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Everything posted by awfulhumanbeing

  1. Done like 20 tries with 50 kerbals dead to perform a STS-1 mission. (check it out in the shuttle challenge thread)
  2. STS-1(as promised) My take on the suggested STS-1 mission. Craft: https://kerbalx.com/awfulhumanbeing/Mario-STS-1 The craft is fully stock, I used Trajectories mod. Does that count as modded? For the Pilot rank, due to a stall the crew had to splashdown.
  3. Flying a mission intended for minmus to duna. True story.
  4. Wait guys, how do you attach something to the telescope in stock game? Do you have to just deploy the pans on EVA? The preparations for the STS-1 have already started. Catch my mission this evening! EDIT: Also, do you need to land on the runway? Are landings on poles acceptable?
  5. @LameLefty, I do have problems like this with SSTOs, probably that's the reason they don't fly. But I was talking originally about a Shuttle. I designed it with dry tanks because it shouldn't be stable as a plane should on takeoff, it takes off vertically with an external tank which makes gliding impossible.
  6. 0 BSoDs, but thousands of kernel panics. Great. Also, I had the infamous Ring of Death on my Xbox and somewhy it works. Really.
  7. Hello guys, I've just installed Windows 10 with all its telemetry and for some reason I love it! It's fast. Also, I now installed x64 version, and it is just fine, unlike 7, which lagged and was just a dog on 64. Finally I can play 1.1 without crashes! Beam.NG drive (geez it's a stupid name) now works fine. Some other games stopped working however. For benchmarking reasons, I tried to launch Alien: Isolation and I couldn't. I already beat it, so don't pay attention. Also, no problems on Windows/Ubuntu dual boot except when I installed Windows it flushed GRUB in the toilet.
  8. That's the whole point of Spacecraft Exchange. Waiting for your craft files.
  9. yes Answers any action group applied with "yes" Example: Open cargo bay? Yes. Switch mode? Yes.
  10. if you try to make KSP as realistic as Orbiter is, than good luck! KSP is immensely fun even with RSS, RO and all geeky stuff because it retains the same parts that make KSP fun, such as constructing. And if you wish, you can make orbiter fun easily with mods. But KSP has way more fun at stock than Orbiter.
  11. Create 1 awfulhumanbeing Forum Forums Guidelines Staff Online Users Developer Articles Activity Store Get Mods! KSP Wiki More Unread Threads Mark site read Home Community The Lounge Game Concept Burning in my head [Need Help] Follow Game Concept Burning in my head [Need Help] Started by ZooNamedGames, 7 hours ago Reply to this topic Start new topic 6 posts in this topic ZooNamedGames KMC Commander-in-Chief Members 682 6179 posts Location: Leaning on the Flight Director's Monitor Posted 7 hours ago · Report post As I come to this morning, I got another fantastic idea that I need help with. It's a game concept, which I would make, but I haven't the slightest where to begin in game development. I have a story, an art style and more that suddenly came to me. I'm not saying it's an easy task making a video game, but I know what I am after. I've been told that VG development is difficult before but it hasn't stopped me, what has stopped me, is my lack of knowledge. I'm looking into a book that should help guide me through Unity (not the preferred game engine for this, but acceptable nonetheless), but I still feel there is a disconnect. For any of you who honestly know me on the forum, this may sound like a lie to grab pitiful attention, but it's not- I was diagnosed with mild Autism very young and I struggled to pick up English. I spoke in what my parents jokingly called, "Klingon". I had my own language as a child with everything having a name and even being able to make commands in this made up language. (Point being) I struggled with English and I recently picked up another language and I struggled the same as I did with English. Coding, which is essential in game development, is just another language. I want to learn how to do programming and eventually become good enough to move onto another aspect of game design, but I just can't right now. I need help as it's all too foreign and I feel I need a more guiding hand to help sort through the mess that is coding. So if anyone wants to help me bridge this gap, it would be greatly appreciated. Or if you simply want to let me drive the story and design it yourself, I'd be good with that too . I just feel this is a fantastic idea and I don't want my inabilities to lead to such a good idea being lost. I'll start writing things out on paper as time goes on so maybe I can save it before the idea leaves me or loses shine. Like this Quote awfulhumanbeing Solitaire addict Members 4 31 posts Location: Toronto, Canada Posted 33 minutes ago · Report post The story could be a nice piece of fiction. Otherwise, there are tons of programming courses & books. Codecademy provides nice practical courses, on Khan Academy you can study almost anything. Any other stuff you can find yourself. BUT PLEASE DONT DO IT ON JAVA! Quote Edit Snark E Pluribus Boojum Moderator 2248 2916 posts Posted 24 minutes ago · Report post Apologies if this question is off the mark, but just to verify (and no criticism intended, I'm honestly curious)-- have you actually tried some coding, or is this an assumption based on your past difficulties with language acquisition? I only ask because there's a very big difference between computer languages and human ones: the computer languages make more sense. They're completely logical, completely consistent, and completely unambiguous. I only mention it because I've been in the software industry a long time, and dealt with a lot of computer-geek types. I'd say that the software biz is actually a magnet for borderline-autistic types-- many such folks actually gravitate towards software as a career. I know that a lot of folks on the autism spectrum can have language issues, but my impression is that in many cases, a big part of that is due to the need to read ambiguity, emotional context, etc. out of the communication, which is an especial challenge for autism. Computers dispense with all of that, which can make things a lot simpler for such folks. I'm not presuming to know anything about your own challenges, or trying to paint all autism-spectrum individuals with the same brush. If you've already tried coding and have found language-related difficulty with it, then never mind all of the above. I only bring it up on the off chance that maybe you haven't actually tried much coding yet and might just be assuming that it would be as hard for you as a human language-- which it might not be. Ten Key likes this Like this Quote ZooNamedGames KMC Commander-in-Chief Members 682 6179 posts Location: Leaning on the Flight Director's Monitor Posted 8 minutes ago · Report post It's original, unique and also filled with storyline. So as far as story goes, it's ready but coding is where I break down. What I'm saying is, I'll likely need a tutor, someone to guide me through personally. Like this Quote awfulhumanbeing Solitaire addict Members 4 31 posts Location: Toronto, Canada Posted 5 minutes ago · Report post Well, I'm not a programmer whatsoever, but you can hire a teacher for money. It always helps. Quote Edit ZooNamedGames KMC Commander-in-Chief Members 682 6179 posts Location: Leaning on the Flight Director's Monitor Posted 1 minute ago · Report post No worries, and I have looked into coding somewhat, but I've never had anyone/anything put it out straight. I've tried working with codes, yes. However I have not had a chance to be taught yet. So I've heard, but it doesn't help my understanding when one language works better than the other. It seems everyone else I know who is in the spectrum understands it but I've always been disconnected. I get it- sort of. With a very broken understanding. As I've said, I've tried it, but never had a chance to learn. I'd rather reach out to this community first since there might be someone out here who can teach it better and for free. Like this
  12. Banned because of not using the capital letters.
  13. 356 kerbals dead in 2 months. I am a horrible flight director.
  14. Oh sorry, it does. I looked up at the wiki right now.
  15. I'd rather have a buffalo... Whatever. Nothing is done for free. Teaching takes a lot of effort, you know, and nobody would guide a person into such a complicated sphere such as programming with no personal point. If you do find someone though, I'm quite happy for you!
  16. No buildings, but launch clamps murdered more kerbals than you can imagine.
  17. Well, I'm not a programmer whatsoever, but you can hire a teacher for money. It always helps.
  18. Landing gear are garbage in 1.1. Reduce the mass of the vehicle of replace the gear with bigger ones.
  19. KSP is fun. Orbiter is realistic. Choose your destiny
  20. The story could be a nice piece of fiction. Otherwise, there are tons of programming courses & books. Codecademy provides nice practical courses, on Khan Academy you can study almost anything. Any other stuff you can find yourself. BUT PLEASE DONT DO IT ON JAVA!
  21. I spent an hour on a wobbly Apollo style rocket with no mods on 0.20 with its stupid SAS, then when I made it back home I realised that I forgot a parachute and everybody died. Now I am working at a B (Bulky) class SSTO in 1.1. The day of emotions. Waiting for your Jool surface samples, @teag2
  22. Awesome lander design, I'll use it by myself. Looks cool, and is practical. The rockets are quite generic though. Overall, good work.
  23. By "thrust reverser" you mean airbrakes, right? The Wheesley turbofan your craft is using doesn't have thrust reversing. Cool thing, btw Oops, a mistake. Wheesley does have thrust reverted. Sorry!
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