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  1. I never use the skids, only the rotors, and the only problems I've had with the rotors are that the smaller ones are rather impractical and that scaling them up doesn't seem to do much. if anything.
  2. I've had the large radial engines overheat on me if I don't add enough radiators and/or fly too high, I find it kinda funny.
  3. They are? I've used them to make a couple helicopters relatively recently. Aside from being odd functionally speaking they seem to be working just fine for me, but I might be using an outdated version and that might be why.
  4. Guess it wouldn't matter if I could download the mod or not then since I have the same RAM limitation.
  5. From one of my previous comments: "I tried downloading this 3 times, twice from SpaceDock, once from GitHub, all 3 times the Zip file has been invalid and the content unusable for me. Addition: tried again from SpaceDock, same result. Addition 2: tried again through both SpaceDock and Github on Firefox instead of Opera, both failed, SpaceDock took too long and the download had to be restarted too many times, Github just gave me a broken file just like when I tried using Opera." As for the ISP, the ISP's where I live generally don't care if you're having problems unless you don't have internet access at all. For me, smaller planet packs of about 1.6gb download through Opera or Firefox just fine from SpaceDock or github, ones about 2-3gb need to be downloaded through Firefox seemingly through any site other than Github and need to have their downloads restarted every once in a while, and 5gb or larger just doesnt work. But I find it quite strange so few mods have caused such problems, since I've downloaded mods as large as 4gb for other games without issue through sites like Nexus mods
  6. Might I suggest an option to download the mod in parts off of Github so those who might have problems downloading large files for no apparent reason(like me) are able to use the mod?
  7. I haven't managed to use this mod so I dont know for sure, but I think Far Future is merely suggested, most likely in my opinion because the mod author prefers it. As far as Im aware KSPi-E should work fine with this planet pack.
  8. I dont know for sure why Im having problems downloading this mod, but if I had to guess it would be the file size, every other planet pack I've tried downloading recently has been half the size or smaller, and has worked even after having to restart the download several times.
  9. Managed to download a working copy of the latest version of this mod, just took installing Firefox, and restarting the download 5+ times because for some reason it kept "failing" to download in a way that Firefox would allow me to restart the download, but would just result in a broken .zip file when using Opera.
  10. You're going to need docking ports or other connection parts for that
  11. Yes, but I was also able to download it and the freshly downloaded old version was also usable. Sorry, the way you worded it made me think you meant something else.
  12. For my connected bases there are a few way's I've done it: Adding modules using sky cranes , adding modules using ground based cranes(rovers with KAS winches to lift and move parts), and orbital assembly(connecting modules in orbit then landing them, only works with carefully designed bases)
  13. Of course Im going to download older versions of a mod if the newer versions refuse to download properly.
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