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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. use the lock button to prevent a value from changing. improving a guess and getting a bad guess is normal it will guess in the oposit direction the next time
  2. i installed it mid game and removed it and re installed it did not kill the save game
  3. this problem was do to a bad IF in the code i believe this was fixed
  4. @allista can you readd the ability to use ` or ~ as the on/off key of TCA?
  5. i recommend using 60 as start and 30 as end this will help prevent/redoes the angling problem option B is use KOS and write your lunch script
  6. @Antipodes hello did you try to ask the have programmers for help? like linuxgurugamer sarbian or roverdude?
  7. by fine tuning the parameter it its possebel to get the PE above the atmosphere before getting the AP to max
  8. 1) not stupid 2) yes 3) you can write an MM script to add the needed module to any part you want
  9. im gessing the same as if you use a version for 1.3.1 in 1.4.3 the game never loads that wat happened to me, the loading stopped on vasmir
  10. i use 2 EC detector the active turns on the inactive
  11. i dont play whit RSS so i dont know the numbers but try different numbers start by setting the start time to AP to 90 end time to AP can stay at 50 or try a bigger number you did set the Ap to >120 wat is your TWR? is it more then 1.5 (1.5 is the recommended but i fond 2 to be better in kerbin) you can try starting the turn at a higher speed and set the start angel to be smaller try setting to move to prograde from SRFprograd to be at lower pressor p.s. GT will change the numbers after every lunch after a fail it will start turning at a higher speed and whit a smaller angel after a success it try's whit a lower speed and bigger angel you can just do revert to lunch until GT finds good numbers
  12. i need help understanding way i dont have a connection EC is 1010/1010 solar is not out do to new install (wen installing Copernicus solar fix all solar get back in)
  13. this is wat he was reporting ?!?
  14. @RoverDude this thing (lose of hub on decoupling/staging hub section for reentry) was reported before and fieals more like a bug then a wanted limit. is it possible to add a min hub time after a decouple/stage? this way if you have 1 day and then decouple/stage hub section it will only drop to min and not to 0 personally all my reentry pods have a dedicated KOS scripts that get the crew down safely on detecting that the capsule is going to land regardless if it doring liftoff or landing or conses or not
  15. my 2 cents i start by running KSP and then do an update check (i need 10-20 minutes to get KSP to start) so my suggestion is run KSP in the background, enter the MOD list for the one im running and do an update check
  16. RSS/RO the main motors need to be under G force for the fule to flow in the correct direction to be in a stable state
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