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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. interesting. i see no reason way my rover are getting closer in the new version. thank you it mast have been an artifact of my rovers edit is the target in the new version using more accuracy(more decimal numbers) lat/lan ?
  2. In the old version the default was 200m. Would you consider restoring that default?
  3. The rover stops 0.2m from waypoint (for me 100 - 200 is better) Is it the same for targets? can this distance be modified?
  4. i think the relies version dos not support the new API of trajectory (at the moment) ther is a version that dos in this tread
  5. close the game and start over (sorry) load a save you are at risk of losing work this happened to me once (a long time ago) and if it was not for LG`s mod "auto saves and screen shot" i wold have lost close to a week of playing (no persistent saves doring sim) p.s i never close the game, it just run 24/7 using KOS scripts to run my ships wen im sleeping or at work
  6. @linuxgurugamer considering there are a number of fail mods but only 1 sim mod (at the moment) can KRASH show some flag oder mod can read to indicate its in sim mode and pass the buck over to the fail mods?
  7. I have ohscrap and dangit installed. one of them has blown a wheel can that be the cause of not seeing a connection wheel to the ground log https://www.dropbox.com/s/8lww9b1j8gh71q1/output_log.7z?dl=0
  8. i have a KOS script that just drives strait to a target(way point) and stops ther. im not supervising it most of the time. i didnt see the rover go up the cliff, it was in this position wen i can back to the computer to check up on it
  9. Are you in 1.5? It sims contract-configurator is not working correctly in 1.5
  10. Dont use trajectory on an unloded craft. Only loded crafts have air drag. Assuming SR uses lat lng ignoring altitude to calc distense just set PE over KSC at about 24k
  11. if you right klic on a part it will show parts of this type in the inventory
  12. afaik the new version whit the breaking changes is for 1.5 but the old one works as well
  13. I updated my game from 1.31, never used kct before. I have scrapyard installed as well sorry for the nee-jerk reaction without looking in the pics thers a new button in the tool bar for SY you need to use that to add parts its not tru the KCT menu
  14. the only hiccup i had was back in 1.1 (that is KSP 1.1 not SR 1.1)so it was a long time ago. from memory id say that Beetlecat is that only reported (posebel) hiccup in the last year or 2 the line i quoted can cause a bug a ship has a PE of 26000 and at altitude of 27000+-1000 will trigger PreRecovery and will not get deleted perhaps add a check for a PE of less then 25K ? (my 1 expirance of PreRecovery kerbals makes me guess that originally it was a PE check)
  15. afaik pre-recovery is only for kerbals wen a ship gets deleted all kerbals onboard get marked as KIA/MIA to avoid that SR removes kerbals before deletion, but in some cases the mod is in error and the ship wont get deleted, in that case the kerbals are moved to KSC and the ship stays empty
  16. You need scrap yard for this Did you move from 1.2? I think that was the last integrated ksp
  17. in 1.5 parts got new names(probe cors and command ) UBM wont relocate the renamed parts
  18. last night i discovered how OP US1 fuel cell is i was updating my mun/minmus rover for a duna mission i have in it a US1 4 hub whit 1 fuel cell, 1 H2 tank, 1O2 tank, and elecktron this setup gave me ~23 days of 16EC/s using USII i had to add 2 2hight 4hub for 2 fuel cells and 4 H2 tank and 2 O2 tanks to get 9 EC/s for ~2 days
  19. wen i started my new save i wanted to use less mods one of the mods i opted out was KCT then after i had a mission to mun, a DSN in orbit and my VAB and lunch pad were at level 2 i looked at the time i was still in my first day ?!?!? thats wen i disided i cant play without KCT and added it to the game i didnt have any problem adding it mid save
  20. it is Pre-Recovery but probably just a fluke my worst fluk was wen doring a lunch the crew of a ship on the way back from mun whit a pe of 24 was pre-recoverd doring the lunch even tho thy wer just out of mun soi edit more options in one of my first games i parked a rover too close to the lunch tower doring lunch it was sprayed all over the KSC
  21. 1- post a link 2- you can rewrite the program file as a function
  22. to any one who is intrested in a kos rover driver i have upgraded KK4TEE rover.ks its not finist yet but it worke VERY good i have seen my rovers going dowan a 40 deg hill on the mun and flying over craters lip and landing whit no harm gui version https://gist.github.com/danielboro/5edffc6071f27bf7651f443c985b8c59 terminal version https://gist.github.com/danielboro/38ae24f97d209d8d853f78bf1fbad641 scili.ks to allow rovers to collect science on the way https://gist.github.com/danielboro/a2cd2379afa7b9aba5def6bab7024fcd it can auto complit missions to collect science
  23. i was thinking i couldn't recover to list do to choosing no revert but i did succeed 1 time of the many i tried then agen Magico did say it was an unreliably hak
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