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  1. I've come across an issue with the Gemini fuel cells, after setting the cells to the hydrogen oxygen setting in the vab they keep reverting to consuming monoprop, also if I do get it to launch with the setting I asked for when I switch away and come back to the craft it reverts again to consuming monoprop. https://imgur.com/P853zrK This may be an interaction somehow between KCT and the B9PS method for selecting the cells. Has anyone come across this problem before? and is there a way i can get it to default on hydrogen oxygen or remove the monprop option altogether on my end? Edit: I do not have the CRP fuel cells patch added from the extras folder, I will try adding it to see if this solves my problem Edit 2:no change was found
  2. It rescaled the diameter of the Soyuz upper stage and upper cone stage to a size about 1.5m across, since the real thing is right between the 1.25 and 1.875 sizes the mod sticks to
  3. Sorry if I'm going over old ground here but I've tried looking through the thread and looking on github, but whats the status with the Soyuz rescale patch? The last thing I saw on it was septemberWaves' testing on it back on page 805
  4. I have found a weird thing with the airlock part when the Interior Overlay is used, a second cutout of the airlock appears off to the right and rotated which makes it look like a hole in space https://imgur.com/a/uBX1Z9z Also the Shuttle pack seems to work fine in 1.11 my only suggestion would be to make the power data grapple fixture storable in the containers so we can tack them onto stuff on orbit
  5. Whilst I havent exhaustively tested its just the cassini parts, the others i've used seem fine, on versions 1.7.1 and 1.7.3 output_log is here https://drive.google.com/open?id=13tlRHyyCBaFkFqryVsFzaLzJ-2VLQghy
  6. I downloaded from the github, I can see the mariner parts, but still have the bad plumes
  7. I've found a small problem with the RCS plumes on the Cassini body, they are very large and point the direct wrong way I will note the actual thrust works correctly, its just the plume that is off
  8. Yep, it's running perfectly fine now, thanks for sorting this out
  9. https://drive.google.com/open?id=13tlRHyyCBaFkFqryVsFzaLzJ-2VLQghy thanks for all this help by the way
  10. I changed the @dayLengthMultiplier in 2.5xKSP.cfg from 1.25 to 1.333.. and the Kronometer useHomeDay was set to false since I downloaded it
  11. I havent used a MM patch, the day length was set to 8hrs through 2.5x RESCALE! mod and I used kronometer to set the clock to show the 8hr days. The only change I have done personally is change the day length from the 7.5hr it comes with to 8 and that was in the rescale .cfg file stacking 8 mk1 command pods for me gives 20days 4hrs of food, I also have no ability to switch to either 6hr/24hr readouts
  12. ive installed v0.13.13 and it seems to be working correctly except the displays list a Kerbin day as 7hrs long when I have my day length set to 8hrs through kronometer. I dont seem to have any errors in the console or KSP.log file
  13. been loving the mod so far, are there any recommendations to stop the canadarm waving about during launch and maneuvers?
  14. I gotta say as soon as I saw you were working on a C-130 cockpit, i was checking this topic all the time to see how it was going I couldn't be happier with the result, I had a C-130 built that was just waiting for the right cockpit to come along
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