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Everything posted by DaMachinator

  1. Ascent guidance script almost done, working on maneuver execution logic.
  2. I used up my daily quota of "likes" HydroCorp Industries Aerospace Division has a payload, target: Moho! I'll try to put extra Delta-V for course corrections.
  3. Yeah, the "don't stare at the stirrers" is an Apollo 13 reference.
  4. I gave up on the Otter sub and recovered it. Added wheels. They broke. Switched to bigger wheels. They either flipped or broke. Added Vernier engines and fuel tanks for them to use as brakes. Still broke. Used cheats. Sub spontaneously exploded. Reverted. Tried smaller wheels again, this time driving off the side of the runway instead of the end. Wheels broke, again. Redesigned sub carrier. LOTS of RoveMax M1 wheels, and went VERY slowly over the side of the runway. It worked. Quicksaved. Caught air where the slope down to the water begins. Broke all the wheels. Loaded quicksave. Went to the very edge of the slope. Stopped and quicksaved. Went VERY slowly. Caught air again where the slope gets steeper. Broke most of the wheels. Loaded quicksave. Went very slowly this time. Got into the water. WOW this thing is very good at sticking to the bottom. Activated sepratrons for pulling the sub and the carriage apart from each other. Sub sinks. Jettisoned some ballast. Still sinks. Jettisoned more ballast. Imbalanced sub floats way too well. Gave up. Designed a high-altitude research craft with 1 month of life support.
  5. A bit too late for that - it's sitting on the runway with no wheels at all.
  6. 5/10 This is KSP, not TF2. Nice pictures, though.
  7. Not pressed, I'm not hungry. Press the button to get a proof that the Riemann Hypothesis is correct or incorrect, however, it will take a century for the world's greatest mathematicians to finally understand it and until then, noone will believe you. You'll also die before this happens.
  8. Banned for making the most annoying logic puzzle ever created in KSP.
  9. For a Version 2.0, full N-body physics ala Principia, FAR implemented, Deadly Reentry implemented, and RealChutes implemented in some form or another.
  10. *quietly makes fleet of interplanetary probes to visit every stock body in an attempt to find it*
  11. I worked on a skycrane with aerospikes to drag my mod-added submarine from the runway to the ocean. It failed horribly, but the pilot survived!
  12. I can play without KER. I can solve the Delta-V equation to tell me *exactly* how many tanks of x fuel i need to take to get someplace. But I'm lazy and don't have all day to pore over spreadsheets, etc. doing algebra and rewriting the Delta-V equation.
  13. Better still: Use Stock Fuel Switch (a mod). Switch any LFO tank to LF or Ox. No extra parts.
  14. Even mods have references. The Universal Storage oxygen tank has "Please don't stare at the stirrers too hard."
  15. I would settle for an in-game stripped-down TI-84 equivalent (no graphs or scripting) and a better vessel stats tab that included staged wet/dry mass. Preferably in a window the user could drag around the screen and put where they see fit. The TI-84 is a graphing calculator, for those who don't know. It does a whole lot more than just graphs, though.
  16. More rover wheel styles and shapes, and tracks. Right now I like to use Kerbal Foundries, but it's very unbalanced - the crash tolerances are absurd and the heat tolerances are also absurd. The only thing keeping me from abusing them is Deadly Reentry (G-forces from a 1000 m/s impact would kill my kerbals and tear the ship into confetti.)
  17. Were multiplayer to be implemented, they could take a page from the community-made modding API and prevent players from joining servers with mismatched modsets and versions. As it is, DarkMultiPlayer fails gracefully with this kind of thing (as in, the game doesn't craft or bug out)
  18. I reenter with the Mk1 lander can (2.5m heatshield FTW). I rarely add struts. I've never successfully made it to another planet.
  19. Sure, but I need proof and I'll make a separate 1.0.5 category.
  20. Apparently I have to follow my own topic to get a notification when someone replies to it. So be it. Removed limitation on engines not flaming out. Now, the challenge is more "how high can you get your apoapse with only airbreathing engines."
  21. How high can you get using only airbreathing engines before they flame out? RULES: Only airbreathing-only engines. (This means no RAPIERS.) Max of 1 engine for Mk1/1.25m craft, 2 engines for Mk2 craft, and 4 engines for Mk3 craft. Craft must have at least one Kerbal aboard, and this Kerbal must survive. Mods must be approved by me. (KER, Pilot Assistant, and TCA are allowed.) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Altitude you are claiming, your surface velocity at this altitude, and an Imgur album or equivalent or a video as proof. STOCK ENTRIES 1.0.5 Marshal Nedelin - 134 KM - Interesting design...
  22. Can we get this from somewhere other than KerbalStuff, because said place no longer exists?
  23. Ballistic missiles. I suggest doing some target practice in sandbox before attempting this.
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