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Everything posted by DaMachinator

  1. Isn't a socialist someone who believes in being social? What happens when you land on the helipads on top of the VAB?
  2. You've been...NINJA'D The pointy end. Or the blunt end. Results vary. What happens when you light Jool on fire?
  3. I switch out kerbol for another similar star before anyone notices. The other star becomes unstable due to its strange physical properties.
  4. Being dead, I am not affected by radiation. The Kerbol system is approached at .99c by a supermassive black hole.
  5. One of the launches carrying the caesium fails, causing your entire armada to be irradiated and sterilized. I turn Kerbol into a pulsar, and then run away, leaving the beams of gamma radiation sweeping the Kerbol system for the next poster.
  6. A solar flare knocks out all of your equipment, and the auxiliary life support fails. Everyone dies. I set up a Dyson sphere to harness the power of Kerbol.
  7. No, he'll get a gravity assist from Mars and Jupiter and be set on a solar escape trajectory. What happens when a Kerbal runs into an electric fence with his spacesuit on?
  8. I remove Kerbin's atmosphere, leaving no oxygen to detonate it. I set a Dresteroid on an intercept course with the next poster.
  9. Disgruntled workers have already launched every probe core in existence onto a suborbital trajectory with no heat shielding. I set up a station in orbit of Minmus to build rockets for interplanetary exploration.
  10. What unit does VESSELSENSORS:PRES return its data in, and has this changed since KSP 1.0.x? For now, I am working on the assumption that it is the same unit that the Presmat displays data in when you "toggle display".
  11. Getting serious issues with bugged GUI's trying to play for Ch. 4
  12. Val has returned from being eaten by bugs with aero under physics warp!
  13. Thanks! (It means the ingame rep meter from career, just in case you didn't realize...)
  14. Chapter III: What's up there? To aid in the eventual Going to Space, a new sounding rocket would be constructed. This sounding rocket would be used to measure the properties of the theorized "upper atmosphere" and whether the atmosphere did in fact get thinner at higher altitudes. The space agency was a little short on Kredits though, so contracts were accepted and missions were done. Jeb flew out to the mysterious Tundra biome to get the last pressure reading needed to complete a contract. Bill was specially requested by a group of tourists to give them a "boat" ride along the shoreline of the KSC peninsula. Mortimer: "Here is your 'boat' you will be ferrying the tourists around in." Bill muttered something about insane people and penny pinching, but nonetheless consented to pilot the craft along the shoreline of KSC. It was very boring, at least for him. The tourists seemed to like it, though. Finally, the space agency had enough Kredits to upgrade the Tracking Station with a bigger main building and more powerful dishes. Jeb: "What is this...thing?" Bill: "A sounding rocket. Mortimer said we had to use these parachutes, and we had to deploy at least one of them in a very specific way." Bob: "It has several new features, like spin stabilization and a cool antenna. And a probe core with a fully featured SAS that we won't be using." Jeb shrugged. His remote piloting skills would not be needed for this launch - he just had to watch the telemetry and make sure the scientific instruments were activated at the right time. After everyone was a safe distance away from the launchpad, Gene hit the launch button... The launch happened at night, as is good and proper. The sounding rocket rose to a great height, causing Mortimer to come running in with more checks from the World Firsts society, with the highest altitude reached over 30 kilometers. Nobody knew if the heat shield was necessary, but it made a great place to mount scientific instruments and batteries and such. The recovery team hurried to the projected landing site, and looked up anxiously. Wernher was delighted with the new data, definitively proving his theory that air pressure decreases with altitude. Mortimer yelled at Bill and Bob for decoupling the SRB instead of trying to recover it. Afterwards, there was a boring contract to break 100m/s air speed - Jeb had repeatedly broken the sound barrier, and noone having seen Valentina since she disappeared in an unfortunate space-time discontinuum, he was chosen to fly the contract flight. It was a resounding success, and Jeb once again was reminded how nice thrust reversers on jet engines are. KREDITS: 138290 REP: 93 SCIENCE: 18.9
  15. You run out of Kredits, and your entire workforce quits. A mission to redirect the smallest asteroid known to Kerbalkind.
  16. I am hiding in a shielded very sharp cone, which punctures your foot. I burn the next poster with fire.
  17. The cheese started the muddle puddle tweetle poodle beetle noodle bottle paddle battle. Why do you get the reentry effects from going up too fast?
  18. I use a combination of minesweeper ships and a specially synchronized orbit to stay in the "wake" of Jool, avoiding them all. I nuke the next poster from orbit.
  19. You need to unlock one more science node for a part you need, so you send a probe to Moho. The lift stage destroys what part of it you have built, and the contract to build an outhouse is failed because the deadline passes during the transfer. Said probe mission to Moho.
  20. 0/10 #DresAwarenessSociety, also you can still get science from a mop.
  21. The old lady smashes the mechjeb unit with her purse. I send a mission to Pluron and Khato.
  22. Makes the solar system 6.4x larger by use of a game modification, causing the sun to engulf and destroy the nova bomb before it can be used. I abort a mission to Jool. The resulting debris cloud hurtles towards the next poster, accelerated to 0.99c by phantom forces.
  23. Because size is relative, just like time and all that other stuff. Einstein knows, ask him. Why is the moon NOT made of green cheese?
  24. Almost two years old , although the idea is pretty cool. A resurrection would be nice.
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