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Everything posted by subyng

  1. I am using the latest version, 1.1. And it's the main body that has no collisions, the crew tube does.
  2. Yes. Here is output log. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5afr91fgwfvspqt/output_log.txt?dl=0 edit: Problem seems to be with the Doc Science Lab. It has no EVA hatch, and no colliders even; you can walk right through it when it is inflated.
  3. Drag it into the VAB first, then drag into KIS inventory. How do I move my Kerbals from one module to another? My base only has one entrance, which is the Ponderosa. Or alternatively, is there a way I can add additional entrances so I can just board my Kerbal directly into the module I want?
  4. Here's the log. Another bug to report that I believe is related to this mod, is that I suddenly lost the ability to access the ESC/pause menu while in flight. I'm not sure what caused it, but it may have to do with switching vessels and Kerbals while in flight, as I was on the runway switching between my main ship, a couple rovers that I deployed from it, and Kerbals on EVA on the ground. A quick glance at the output log shows Null Reference Exceptions related to KRASH. http://www.filedropper.com/outputlog_7
  5. I had the latest version and it was happening so, I don't know. I'll try downloading again and testing it.
  6. Bug report: parts inventory, some of my parts have ridiculously huge number available and/or in use. For me, the parts with bugged inventory currently are: Procedural Fuel Tank (from Procedural Parts) Conic Fuselage Fairing (from Procedural Fairings) Interstage Fairing Adapter (Procedural Fairings) AE-FF2 Airstream Protective Shell (stock) RealChute Stack Chute Mk-16 Parachute (stock, but modified by RealChute) Mk-2R Parachute (stock, modified by RealChute) So the issue appears to affect tweakable parts.
  7. Is there a way to adjust engine volume for these engines? They are WAY too loud compared to stock.
  8. I'm trying to find a fast Kerbin-Eve-Duna-Kerbin route. In your examples, you have a Kerbin-Eve-Duna-Kerbin route that can take as little as 138 days, but FF is unable to find that solution when entering the same, or even wider search parameters.
  9. It turned out quicksave got disabled, somehow. I renabled it in the debug menu. Does this mod touch quicksaves? Because I definitely did not disable it myself. I'll post the logfile when I can.
  10. It's a known issue as far as I'm aware. The VA doesn't have a proper IVA.
  11. I have encountered a bug where, when trying to save at the KSC (not in flight), a message tells me "Creating saves is not allowed in this scenario"/ Seems that KRASH thinks I'm still in a simulation??
  12. This is a great mod! Unfortunately I had to uninstall due to the cloning bug conflict with KIS, but I'll be watching this one closely!
  13. What exactly does the minerals scan of the multispectral imaging platform do? I've been scanning Duna with it with SCANsat and I'm not getting anything from it. edit: nevermind
  14. Darn, what alternative do you suggest for being able to transport the science lab if it can't be packed?
  15. Current version. I figured it out, by first dropping the saddle on the ground and then attaching it, rather than attaching it straight from my inventory. I don't know why that works. Also, in the VAB, the Doc Science lab isn't able to be put into KIS storage for some reason. The Chuckwagon can, but not the science lab.
  16. I connected two equipment buckboards to the ponderosa via their saddles but the ponderosa won't inflate, telling me I don't have enough equipment. edit: worked after I tried it again, weird...
  17. Sorry, don't have any screens. The next time I do it I'll take some. There was a clear line of sight, only the asteroid in between them since the scanners were placed directly on the asteroid itself. But then I tried to move one of the scanners onto the ship itself, while I left the other one attached directly to the asteroid and it worked. Will the scanner itself block itself from having line of sight? Does the "beam" get emitted from the dish or just the centre of the part?
  18. The tutorial in the wiki requires you to hookup the first habitat to the rover to supply equipment. How do I do this without using the rover?
  19. I'm having an issue with the asteroid sounding experiment. Using KIS, I attached two on opposite sides of the asteroids and activated them. Both say Receiver in Range and there is a red line connecting them but I don't have the option to actually perform the experiment.
  20. Does anyone have issues with the Advanced Grabbing Unit being unable to pivot?
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