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Everything posted by subyng

  1. Does anyone know what mod this video showcases? Features transparent pods.
  2. I have the entire tech tree unlocked but I don't seem to have the ECLSS part. What am I missing? What is it called?
  3. Hi all! I've written my very first launch script and I'm having an issue where setting the throttle doesn't work...only in ONE place in my script. https://pastebin.com/rdRycdYB The offending line is 162, where I set the throttle to 0. Just doesn't work. My program is still running, but the throttle value is not changing. Everywhere else in my script, I can change the throttle just fine. I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong. My script is not crashing (up until that point, anyway).
  4. I just installed the updated version and I seem to be missing various parts? No medium or large stands, no towers apart from the Saturn ones, and absolutely nothing for the Soyuz.
  5. Love this mod! Finally a tech tree that makes sense! My only critique is that sometimes two nodes in different branches are too dependent on each other. For example, it doesnt make sense to unlock 2.5m engines without 2.5m fuel tanks. Effectively trying to unlock the next "tier" of rocket takes twice the number of points.
  6. Is there a tutorial on how to make a patch for unsupported engines? Aside from just copying existing configs
  7. How can I figure out how long my Kerbals can survive without a scrubber or humidity controller? I can see in the planner in the VAB there is a scrubbing and humidity field but they are either "none" or "good".
  8. Are you running the dev version or the release version? I've noticed this with stock shrouds as well, so it may be a stock issue. A shroud from a stock separation disappeared after separating + saving + reloading.
  9. I'm running into an issue with the Knes fairings. They're awesome for creating interstages, but there is some weird behaviour when you attach decouplers to them. Here is an image album showing the behaviour: https://imgur.com/a/Jjquwjj
  10. So sad to hear you are retiring from modding; thanks for your hard work on some of the best KSP mods to exist!
  11. Looks like there was never any issue with the Penelope engines at all! I'm using a damage mod (don't remember the name) and what was happening was that when I staged my boosters, they collided with the engine, damaging it and causing it to overheat from the damage.
  12. Thanks for the quick follow up!
  13. I'm using FAR and stock system.
  14. I'm absolutely loving this mod! I'm having an issue with the Penelope engine though. It seems to overheat way too easily! I'm using it as a first stage engine and even under 1000m/s at around 20km altitude (no visual heating effects) it still overheats and explodes! Is this a bug or is the engine not meant to be used in atmosphere?
  15. Just chiming in to confirm that when recovering an entire vessel to VAB, any previously staged SRBs will immediately start firing when the vessel is re-flown.
  16. I seem to be having a bug (using StageRecovery and Scrapyard) where if I recover an entire vessel into the VAB, and fly it again, any SRB's that were staged previously will immediately start firing when the vessel loads. Is this a known bug or mod conflict?
  17. Figured it out! It was an outdated version of Magicore that was causing the issue!
  18. Unfortunately it's not working with the latest Scrapyard version either. Log: https://ufile.io/voaeh540
  19. Well, even reentry from a 70-80km orbit, lowering the PE to about 50km, the nosecone will explode unless I constantly wiggle the craft. I am using DRE though, but I'm not sure if that changes how much of a "shadow" the heat shields cast.
  20. But I am not recovering most of my rocket, so the number of times I am building those parts should increase, no?
  21. So I'm having a problem with the generation not advancing after a flight. I'm using v.1.1.1 as suggested earlier in the thread. I'm using the stock recover button after actually flying my craft (not just a static test), but not explicitly using any of the scrapyard functionality. My ksp log: https://ufile.io/xo11qmee Also, are parts supposed to be able to fail after being repaired? Once again this is with the corvus mod, the parachute/RCS combo failed twice.
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