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Everything posted by Sidestrafe2462

  1. (unrelated to OP) Here we go! The AX-2-L Mech, equipped with a .50 cal mg (for looks) and a howitzer in a nice bullpup rifle. (recommend increasing your damage multiplier if you want to actually hurt something.) It comes kneeling and can be posed. Rockets at the back are purely decorational. Remember that this is a prototype! https://imgur.com/a/kUuE2s8 Pics also come with some shots of a incredible fireworks show. https://kerbalx.com/Sidestrafe2462/Mech-AX-2 Download! if someone can tell me which making history parts are involved i will take them out so everyone can mess with it. Okay! Put up a download and I can face them off against my anti-missile destroyers.
  2. And I am making a custom 600 rpm howitzer for it- massive mechs deserve massive guns.
  3. Alright then, Ill stick with 100 for now.
  4. Alright then. Im using the Hellfires for the range and the amount you can stuff into a small space.
  5. https://imgur.com/a/uqvHV2H I did manage to break the game a bit! XD (pic with the strange black sky)
  6. A question- how does the targeting work here? does all the weapons aim on one type of turret's bearing, or do they all use their individual aiming points? This could be important for laser-gun combos.
  7. alright! Avian-2 Class escort destroyer coming up- about 30% of it's parts are hellfire missiles... Only Earthlinger knows what I make when I make light cruisers- be prepared... No, its not super-absorbent like my last few builds- this one will delete your missiles. On second thought, has anyone think about what we are going to set the dmg multiplier to? While I'm fine with leaving it at 100, that makes battles kinda slow.
  8. how many parts can you run? I know that Earthlinger has the same issue.
  9. It's not a problem, great to see a new face on this thread already! If you can, try to centralize your posts somewhere so they are easier to find later!
  10. great! now my pew pews have things to pew pew at! Though at the same time, half the stuff wont be as effective as before, Armor is now MUCH better than 2x2's but it has way less HP than before- cannons do more damage too. Version 1.5.1?
  11. I actually have no idea. Check his discord?
  12. could someone tell me what Mod-KeypadMultiply is? Edit- I think I found it. Alt-key?
  13. Don't know, I forgot and can't find it again. Might have been in the universal ammo cfg. Also some smaller large caliber guns, like a bofors or something similar.
  14. Thought I saw settings for air detonation in the ammo cfgs as well. Have you checked that? not that ANY airburst is working atm.
  15. I know that, but ingame I see no options or anything to switch the abrams around from HE to Sabot or anything like that. It's just in the CFG, and I was wondering what it's doing there.
  16. I also wonder, when I look into the cfg files I see a cfg for "Sabot" and a "HE" in the Abrams cannon folders, do these have any meaning? Well. That means my AA abrams cannons just got a lot more effective
  17. My first impressions with KSP were in the days of 0.16/17/18, when I watched an attempt at an SSTO launch on Youtube. (I think it was Scott Manley! Failing!) I then spent several hours trying to find "Herbal Space Program" or something like that. After finding out that it was "Kerbal" and not "Herbal", I spent serious time saving up cash while busying myself with the demo. Before that, I had found a copy of the really old game where I built ridiculous SRB stacks, in 0.14, (I think) and I was amazed that the demo had landing gears and quadcouplers and fairings.. I then busied myself making a rocket to go to the Mun, which involved serious part clipping as I used quad symmetry in conjunction with quadcouplers. It was a copy of a rocket from a super old video and the first thing that happened was me pushing the EVA button without a ladder. The second thing that happened was Jeb falling inside of the launchpad. The next few weeks consisted of me relearning orbit, crashing into the mun, and other things. I soon saved up enough for the full game though, and in 0.19 bought it (just in time for free making history today!) I went straight to the SPH, having had enough time in the demo to get sick of space. I made a twin engine plane, with a couple of wing pieces and a simple tail plane. I made it halfway across the runway before realizing that I had to go to bed. The next few days consisted of me trying to make fighter jet replicas and space fighters, watching my brother make the strangest of all land vehicles, and discovering that cars made the world turn into a blue and white marble. Soon I dove into the world of the official KSP modding site, which I found incredibly cool and awesome. Lazor systems was my first mod, and tanks and aircraft carriers were my entire interest for the next few days. Skillful was next, but BDarmory came. I actually thought that BDA sucked, because I didn't know that mods had to be unpacked, (they had not before) but I soon figured it out and since then my kerbals have been dying in wars across the galaxy, with the power of ALT-F12 Drive fueling them.
  18. not really a solution, I want low-flying bombers to work, and sometimes stray fire distracts even super high aircraft- not to mention I'm using Abrams cannons as heavy AA... might work with the .50 cals though
  19. While talking about AI, is there a way that I can get rid of evading in the code or something? I just want to force an AI to go bomb the target, not evade the one .50 cal firing at it.
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