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Everything posted by DaMachinator

  1. A pixelated version of an IC. (The fancy kind. Actual IC's look boring.)
  2. This is an interesting question because I am writing a kOS script to make perfectly circular orbits for communications satellites.
  3. When stirring the tanks of noble gas, they explode. I send a mission to observe Sagittarius 1A.
  4. Go ward off the scavengers with paintball gun turrets, and keep posting!
  5. I did math for kOS autopilot scripts, and misused mean anomaly functions in the process after realizing you can pick any point on your orbit, including your current position. as the epoch for use in equations.
  6. In my Spartan Space Program series, aircraft are named after mesons, recoverable science probes (essentially big sounding rockets) are named Extra- and then a Roman numeral, and commsats, once I get some up, will be called COMM-[name of object they service]- -[code indicating primary antenna type]. A Roman numeral is added to differentiate satellites in a constellation. So a concept commsat with 4 million meter ranged Omni antennas for a set of four probes in LKO would be called COMM-KERBIN-4M-O I (or II, or III, or IV) A commsat with a dish providing coverage of the Mun from LKO would be called COMM-MUN-40M-D or similar.
  7. Hydrocorp Space Industries, Aerospace division. And more recently, Spartan Space Program (link in sig /shamelessplug)
  8. All of the rockets are built exactly the same, complete with the same manufacturing defect that causes them to lose structural integrity and explode on launch. Mission to Alderaan debris field, using Alcubierre drives.
  9. ...that's not really a space mission, but ok... I hyperedit them all so that they are equally spaced in a very high polar orbit of Kerbol. A mission to set up a communications network around Minmus.
  10. As the topic says, I need to calculate the force of drag on an arbitrary rocket for use in the function for finding terminal velocity. I am working on an ascent guidance script for kOS, in case you were wondering. EDIT: Apparently as of KSP 1.0.x this doesn't matter any more.
  11. I actually have a mod installed that keeps you from EVA'ing while under acceleration or something. Somehow it can tell if going EVA would be dangerous and hides the button. (I keep accidentally clicking EVA instead of IVA...)
  12. Nope. Not violating causality is cool by me. Get a powerful computer. 10% chance the only sound it makes is "Never Gonna Give You Up."
  13. Banned for quoting the previous poster.
  14. The Dyson sphere implodes, cratering the surface of every planet and moon without an atmosphere. I send a probe controlled entirely by a massive kOS script.
  15. I form the resulting debris into a planet and put it in a polar orbit. Debris flies off towards the next poster.
  16. Isn't a socialist someone who believes in being social? What happens when you land on the helipads on top of the VAB?
  17. You've been...NINJA'D The pointy end. Or the blunt end. Results vary. What happens when you light Jool on fire?
  18. I switch out kerbol for another similar star before anyone notices. The other star becomes unstable due to its strange physical properties.
  19. Being dead, I am not affected by radiation. The Kerbol system is approached at .99c by a supermassive black hole.
  20. One of the launches carrying the caesium fails, causing your entire armada to be irradiated and sterilized. I turn Kerbol into a pulsar, and then run away, leaving the beams of gamma radiation sweeping the Kerbol system for the next poster.
  21. A solar flare knocks out all of your equipment, and the auxiliary life support fails. Everyone dies. I set up a Dyson sphere to harness the power of Kerbol.
  22. No, he'll get a gravity assist from Mars and Jupiter and be set on a solar escape trajectory. What happens when a Kerbal runs into an electric fence with his spacesuit on?
  23. I remove Kerbin's atmosphere, leaving no oxygen to detonate it. I set a Dresteroid on an intercept course with the next poster.
  24. Disgruntled workers have already launched every probe core in existence onto a suborbital trajectory with no heat shielding. I set up a station in orbit of Minmus to build rockets for interplanetary exploration.
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