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Everything posted by Sidestrafe2462

  1. In War Thunder, yeah... Some nub was trying to ambush down a street. Was just sad watching him try to turn that KV-1 turret, wedged in an alley with no moving room
  2. Just when you thought I was gone! heh @dundun92
  3. Not really turn down steering factor and up the dampening? also up minimum speed
  4. 30m/s is pretty good. My carrier only reaches 20m/s, albeit its triple the mass as far as i can tell but im using vectors. No amount of any engine could move the carrier :c And that provokes a thought! can you put a download link to the craft? I'd like to see a flying boat or two duel with the carrier... "Breaking news!" An SRNC escort carrier is engaged by two flying boats though its not a plane that floats, its a boat that flies! More on this intense duel later! (when the SRNC sees fit to release the data)
  5. I have some pictures to show! they'll be up when i have a chance
  6. Much better. My brother on the other hand was a huge fan of the M8 Scott so he's trying to make use of the M4A3. The M10 is a staple of his line, he cant seem to do anything without it. So jealous :C Steam wont let me upload my data from WT :c Probably steam. WOWS has a habit of downloading multiple multigigabyte updates one after another when you leave it alone for too long.
  7. Get it back ASAP. Spaded, that thing is a anti everything glass adamantium railgun of death and doom. It's one of my lineup's main vehicles, and it for me has an amazing ability to bounce most shells. 76mm provides a way for the Americans to actually kill KV-1 tanks at range reliably.
  8. Well, ive been on quite a long hiatus due to the hoorendously unoptomized update system, but i just reinstalled the game. Turns out the only thing I play well is the Langley so far, though I own the tier V of American ships. Just havent had time to play with those yet. Also, I cannot comprehend you having a M4A3 105 instead of a M10. What's your thought procces there?!
  9. Oh dear oh my... Maybe I need to deploy the SRNC earlier...
  10. By this I mean Kerbal Artillery Systems- btw did you make those modifications?
  11. Huh. I'm going to assume this isn't KAS then.
  12. Im a War Thunder/ WOWS player- and the poll wont let me vote :c I play Ground RB/AB, get 4-5 kills average, more often than not around 8 Air AB is also a thing My name is Sidestrafe2462 as per usual, though in WOWS it's Sidestrafe_The_Sniper
  13. Which version are you running? all of my old crafts have been deleted but I used to have the Titan Class Battleships on hand. Also the cannons- 300mm? NANI?
  14. Sadly, Christmas break is now over, meaning i have a lot less time to do things :c Will be on on weekends.
  15. Working on a redesign for more stability
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