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Everything posted by danielboro

  1. I use MechJeb, Kerbal Engineer, TCA and KOS. and GT* and AtmosphereAutopilot for plains. im verey automated i chose the target and let the computer do his stuff (then let the kids play on the computer wily KSP runs in the background ) *edit: how could i forget gravity turn for lunches
  2. i recomend adding it dos auto saves as well you can use alt(mod)-F5 instead of ESC and then save
  3. its possible you need to add AG2 off and AG3 off. i remember having some problems whit AG only working wen going from off to on. so i needed {toggle AGX. toggle AGX.} for it to work the second time actually what i did was {AGX on. AGX off.} UNTIL FALSE { if SHIP:ELECTRICCHARGE > 100 and SHIP:WATER < 143 {TOGGLE AG2. PRINT "===== DRILLS ACTIVATED".} else {TOGGLE AG3. PRINT "===== DRILLS SHUT-DOWN".} wait X. } i think this is better. set X to the number of seconds bittwin testing or 0 to test every tick
  4. @MaxxQ that, or install Automated Screenshots and saves it saved me meany kerbals and missions
  5. i play a lot AFK. i plot the nav points then let my kids have the computer. and i use mekjeb and kos as pilots. and KAC to not miss ship jumps. i expect Nerfclasher has a similar play stile. i cold use an option to start mods like GT from kos no reason to reinvent the weal if i dont have to
  6. thers a setting to add the mass of a part to the parent part if the 2hot and barometer use it but the mag boom dos not the probe will be unbalanced, as on one side ther will be 0 mass (mass added to parent mass) and on the second side the mag boom will have mass
  7. i love this mod works in 1.2.2 especially the kerbaled messages ""New crater on ..." predictions "
  8. something weird i have 2 lunchpads, 1 at level 2 and 1 at level 3. i dubbel clicked on chaing lunce pad and i got a message "upgrade to lunch pad started" no $ wer removed from my account and in 2 days my level 2 will be level 3 thers no mention of this in the log file i was abel to recreant it by multiple clickes on the >> button opss in my recreation i got 100000$ but my luncpads are now both at level 1 edit: found som lins on this in output_log https://www.dropbox.com/s/9v2j8q9bjmuq7o4/‏‏output_log KCTbug.zip?dl=0 edit2: after the end of the upgrade timer my lunch pad and lunch pad 2 are back at level 3 and 2
  9. Exception occured while saving ScenarioModule 'ContractPreLoader': System.InvalidOperationException: Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute. at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract].VerifyState () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1+Enumerator[ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Linq.Enumerable+<CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1[ContractConfigurator.ConfiguredContract].MoveNext () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at ContractConfigurator.ContractPreLoader.OnSave (.ConfigNode node) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 the CC window was open i left the game to run and rerturnd after ~ 2h this message was on i reopened CC window it worked as normal
  10. defenatly a bit off i did a small test made a rocket that stagerecovery reported had a landing of 4.9m/s it landed whit 2.9m/s that a 40% differens. i used 12 radial parachutes , 8 suold have been inaf
  11. i moved my game to 1.2.1 and then to 1.2.2 lots of redesigning in the habitat section do to changes in USI-LS i considered forfeiting the expedition, but then i read the USI wiki and found that ranger in hab mode can give a hab multiplier of x5 i added 2 of them and now i plan on increasing the crew to 6 plus 1 turist and still have inaf hub to get ther and back http://imgur.com/INBiDAH http://imgur.com/Ur0OUwR 70 days to the lunch window
  12. and agen http://imgur.com/a/EeMxb this time i didnt even go to a ship just run the game https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16595946/krasgERR2.log your mod autosave and screenshot saves the day i have saves from this even when krash stops the game from saving
  13. i moved my game from 1.1.3 to 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 i notices i need to x2 the number of parachutes to successfully recover the stages is this a change in KSP or stagerecovery ?
  14. im having som problems and i think KRASH is the reason will you be willing to make the sim part as a stand alone mod? or is ther another sim i can use whit KCT?
  15. have a look at PersistentThrust if this can work whit that a low thrust is not a problem
  16. i have the same thing as subyng ckan say i have v-5.22.1 i jumped using KAC to a different ship and the sim active started i used esc to end the sim i was worried ill lose ~1.5H but i didnt lose any time wen i went to KSC it started agen this is a screen from the VAB i checked the save and CanQuickSave = False is back after going to the KSC i did try to run a sim, but i still have missing(locked) parts and KRASH wont allow running a sim of a ship whit locked parts i canceled the attempt but i think KRASH didn't notice edit:after exiting the vab i still get the massage sim active (in KSC) but in the save CanQuickSave = False was reverted to CanQuickSave = True https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16595946/‏‏KSPkrasherror.log from my experience whit KRASH in 1.1.3 i think it has a problem whit KCT i had a similar problem wen i used the KCT sim and KRASH on the same ship one after the oder back wen i was using 1.1.3 i avoided using KRASH after that, but KCT is removing the sim function and is recommending KRASH as the replacement edit 2: after ~10H of running, the game CTD (my standard way of exiting KSP ) i had a look at the save folder to see the lost time from last persistent and i see that there was no saves for the all 10H i have your auto saves and screen shot set at a save every 35 minutes so i only lost ~10m but no new persistent save for ~10H is unusual
  17. at the moment, until a rewrite is finished, KCT for KSP1.2.x dos not have inventory reuse or counts the number of times a part was build
  18. that explains the funny numbers i got using the (U+1)^B and not finding number of build per part. i was thinking that only [ I ] was broken
  19. so in formula EffectivePartFormula = "min([C]/([I] + ([B]*([U]+1))), [C])" U is 0 for all parts at all times?
  20. wer can i find the number of times a part was build? a sentence i can use for a lookup will be good. for thous of interests my solution for not having reuse of recovered parts is to change the formula to ([ u ] +1)^[ b ] wer B is 1.35 im still thinking wat value of B is best. the range im thinking of is 1.25-1.5 at 1.25 at 80 times the part is build as fast as if i have a recovered part and after that faster at 1.5 at 20 times the part is build as fast as if i have a recovered part and after that faster
  21. id like to add on Time to AP start and finish the bigger the start time the less time it will be in high pressure zone the lower the finish time the more efficient the lunch i started using 50-40 wen a long unstable ship had the a flipping problem, and by increasing the start time to AP to 60 and lowering the end to 30 i solved the problem and got a better dV then lowering the start angle or increasing the start turn speed
  22. preliminary report ampyer updated last night by ckan a ship run out of EC (took me a long time to find the resun of EC running out do to USI-LS incompatibility) on emergency shutdown ampyear closed my panels. i had to manually open them a number of times until i found it was ampyear manager doing it, then wen i turned it off it stopped edit: i tried to replicate it but this behavior did not return
  23. thanks that worked but i still think that if a file named boot.ks is in root it suold be auto run at boot time as default
  24. @kcs123 that is not my problem the file has the correct name and is in the correct location my problem is that it is not running at boot time in my old ships i can rename a file to boot.ks and thy will run way cant i do it in new ships? p.s. i see you use "SET SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTMAINTHROTTLE TO myThrottle. " you can use "LOCK THROTTLE TO myThrottle."
  25. i copypath("0:/file.ks",boot.ks). reboot did not run it i movepath(boot.ks, boot/boot.ks) reboot did not run it is it a bug?
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