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Everything posted by sal_vager

  1. Apart from KSP naturally, I've been playing Pulsar, the lost colony after hearing about it on the #KSPOfficial IRC channel. It's a 5 player co-op Star Trek style game made by two people, If you like Star Trek and need a break from Realism™ check it out. Other than that I finally completed Space pirates and Zombies (Looking forwards to SPAZ 2), played Technobabylon from Wadjet eye games, and started playing Tales from the Borderlands.
  2. Moved to Gameplay Questions. As your fuel is consumed the balance point, or center of mass (CoM) of your craft moves downwards. But aero forces act on the whole length of the rocket, the center of lift (Col) would be a bit below half way up the rocket due to the fins at the base providing a larger aero surface Once the CoM has moved far enough below the CoL that the fins can't provide enough force to maintain stability the rocket will try to fly backwards. You need more mass in the nose, this can be done by using an upper stage with its own tank and engine so the top of the rocket acts like the head of an arrow, keeping the CoM in front of the CoL.
  3. It's meeeeee! @Vanamonde where are you?
  4. Women and moderators first! @technicalfool, go down with the ship!
  5. sal_vager


    Sorry @Selh88 no it's not correct, KSP will be released on PS4 when it's ready. Closing under rule 2.3E.
  6. Hi @Vanishing, welcome to the forums. You'll find a lot of Spanish speakers in the Spanish forum here. Hope this helps
  7. This looks like an addon discussion thread if ever I saw one. I'm pretty sure Scott has used most mods at some point, even Burgertime and banana for scale
  8. Yep, reversers give 100% thrust in KSP, this was done for gameplay and makes vtols easier. Example:
  9. @mcirish3, 1.1 will be released at the same time on all PC platforms, just like previous and future updates. What will be released during the pre-release phase are experimental builds, no different to the builds that the experimentals team would use during that phase of a release. You and every other player will directly benefit from this, as Squad will then know of issues amongst a wider player base than the experimentals team, and will be able to fix any issues that arise before releasing the 1.1 version, I know you are aware that previous releases had to be patched after the fact, this helps to avoid that. It is unfortunate that the only sensible method to distribute the pre-release builds is via Steam, but as this entails participants frequently updating it is not something the store can handle, you have already been told this and it will not change. The pre-release will go ahead, and 1.1 will be a better release because of it. Also, I am removing your formatting, there is no need to be so melodramatic. I'm sure you will report this post for my above comment, be my guest.
  10. We won't know until the pre-release goes public guys and girls.
  11. Sorry @Zosma Procyon but we are not Apple engineers, we cannot help with OSX crashes. We can only help with KSP, please see this thread and provide the KSP Player.log the next time KSP crashes. Thank you.
  12. Hi @Escuela, this has nothing to do with undo, which cannot be disabled anyway. There is no fix for this issue, please way for KSP 1.1
  13. Yes. It's a tag for official stuff, hence why they say "Announcement", "Givaway" etcetera.
  14. Sorry Dman, but no, these things are only discussed with the persons involved. But I have no idea what makes you think Gaarst is banned.
  15. You would have to record it at a 16x9 resolution, such as 1600x900.
  16. This is Gameplay Questions, what exactly are you trying to ask here?
  17. Moved to development discussion. Part balancing is not a focus for 1.1
  18. We need info, it's as simple as that, we currently don't know: What engines are affected (rocket, jet, etc). What fuels are in the vessel. Whether the tanks are full. Whether intakes are present and open. Where the decouplers are and their fuel crossfeed state. Whether mods are in use (yes, even though this is unmodded support, people post modded issues here). Etcetera. All we know so far is that liquid engines are not working, as liquid engines should be working we need more info to find out why.
  19. @buildmad22, this is not normal so as much information as possible is needed, including screenshots. We need to know whether you use the Store, Steam or other install, we can't help without more info, sorry.
  20. Hi @buildmad22, pleas take a look at this thread, thank you :)
  21. Can you try a fully stock install please @michelcolman ? I see you actually have mods installed.
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