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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. sounds like its not installed, Have you double checked thay iys in Gamedata, and inside the folders there are the correct subfolders? i know it sounds too obvious but ive done it before....
  2. so im using v0.13.3dev without background processing and all i get is -16 year counters, and at full timewarp kerbals die....
  3. 20ms in 45 mpy roughly and as someone who was hit by a bus that was doing 40 and didnt break anything i know thats possible..... to clarify i was liquided, so maybe kerbals are an alcoholic race! that explains why they sound like drunk midgets....
  4. so, like space? actually i like the idea of an oort cloud ...
  5. goto the ksc and hit escape, on the settings menu there is a difficulty button, on clicking that there are some buttons on the left and one should be for tac, the option is in there.
  6. when holding alt and clicking, im not getting any box for pruning, i am getting tool tips, and can filter, just missing that box , im on the latest version never mind, its working now
  7. its not recognised as a cryo shelter so you dont get any of the controls this also happened in 1.2.2
  8. also i cant seem to make the cryo shelter work and the funny bug is still there with the truss sections, not all the time but i can make it happen when i try, or when i dont want it to
  9. still getting ec dying at high timewarp, and on loading it kills the kerbals
  10. every time, i only just noticed you had implemented this and was looking at the cross compatibility.... sweet move
  11. So here is the follow on from karborundum quest, things are being shaken up a bit, and ive decided to keep in all explosions, even glitches!
  12. so i have a really funny bug for you, if you have planitary base systems installed, and you right click on the sci lab, there is a reconfigure button. however if you click on that you get a blank box that cant be closed and you have to scene change to get rid of it
  13. i was just waiting patiently, once i realised what the problem was. its so funny trying to carry a save over major kerbal updates! never mind deleting core mods and using your large DSEV engines to land on duna its been an interesting week in ksp!
  14. ah yeah, i have it installed, but its not been updated so it dosent work! (but the parts are there) so much waiting for updates
  15. ok, help, where do i find this? i finally got a lvl 4 engineer to duna, and i cant work out where this is...
  16. i think everyone would be interested
  17. i think the worrying thing for alot of people is if you will be able to maintain these promises after what just happened to the GTA modding community..... heres hoping, i love ksp (literally play it every day), but personally im not inclined to give any money to a subsidiary of the same company that's just killed one of my other favourite games.
  18. Nop, i not for the previous version either, cant reconfigure or anything
  19. na they are all good, i saved the kerbals, i dont mind loosing the craft. just wasent sure if they where mean to disappear, i dont use heisenberg for airships, just BIG rovers at the moment tac lifesupport is murdering everyone so i gotta wait for the fix from JPL. everything else is working fine though oh and it was already deployed in the previous save. good question is why dont the green houses do anything for Tac life support?
  20. yeah it was the upgrade to 1.3 ther WBI.gondohab and WBI.gondolab where missing so it killed some of the vehicles
  21. its caused by conflickts between some mods, cant figure exactly what because they are hard crashes that dosent seem leave crash reports, but i dont have the problem in my 1.3 version with some mods removed.
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