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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. i like this, my question is... is there i way of giving it another convertible module, e.g. for kis parts or equipment......
  2. just a old question, is there still no way to have MKS without the extra kerbal types, or the changes to the hiring system?
  3. so heres the log https://www.dropbox.com/s/cg7obizra5xcoye/output_log.txt?dl=0 and the video of exactly what went on while i was generating the log..
  4. i had that same problem, i think i downloaded the source without a compiled DLL, but bugger me if i know how i managed it! Glad i could help!
  5. i had that problem but i thought i may have been getting a wrong version, try from here and only replace tac and repo directories. https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/releases
  6. So i have the latest version of tac from github, and with the bundled background resources i get 1 sec pauses every 6 seconds, however ec dosent update on non loaded ships during timewarp, even with stock panels and rtg's (most of my stuff is NF and thats broken too). And when you take out background resources it just sets to minus 17 years and stays ther, even when you load every vessel and use hyperedit to up the ec (which looks full on the ship) So what else do you need, which logs and do you need a video of the problem?
  7. I will do, i didnt catch when it happened and restarted before i figured out what was going on, i thought it was an EL glitch then in restarting realised i was out of LS too still having fun thow. Just wait for the eve kolonisation!
  8. ok i got a weird bug for you, on occasionally jumping back to my station (scrapheap in the videos) all the containers reset to LFO instead of what they are supposed to be, causing the loss of resources.
  9. i have been using them the whole time, this could be interesting , well if it corrupts the save file it wont be the first rescue i've had to perform
  10. so if you have it on cryo for the d2 truss you get 108k LH2 and 7200 ox, but if you just have it on hydro you only get 56k LH2, and neither seem to use any ec for the cryo cooling...
  11. ok the subject of LS, the greenhouses still dont do anything with TAC installed, the reconfiguration for other modals (pathfinder tents, centrifuge etc) still work, but the greenhouse part dosnt do anything.
  12. beautiful! can i be an cheeks and request cryo tanks support when @Nertea's mod is installed i dont want much
  13. @Angel-125 you know when you have been listening to music really loud, and you forget and play a game, well its ususlly the kerbal engine that blows my ears, but this time it was the horn section in baris!! nice touch, im sure itll be cool when i can hear again!
  14. ok that made me giggle ' Long-time forum users will recognize MCM from a few years ago' i still install it
  15. Definatly somethin id be interested in, may be good for launchin prbes side by side...
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