temperature/gravity/tectonic activity etc, and even find fault lines, anomalies, etc, also make the devices directional. More easter eggs, as well as easter eggs that can only be found with the above directional science devices, but also points of scientific interest, with sci and rep bonuses above what we get just for being in a rarer biome. A lot of this can be planet specific, giving a reason to go further than Kerbin/Mun/Minmus, there should be stuff to find, not just ground to stick bases on.
  17. The trouble with that design is the rather massy pod on top, think how a dart or an arrow works, you need the mass at the front for stability, but your mass is on the back. Try the Science Jr on top of the capsule, give it its own heatshield if you're concerned, the heaver pod will naturally want to "lead" during re-entry.
  18. Oh I dunno, they are good for shuttles as well when you don't have the Vector.
  19. I agree, we have plenty of real estate going begging without adding more, also, Eeloo had an atmosphere when? It's only some fluff afaik. And, maybe it's a good thing Squad doesn't reveal a roadmap, it lets them modify their plans if it becomes necessary or desirable (maybe a player suggestion turns out too good to not include @Snark), and avoids the issue of gripes from players who don't think feature X should be on the map
  20. @JebKeb, when you're ready to continue please contact a moderator to re-open this thread, or start a new one, thank you.
  21. I see, they are different, sorry about that, but it still doesn't work. The bug doesn't appear to be the file, it appears to be KSP failing to load the file correctly, but there are no related errors in my logs.
  22. I had landed on every body in KSP 0.13.2 within a few hours, does that count? But in all seriousness, congratulations @Spaceception!
  23. When it's ready. Also, please see the forum rules.
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