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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. crew affected 1 per part (10 partes whit affect on 1 crew but only max 7 crew) but look at the number for max, thy change wen the number of assigned crew change p.s. it an observation window
  2. Sorry i was doing it on the run. On the phone wily supping now so no improvement. The pics are of stock 3 kerbal command pod a stock 4 kerbal ppd24 . The multi is from usi-ls observation cupola (I think) I put 10 of them at 0.2 etch. No crew cap for them But I think all data is in the pics
  3. look in the pics 3+4 1 crew=multi of 2 2 crew=multi of 1 7 crew=multi of 2/7
  4. you miss understud im plying in KSP 1.2 to chek if this bug is in 1.3 i tryed to run my 1.3 moded but it cras on loading kis wen ill have more time ill try to fix it to see if the bug is in KSP 1.3 and the new USI-LS version im not using 1.2 mods in 1.3.
  5. then its a bug its in 1.2.2 my 1.3 moded is crasing on start ill try in it after i fix it
  6. das this mean that if i put 1 kerbal per part i get a bigger mult then if i put them all in the same part? edit: my station has room for 24 and by puting 6 i get mult from ~1+3 to ~1+0.5 didt try to put 1 per PPD, auto placement: 2 in command pod 4 in PPD edit2: at any case i think that multi/crew is bad i make a ship whit 100y hub (10y in space * 1+9 in multi) 1 kerbal -100y (10y*(1+9/1))/1 10 kerbals - 1.9y (10y*(1+9/10))/10
  7. @DocRockwell isent the scanning altitudes dependent on planet radius? (not hard coded)
  8. im still im 1.2.2 and an old USI-LS+MKS last night wen trying to make a station i notices that the sum(multiplayer) are divided by crew number IE in the LS window under multiplayer i get 1+sum(all parts hub multiplayer)/crew is this the expected behavior ?
  9. @Voodoo8648 i tested the script and it works pointed to node and wen the time came set throttle to max. its KSP 1.2.2 and kos 1.1 (works in 1.03 too)
  10. I just got to work. I'll test the script wen I get home ~10h The script will run until you ctr-c or the kos computer is turns off. Until then it gevs no output and no input
  11. install kos copy the txt to a file anyname.ks copy the file to KSPDIR\Ships\Script\boot in the VAB/SPH install a kos computer in the ship and in the RMB menu chuos the file as the boot script i have an MM script to add kos to all probes @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand]] { MODULE { name = kOSProcessor diskSpace = 2048 } } and to install the file as a boot script in an old ship i use setnewbootscript.ks parameter bootf is "proctagboot". copypath("0:/boot/"+bootf+".ks","1:/boot/"+bootf+".ks"). set core:bootfilename to "/boot/"+bootf+".ks". to use it do run setnewbootscript("anyname"). <-- see the dot, its important it will copy anyname from the boot dir to the core and set it as the boot script for that core
  12. if you are willing to use a ready made (kos)script i have been using this (adapted from Kevin Gisi source) as a boot script // Kevin Gisi // http://youtube.com/gisikw function mnv_time { parameter dv. set ens to list(). ens:clear. set ens_thrust to 0. set ens_isp to 0. list engines in myengines. for en in myengines { if en:ignition = true and en:flameout = false { ens:add(en). } } for en in ens { set ens_thrust to ens_thrust + en:availablethrust. set ens_isp to ens_isp + en:isp. } if ens_thrust = 0 or ens_isp = 0 { return 0. } else { local f is ens_thrust * 1000. // engine thrust (kg * m/s²) local m is ship:mass * 1000. // starting mass (kg) local e is constant():e. // base of natural log local p is ens_isp/ens:length. // engine isp (s) support to average different isp values local g is ship:orbit:body:mu/ship:obt:body:radius^2. // gravitational acceleration constant (m/s²) return g * m * p * (1 - e^(-dv/(g*p))) / f. } } FUNCTION MNV_EXEC_NODE { PARAMETER autoWarp is true. LOCAL n IS NEXTNODE. LOCAL v IS n:BURNVECTOR. LOCAL startTime IS TIME:SECONDS + n:ETA - MNV_TIME(v:MAG)/2. LOCK STEERING TO n:BURNVECTOR. IF autoWarp { WARPTO(startTime - 30). } WAIT UNTIL TIME:SECONDS >= startTime. LOCK THROTTLE TO MIN(MNV_TIME(n:BURNVECTOR:MAG/3), 1). WAIT UNTIL VDOT(n:BURNVECTOR, v) < 0.05. LOCK THROTTLE TO 0. UNLOCK STEERING. remove n. } until 0 { if HASNODE MNV_EXEC_NODE(false). wait 0. }
  13. i use a kos script that dos part:CONTROLFROM when ship:PARTS:LENGTH<>old-PARTS-LENGTH i use MM to add kos(2K space) to all porbs and command pods
  14. @Sokar408 as of last reals on 1.2.2 no i manually move the node 1-3 sec to help MJ do a better burn
  15. for those that use KOS and USI-LS this will turn on and off Recyclers every time thers a change in crew number to get the max % whit min EC use set recdatalist to list( lexicon("name","Tundra.Kerbitat375","title","MKS 'Tundra' Kerbitat (3.75m)","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.865,"pur",true,"purcrewcap",4,"purrexper",0.9325), lexicon("name","Tundra.Kerbitat250","title","MKS 'Tundra' Kerbitat (2.5m)","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.81,"pur",true,"purcrewcap",4,"purrexper",0.905), lexicon("name","USILS.LgRecycler","title","RT-5000 Recycling Module","CrewCapacity",3,"RecyclePercent",0.79,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","Duna.Kerbitat","title","MKS 'Duna' Kerbitat","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.77,"pur",true,"purcrewcap",4,"purrexper",0.885), lexicon("name","Tundra.PioneerLC","title","MKS 'Tundra' Pioneer - Logistics Module","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.70,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","Tundra.Pioneer","title","MKS 'Tundra' Pioneer","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.70,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","dsak.proc.b","title","Mk2 Inline Recycler","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.65,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","USILS.Recycler","title","RT-500 Recycling Module","CrewCapacity",1,"RecyclePercent",0.6,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","inlineCmdPod","title","PPD-1 Heavy Command Module","CrewCapacity",6,"RecyclePercent",0.5,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","inlineCmdPod","title","Mk4-1 Heavy Command Module","CrewCapacity",7,"RecyclePercent",0.5,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","Large.Crewed.Lab","title","Mobile Processing Lab MPL-LG-2","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.5,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","ScienceModule","title","Science Laboratory","CrewCapacity",4,"RecyclePercent",0.5,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","mk3-9pod","title","Mk3-9 Orbital Command Pod","CrewCapacity",3,"RecyclePercent",0.25,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","Malemute.RoverScienceLab","title","Malemute Geology Lab","CrewCapacity",2,"RecyclePercent",0.25,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0), lexicon("name","SalamanderPod","title","'Salamander' Command Pod","CrewCapacity",2,"RecyclePercent",0.25,"pur",false,"purcrewcap",0,"purrexper",0) ). set oldcrewnum to 0. set lhubst to SHIP:MODULESNAMED("ModuleLifeSupportRecycler"). //on ship:CREW:LENGTH<>oldcrewnum function setrec { CLEARSCREEN. set lhubst to SHIP:MODULESNAMED("ModuleLifeSupportRecycler"). local I to ship:CREW:LENGTH. from {local X to 0. local maxrec to 0. local curentrec to 0.} until (maxrec<curentrec and I<1) or X>=recdatalist:LENGTH step {set X to X+1.} do { set reclist to SHIP:PARTSNAMED(recdatalist[X]["name"]). // print reclist:LENGTH+" name: "+recdatalist[X]["name"]+" " at (0,23). wait 0.1. if reclist:LENGTH>0 from {local Y to 0. } until (maxrec<=curentrec and I<1) or Y>=reclist:LENGTH step {set Y to Y+1.} do { set maxrec to max(maxrec,recdatalist[X]["RecyclePercent"]). set wreclist to reclist[Y]:GETMODULE("ModuleLifeSupportRecycler"). if maxrec>curentrec {if wreclist:hasevent("Start Life Support") wreclist:doevent("Start Life Support"). set curentrec to (curentrec*ship:CREW:LENGTH+recdatalist[X]["CrewCapacity"]*recdatalist[X]["RecyclePercent"])/ship:CREW:LENGTH. set I to I-recdatalist[X]["CrewCapacity"].} else {if wreclist:hasevent("Stop Life Support") wreclist:doevent("Stop Life Support").} print " effective Recycler: "+min(maxrec,curentrec) at (0,6). // print " effective Recycler: "+curentrec +" maxrec: "+maxrec at (0,20). print " X: "+X +" Y: "+Y+" I: "+I at (0,22). wait 0.1. } } } until false { if ship:CREW:LENGTH<>oldcrewnum { setrec(). wait 0. set oldcrewnum to ship:CREW:LENGTH. local I to 7. local j to 1. print "num of crew:"+ship:CREW:LENGTH at (0,5). for hubst in lhubst {print j+": "+hubst:GETFIELD("life support")+" part name: "+hubst:part:name+" " at (0,I). set j to j+1. set I to I+1.} } wait 0. }.
  16. my SSTO using JadeOfMaar airline kuzine mod KSPI solid core nuke kos for easy hands off to orbit made to take tourists to mun and minmus download LR-pmk6 see LR-pmk6 on KerbalX.com i have a fully stok version too https://kerbalx.com/danielboro/LR-pmk6-stok
  17. @nightingale hello the Strategia: VesselValueImprover.HandleVessel spam is back in a new ship it has a new companion [ERR 00:40:32.376] onFixedUpdate called [ERR 00:40:32.412] onUpdate called i kill the game after 110 minuts log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pvjhe097byxuln7/‏‏KSP - strat2.log?dl=0
  18. bug: crew (turist) in rec short dont appear in the crew portraits https://yadi.sk/i/u3XQbq2U3JE3Ux
  19. reporting a random sim start went from KSC to my epod (tourist getting back from multi moon flyby) didnt notice im in sim mode until landed cant recover-> notice im in sim mode-> end sim -> 2 sec of black screen -> kill game log : https://yadi.sk/d/WzYjUsuw3J9FPu
  20. sorry for posting in the wrong tread (i googled kerbal kspi and went to the first link) re posting my q can some one explain wat number are used in calculating the EC generated by the solid core?
  21. i do. i edited basePowerOutputMk1 = 166.66667 basePowerOutputMk2 = 250 to basePowerOutputMk1 = 1666.66667 basePowerOutputMk2 = 2500 didt see any effect edit: any suggestion wat i need to edit and to wat to get ~4 EC/s from etch engean?
  22. 40EC/s is over powerd 0.006EC/s is under powerd id appreciate a sort explanation of the EC generation that can be seen in this pic how its calec amount and any thing else any of you think he can add thanks
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