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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Pinned for TOTM May @Cydonian Monk, congrats !
  2. The Great Naked Space Man compels me to pin this for May's TOTM!
  3. Well there's always next month, so get cracking on making a killer thread
  4. This thread, probably more than any other recently, shows how good a community we have here. Pinned for TOTM May.
  5. It's May! It's sunny and warm for most of us so what could be better than staying inside, browsing the forums and playing KSP? That's right, nothing! Here's some new and old threads to keep you distracted from bugs occupied while waiting for Squad to fix wheels the greatest event of the summer, June's TOTM! This months suggestions come from @Deddly, @Perry Apsis and @Spaceception, so if there's one you don't like blame them Starting in Science and Spaceflight, @rodion_herrera posted the (now old) news of the Starshot Initiative, and while the live feed has long since ended it sparked a lot of discussion on the project, interstellar probes in our lifetime, imagine that... From Challenges comes this collaborative space station challenge by @Jetski, how about you add your parts? Let's see how big this thing can get. Criminally overlooked for Modding Monday, @Azimech impresses us once more with his engine designs, this time with a working ignition system, the first of its kind in KSP. This months Tutorial is by @A_name, if you're having trouble and the KSPedia and in-game tutorials aren't enough then check it out, but please use a rocket rather than his Vindaloo curry propulsion, while the thrust is high, the Isp is terrible. While dating back to January 2015 the quality of @Felsmak's work cannot be denied, nor can the love any Kerbal will feel for the Great Naked Space Man. Will the saga continue? From Mission Reports we have @Cydonian Monk's Forgotten Space Program, possibly one of the best mission reports ever made! Replacing better manoeuvre nodes in Suggestions is another old thread, @bsalis asks if KSP should show delta-V, maybe now the GUI has been overhauled this is a possibility, only time will tell. Rather than a thread, this time we have a quote chain from @Perry Apsis, quoting @5thHorseman who quoted @regex who quoted our very own @NathanKell. Perhaps Squad should not fix everything... Nah... From General Discussion @spacebrick3 asks us where our usernames came from, mine's a play on the word Salvager, and I used it in EVE online, how did you come up with yours? Finally, and possibly controversially, @ghost_sox brought both sides of the forums together in support for the game we all love, even if we don't all love it all the time and there's still much to improve. We've all had far more than $40 worth from KSP, whether we play stock or modded, career, science or sandbox, despite all the bugs and things we'd like to see changed we still enjoy the game, warts n all, and the community response here shows how good a community we have. Thanks everyone, see you in space! See Aprils TOTM here!
  6. Hey yep, it's me I'm half left, if I was all right I'd walk in circles. Maybe @technicalfool will be next?
  7. Hi @nickrulercreator, does your mouse wheel allow for sideways scrolling? If so please try that in case the scrolling is swapped on your mouse, also please try your mouse software settings in case anything there helps with this issue, thank you.
  8. @SumAggie @Grinnbold @Mikeuk_3 @gogozerg This is a bug but no reliable reproduction has been found, in most occasions this simply does not occur. Please see this thread and provide more information, thank you.
  9. They should not have done, the wheels saw many fixes for 1.1.2 Try placing them further away from the science Jr, as if anything is clipping the wheel collider they will become blocked.
  10. Hi @Jeb Jawkins, I am sorry to tell you but your version of OS X is out of date, the system specifications on the Kerbal website are not yet updated for the Unity5 upgrade, but Unity5 requires OSX 10.8 and higher. Unity3D system requirements.
  11. Hi @decotime, KSP should be working on your system, please try installing the latest graphics drivers for your graphics card and restarting the PC, thank you.
  12. Hi @Tim_the_Plumber, please see this thread, thank you. Though if your wheels are clipping they will be disabled deliberately, check the right-click action menu for their state, if they are blocked they will not function and this is not a bug.
  13. Hi @stk2008, please see this thread, thank you.
  14. Hi @Bullseye2030, the cause of this crash is not yet know, but I do know that KSP can become unstable when other software is using hooks to monitor memory. One example of this is EVGA's PrecisionX 16 overclocking software. While I do not see that in your log I see that AVG anti-virus is using hooks, please test KSP with AVG disabled to see if this is a factor, thank you.
  15. Nope not seeing it here, the drag looks to be exactly the same in the aero data, the overlay isn't really accurate enough to determine this. And a plane as well.
  16. Maybe it's because the launcher starts another executable, and neither are really "installed", they are just unzipped so there's no registry entry telling Windows the files are allowed to run. I'm not sure there's a way to avoid it from the launcher, so I'd suggest just using the KSP_x64.exe KSP doesn't need admin rights.
  17. Hi da90,it is likely you have a corrupt save file, try removing all save folders except scenarios and training.
  18. If you're running KSP fullscreen you can force it to your secondary monitor with the command line argument -adapter N, where N is the screen you want KSP to use. More info here, and ignore the bit where it says it's Windows only.
  19. I suggest you use struts, but not to/from the decoupler itself, attach struts to the parts above and below it.
  20. Please remember to stick to the topic of the thread, rather than using this as another gripe thread on individual issues, the developers are aware there are problems with wheels/legs. A 1.1.2 is more likely if you can provide clear unbiased information on issues on the Squad issues tracker. Thank you.
  21. Hi @Ilnore, also try -force-glcore or -force-glcoreXX where XX is an OpenGL version. And try -force-gfx-direct instead of -force-gfx-st These are newer Unity5 versions of these commands. Also, PPFX can be causing this, so try disabling it.
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