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Everything posted by N70

  1. Transmission rates need to be buffed. Early game in a UbM career + Kerbalism is hard due to the slow transmission rates....
  2. @ShotgunNinja Is there any documentation for the new modules?
  3. I'm gonna go ahead and work on UKS-Kerbalism Patch 3.0... EDIT: UGH UKS AND KERBALISM HAVE BOTH CHANGED SO MUCHHH
  4. you should really call this 1.2 instead of 1.1.5
  5. \o/ This is something i've always wanted! A base you can WALK inside of! I'm not sure if Kerbalism support has been added (has it?). If not, I'm willing to help once the Next Big Update for Kerbalism comes out.
  6. I'm going to have a field day w/ UKS-Kerbalism patch 2.1 / 3.0, whichever it turns out to be!
  7. [deleted, wrong post anyways! i'm so stupid sometimes]
  8. Welp, that means an update for UKS-Kerbalism patch will be needed with this next update? Can it just be called 1.2? Since it's a MAJOR update.
  9. I didn't patch the kontainers in MKS. A MKS greenhouse can produce food the same as Kerbalism's greenhouse, it just needs time, maybe some ElectricCharge or sunlight. Crap is usually dealt with automatically, and it helps food grow!
  10. Can we have other ways to entertain kerbals?
  11. When is this update coming out? Also show us what Jool looks like w/ that (or maybe Sarnus)
  12. Can we have radiation belts that gradually fade?
  13. I've made a spreadsheet detailing the radiation belts of the stock planets/OPM planets that have them. Click me to go to the spreadsheet. It also has maximum kerbal survival times with 0 shielding. TL;DR: Jool and Sarnus are unhealthy to kerbals.
  14. Could the geiger counter defs include stuff for Outer Planets, too?
  15. Maybe a stupid kerbal is more happy but more likely to break something, and a brave kerbals have slightly increased survival time but have a little bit less happiness
  16. I was thinking BadS kerbals (Jeb/Valentina) would be unaffected by happiness and stress. Good idea for rations costing reputation or temporary reducing skills/science. It's aimed to be similar to Kerbalism, while also going it's own direction. For radiation, I plan to add... well.. all sorts of shielding, like plasma shields (late in the techtree, generate lots of heat and take up good amounts of power, but keeps the most radiation out), lead lining (heavy, keeps small-moderate amounts of radiation out). The plasma shield would have to be directly connected to a pod to work with it. Also, one thing I do not like about Kerbalism: It tends to break certain other mods, because I heard it overrides some stock modules/converters. I plan, for many mechanics in this mod, to give the player multiples choices for stuff. Use normal food, which moderatly keeps kerbals full, or enriched food, which very slightly decreases happiness because of the bad taste, but keeps kerbals good and full? Just dump all the CO2, or use a CO2 scrubber, and risk the scrubber not being too fast and killing the kerbals from CO2 poisoning? Greenhouses? Want to grow potatoes, lettuce, apples, or tomatoes? Bigger harvest size but longer grow time? Or smaller harvest size but shorter grow time? Moderate harvest size and moderate growth time, but high mass? To freeze or not to freeze? Depends on the config. By default, well, your kerbals will die. But I plan to add config options to just make kerbals either, A. become tourists until more stuff comes, or B. become MIA
  17. Essential Universal Resources for Onboard Provisioning Arrangements or simply, EUROPA. Honestly I just had to find an excuse to name the mod "EUROPA". EUROPA is designed to be easy to use, but a challenge, too. It will, at release, have lots of life support stuff. Here's a planned features list: - Food, Water, and Oxygen: Kerbals need all 3 to actually, you know, live. Or, well, they die. Or go MIA. Or just take a long nap. Depending on your config. - Crew Happiness: Depending on their living space, free space, and resource availability, the crew will either be happy or be stressed. If a crew is stressed too long, well, just don't let Jeb handle the silly string if he's stressed. - Radiation: Space is the home of radiation. Radiation isn't healthy for ANYTHING. Kerbals aren't exempted. Expose your crew to too much radiation, well, bad things happen. But don't worry, you can shield all your pods, one way or another! - Greenhouses: Well, duh. You need to grow food for those LONGGGG Missions to, say, Jool, or Sarnus. Harvest every so many days, light makes em' grow faster, and oh yeah, you can choose different plants to grow when you make the vessel. Potatoes, lettuce, pygmy apple trees (yes those exist on Kerbin!), or tomatoes. Each has their own growth time and harvest size. - DeepFreeze support: If you freeze a kerbal, guess what, they don't need to eat, drink, or breath, BECAUSE THEY'RE A BLOCK OF ICE. - Food/Water rations: If food and water start getting low, and you can't or can't afford to deepfreeze them, you can tell them to ration! They will not like the rations one bit, but they'll still do the rations. Download: this mod is currently in development, but you can check out the source! Source: github (also, i'm looking for modelers)
  18. You know what? I'm just going to take the thing off the whole thread. Poof. Gone. Happy now? I'm gonna go work on EUROPA.
  19. Sure. Will edit the topic now. I never said it was a COMPATABILITY patch
  20. Honestly, I never handled any of that. It'd probably be easier to just, well, turn on Kerbalism's TAC-LS profile in order to emulate TAC-LS w/ kerbalism features to get Kerbalism's life support stuff from UKS greenhouses (IIRC, UKS is compatible with TAC-LS) but i'm not sure that would work. I'll most likely stop working on any UKS-kerbalism resource patch sorta thing once I get EUROPA to a playable state. "UKS-Kerbalism Resource Chain Patch" would be a better name, because it just makes the resource chain partially work with Kerbalism (aka outputting some kerbalism resources), but honestly that name's too long. Also... I just realized... I probably will need to make a plugin to make them both work 100% with each other... because Kerbalism just added time dilation in it's latest update. Actually, I should just start working on EUROPA again now...
  21. Well, first, make a manuever w/ the flight planner that escapes Kerbin's gravity, then switch to the non-rotating reference frame of the planet you want to reach. Mess around a bit until you get one of the periapsis' to what you want it to,
  22. This is a small thread for my mod, random-ish eclipses! RANDOM-ISH ECLIPSES This mod gives Kerbin and the Mun slight eccentricity and inclination, making eclipses a little more random-ish. Available on SpaceDock and CKAN! Requires Kopernicus and Module Manager LICENSED UNDER MIT.
  23. Can the RTG Decay be auto-disabled if JDimineshingRTGs is found? Also what impact does time dilation have on performance? Also, suggestion!: Maybe if time dilation starts reaching noticable levels,, your ship starts getting some sort of FX. Maybe aerodynamic FX with a dark blue-ish color? (I know this is likely possible, KerbQuake actually detects reentry using the aerodynamic fx color)
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