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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. hello @FreeThinker i collected some data on my no trust problem this is the LR-PMK10 that had the unbalanced Ac poising the solid core the problem at the moment is that the solid cors in this ship has an ISP of 64024 but a trust of 0 important: i have most of nerta`s NF mods installed KSP 1.3 kspi 1.15.2 al mods uptodate acording to AVC and ckan logs KSP.log https://yadi.sk/d/w9vS8hfU3NQpF2 output.log https://yadi.sk/d/tQiHpEEZ3NQpHB pic movie https://yadi.sk/d/tRZuCCXm3NQrGp
  2. just use 1.15.15 reactor or nuke drive and cool them using stock radiators (i used pebbel bed and lightbulb and kandel. 3 different ships,all old and known to work) rate of waste heat removal was near 0 reverted to 1.15.1 i have no build up of waste heat
  3. the drive is the reactor a gas of UF4 is under going fission that heat up the propelent and the hot propelent drives the ship the extra heat is used to make EC and MJ in the built in Thermal Electric Generator
  4. no. this is a lunch not yet circulised to orbit losing power and MJ will not stop a Closed Cycle Gas Core from making trust and EC and MJ it dos not need any of them to work
  5. thats not a fusen drive its a fission drive the lightbulb- Closed Cycle Gas Core Engine
  6. wat is happening? 0 trust ?!?!? no error in logs no KSPI lines in logs
  7. @FreeThinker version bug: stoke radiators dont remove waste heat possibly do to installed nerats mod edit: correction waste heat is getting removed at a rate of 0.06 in a ship that never had accumulated more then 0 waste heat
  8. @linuxgurugamer i tried to use a eva fuel canister(the extra EVA fuel tank from kis) to refile my kerbal eva fuel it didnt work. is that the reason? or is ther a bug in kis or evafuel (or in my install)? extra info im using the default evafuel (monoprop) but the ratio is 1 to 5 (default is 1 to 1) logs https://yadi.sk/d/DfUYkBey3NBTJv https://yadi.sk/d/jpeFicBX3NBTLU versions KSP 1.3 all mods up-to date according to ckan kis 1.7 evafuel 1.5 thanks
  9. hello will you be willing to add this mod to https://spacedock.info/kerbal-space-program it has an option to auto add mods to ckan
  10. it wont start count until the first time he enters pahisisks range i had the happy accident of losing all LS data in the save file so my eal fated duna expedition that run out of hub 2 days after an emergence return to kerbin will arrive to kerbin whit lots of hub
  11. this mod " Stanford torus mod" is for 0.9and will not work on 1.3
  12. last night i tried to refill the EVA fuel using the eva buttal it didnt work im usning "EvaFuel Continued" i dont know wen it stopped working as i dont use the refill option often did any one else notice this or has sujestions? ill do a new attempt tonight and post a log(at work at the moment and my log can get as big as 1.5GB, yes its GB not MB) edit the log files https://yadi.sk/d/DfUYkBey3NBTJv https://yadi.sk/d/jpeFicBX3NBTLU
  13. i use USI-MKS strip miner to get rear metals this is my first prototype https://yadi.sk/i/RTx3r8OP3NAiNe evry full truk gives me ~10M this is the first return of exotic minerals (uses usi MKS), later in the sires he improves on the metod if thers no drill in kspi (i think ther is) a simple MM suld allow stoke drill to get the CRP resources not that i know off i know of 2 warp drives (KSPI and USI) and 2 jump gates linuxgurugamer and ??? AFAIK nerta only have near futer drives no far futer stuff
  14. i just started bulding my first beam power sat (i use KCT) the first users will be my mun and minmus rovers. thay dont have the power to do any thing doring the night exept running LS. i want them to run the sciance lab, transmit scince and drive doring the night too. i have 2 gigantorn on them. i didnt build the rovers thinking of power transmition. is LONG IR the correct option for the sats? are the gigantor a wide spectrom resivers how limited are ther option if i didnt do any configuration in the vab ?
  15. that looks like a simpel fix using a cone saped matte collinding whit a spear of antimatter will direact the antimatter at the target or using a e- beam to heat the antimatter to a plasma and then colide it whit the casing using a low A/M ratio beam q moved to correct tread
  16. if you wish to have automation you can use KOS- write your oune landing code. it can get some data from tragetoris karmax autopilot. autolands an aircraft on a runway AtmosphereAutopilot
  17. using stage recovery you can get the $ (and parts if you use scrapyard) of the aircraft back and pretend it landed
  18. sorry cant sepal in English if my life depended on it and writing from the phone wer i dont have a spellchecker makes it wors my intent was a waite colored line of trajectory prediction over laid on the blue colored line of KSP orbit after turning on and off it get calculated correctly and the waite colored line is displayed in the correct place
  19. and(im gussing) the somaker-levi comet had more energy in it wen it collided whit Jupiter then the Pu pellet has the pellets dont have inaf energy to make a splotch even if it went kaboom
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