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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. https://yadi.sk/d/jnFsTm863LhByR thank you i sopuse the fix is not easy to explain
  2. hello i got an error from CC and was told to close KSP and not to save i think i ignored it that was at list 4 days ago (im still looking for a save from before the error) now i see i cant get new contracts is ther a way to fix this (save file edit?) i do hope i dont have to go back to an old save, ill probably lose a week of work
  3. i think you left CTT in KSPI has a number of mods included whit it if you only removed the warp dir you left a number of mods that came whit it KSP 1.3 or 1.2.2? ther a new CTT for 1.3 that is back ported in KSPI to 1.2.2 its puseble its not compatible whit mods for 1.2.2 that are expecting CTT for 1.2.2 try reinstalling CTT
  4. wat do you see? pic? did you install it manually or by ckan?
  5. i think something like a flag painted on the door if it can be auto selected based on content, best, if not then player selected at list a number of skin options to show if the content is a sci, KIS, KOS, resource kinda like kerbal can have a pic to see if its a sci pilot or engineer
  6. spinup was ~3 sec, way better then the solid core, spindown was near instant like the 1.12 solid core im used to MJ messing calculations on the solid core, this will be an improvement the only Q is is this the final stat? in the move from 1.12 to 1.13 or 1.14 actinid damage was added to the solid core and longer spinup/down times moving it from a long term space engine to a 1 mission engine edit "the core temp does tend to heat up over time and reduce thrust " this i find as strange the hotter the exhaust the higher the ISP and if the propellant flow is a constant trust should go up
  7. alpha im testing a 1.25 timberwind as an upgrade/replacement for the solid core. after 15 minutes of running at 100% i get 1% of depleted fuel and max trust is not affected. is this as intended ?
  8. no need to jump ship just press restore node i use it often
  9. is that a permanent thing or are ther things to help get the core back up to 100%? it is a game as a reality sim your mod is a marvel but the closer you make it to reality the harder the game is that is way KSP and games in general do things less real think abut adding a line suggesting this limitation to the engeans in the game the unaware playr (most of them) will not know abut that cant look in the VAB at the moment to see if ther such a wornning in the description, got a space palyn on the way to space another 30 real minuts to orbita or 5 game minuts
  10. ~1H at 80% truttel the test (pmk10) lasted 37 minutes and i got an extra 0.6% more Ac my TTnL has ~ 2% and that ship is running at 48% of max
  11. installed this thested on the pmk10 and ttnl (after save edit to balance the cores) works excellently my next Q how bad is the Ac poising sapuse to be? i see 1% Ac drops trust to 65% of max and 2% Ac drops trust to 48% of max are thus the intended values?
  12. i have ~120 mods by AVC listing so probably more like 130 my computer is an i3 gen5, 12MB DDR3 Ram, no extra Gcard wen the game was on a HDD i needed ~15 minutes to start after moving the game to an SSD it went down to ~6 minutes
  13. is ther any thing i can do to restore the solid core (in game) 1% of acthinids drops the trust by ~30% what is the affect curve of the acthinids on trust (thermal power?)
  14. a 5 will get you to the KSC on load a 7 will get you to the ship on load if a sicean change resets something i hope one of them will prevent or make the reset and make it reproducible
  15. if wen you load the save you get to KSC and then go to the ship try this make a copy of the save. edit it and change scene = 5 to scene = 7 try the new save (i usually change the name to quicksave for east F9 load) if its a quicksave try the revers
  16. this can be seen in the vid i made for freethinker 15 days ago
  17. its not 1 every reactor makes a different amount i didnt show it in the pic on the 2 extrims but non of the 4 reactors had the same amount of actinides
  18. but still the unbalancing of trust is a problem i think that by default all trust from same type suld be kept balanced like i mentioned, my TTNL has been working for ~ a year and the unbalance only stated in the last 10 days
  19. this has to be new my ship is reporting 1y and 300d left of activity edit after looking at screens shot from last night i see the reported life going from 6 days at 100% trust to 2000y wen ideling. but most of the time its on 1y 400+ days
  20. this ship has 2 gigantors and 4 fuel cells (using a kos script to start them wen needed) any 1 of them can make inaf EC to run it but the real problem is the 4 reactors are not balanced. theirs a favored for producing power and this reactor loses trust do to accumulated Ac then the ship is unbalanced that can get up to 140KN on one side and 110KN on the second that ~ 20%. lots of turq
  21. is the Ac thing new? the TTNL is ~1y old and until a number of days ago i didnt see this thing not to mention the SSTO that got Ac damage in ~ 30 days of idling
  22. this is after warping for ~80 days (i started whit all nukes fixed having the same number for Ac and U) and then setting trutel to 100% edit trust is 71 KN and 67 KN
  23. after take off this ship went to minmus. landed near my miner..i used CC-r2 ports from kis to connect the 2 i dont know the exact time but that was the last thing i did in 1.2.2 ~ 30 games days ago { the miner has inaf solar to work in the day time. the ship has 4 UniversalStorage fuel cells and the 4 solid cores i jump to see if it was full ~ 3 games days ago found it at night and whit all drills and converter off (but EC was at 100%) turned all back on. and set a KAC alarm for 1 game day i came back to it after ~ 2 game days and found the unbalanced nukes } this i did today if thers relevant info in the logs i have them
  24. i fixed this problem by editing the save file (calced an AVG and gave the same number to all 4 nuks in the ship) but favoring a single core for power wily idel is probably a something that need to be fixed losing 30 out of 150 KN in one side is not good.
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