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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. i get the cannot be deployed glitch as a persistent bug, but thats the only one i deal with, but as far as porting to other consoles, that in its self is akin to what im asking for, a port to another system, just with stripping out alot of the features out. Localisation is cool but althow it may in its self generate money none of this other stuff will. and again, im not talking about small screens! im talking about tablets, and that is very possible because i use a CAD platform on both ipad and ipad mini, so if you can run touch screen then im sure you can run the VAB which is on par with the autocad app. Im suggesting a whole new game market, and remember that fallout shelter, the liquidpoor companion to fallout brought in over $7 million so far and may be as much as 13mil(hard to get figures for the latter half of 2016), but either way what im suggesting is far more interesting a game even if you could just build and view them. thow i will concede it may not be a well balenced craft, it would still be fun, and you could port it to your game and tune it from there (neocom for eve has a fitting section where you do just that).
  2. Thats what i thought, probably half of my game time is spent in the sph
  3. touch screen can be made to do what, it maynot be the best, but gamepad controlls are crap compared to a mouse and keyboard and people still use them. but i did specifically mean tablets not small phones. on your rational the entire game 'quite frankly isn't needed' but this is something from a business perspective makes sense, look at fallout app. im not suggestion a new feature for the game they have already completed and don't make money on by refining, im suggestion something i would like that they could actually get paid for. no gameplay just the builder. as for people using it. look at the paid companions for other games, there is enough business to make them viable. and this would be more entertaining than most.
  4. yeah im using that version, and i had them on mirror, and i used locks at 0 and 90, and my hyperedit is the latest, i refreshed my mods a week back, but also its happened without hyperediting now. just after using time warp. and my recent try using the smaller rotatrons, it went fine after many hyper edits and all that jaz, and when i unlocked after landing they snapped round and launched my ship into the air! Im also having a problem in the editor which i think is related. when i goto set a limit on one side, and i invert the other so i can use it, it seems to rotate so i have to set the locks at -180 and -90 (the first craft didnt have that issue) but i duno what to do. i tried using hindges but i cant get them to toggle they same way on either side of the ship.
  5. so i just pulled out everything and reinstalled direct from the linke (it just incase ive changed something since the last install) but no change heres the video, i loaded on the runway, undid the strut, rotated teh engines up and back, flew to orbit and did the same, then hyper edited to duna. and thats where this starts with me undoing the struts and trying to move the engines. so in the paused bit of the video i was just trying to realign then engines with the new orientation they had, and again as you see as soon as i timewarped, they did the same thing again
  6. Yeah i installed everthing just as said, and still it seems to slip! It also happens in the sph, it took ages to get thows rotatrons balenced! Thanks for the rest of that thow itll help with other things, but my version just has one 2.5reaction wheel and doubled up rcs, and it lands on duna fine with althow not completly vertically, fuel is fine too, it can get to 100k orbit on kerbin, then once i jump it to duna, it can land and return to orbit. I love that wee ship! Thanks for the drsign, ive never made a little opt craft before
  7. @V8jester need some help, and you seem to be the expert
  8. would it be possible to get the craft file for this plane, mine is so unbalanced i wanna pull your apart and see how you made it
  9. I use so many opt spaceplanes its unreal! Heres 2 of them in this vid...
  10. the fact it has the separate resources makes it harder than most other mods, and better in my opinion, but i believe there is someone working on a separate radiation mod that will be compatible ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132789-wip-radioactivity-test-release-011-sept-7-2016/. but it is possible (though difficult) to change from one to another if your aren't happy with one. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/132789-wip-radioactivity-test-release-011-sept-7-2016/
  11. I dont havy many mods..... only 80...90... ok so maybe 124 im not surprised,and honistly that ship was a pain so im glad that went pop! Thanks for all the work!love epl
  12. The last few posts all seem to need this! @Deathbite @Salvator @Knacky For all your problems.....
  13. Talkin about ship distortions check out the ship on the left at 6.35 its supposed to be smooth, then see what happens when the dissasembler turns on
  14. Ive finished many, as a rule Finnish beer is excrementse, but the local ones from small places are always good!
  15. damn man you work fast. seriously send us your address and ill get you a decent bottle of whiskey or some amazing finnish beer from where i live (i have one a night because they are lovley and im not a beer drinker)
  16. ask and ye shall receive! did this just now, and once i get my quest video up you can see it at the end of that too. you basically need to launch a ship and then change back to the ksc, when you next are on your ship if you retract the centrafuge 'something snaps' and it tils it seems somilar to infernal robotics part drift to my untrained eyes. jump to 4.30 in the video
  17. @Angel-125 got a funny bug for you, ig you take 2 centrafuges and put them on a ship, but with the rear one backwards, then launch deploy and start them spinning, if you stop the rear one it jumps its alignment 30 degrees off axis and cant be recovered. This has happened 3 times now... I can make a video if uou need it...
  18. FML i asked for tweekscale a week ago and you answered, do you prefer whisky, whiskey or beer? also i love what you have done with the fusion pellets and far future tech, now instead of lookig at this mod as 2that will be cool when its finished" im installing it.....
  19. if you dont have tac installed the problem isint with tac, opt dose a similar thing with some of its parts thow
  20. i was soooooo close to skipping back out the system after that 'mass reduction' but i love it! and now i have to design one with a water backup
  21. I have a few different opt spaceplanes half way through ! Great fun!
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