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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. this could be why every once in a while my tanks revert to coolant and i loose fuel.... but i figured it was an updating issue.
  2. ok this made me chuckle, this was the FIRST EVER ship i designed and launched with procedural parts well at least itll fly better next time, thanks for the help!
  3. @taniwha ive got an old bug for you, on building a rocked in epl i noticed that the boosters were as low as i aligned them, then on flying the rocket and releasing the fairing this....... parts are from @Angel-125''s dsev mod and there where aligned in the craft file with normal nodes - craft file https://www.dropbox.com/s/stx3f2gyozplmrz/Space Mass Driver.craft?dl=0 solar panels are nft if your trying to load it. for finding it in the log it was the last thing i did befor returning to the ksc and quitting log https://www.dropbox.com/s/5620fqsxphf7yxe/KSP.log?dl=0 output log https://www.dropbox.com/s/fnqlqxo29iwhog6/output_log.txt?dl=0
  4. i fount it, the switchback 2 hub needs exotic materials, the expedition is on!
  5. nope, not the base... thats od about the requirements i think it was printing a pathfinder part, but it was 70% done, anyway i have an expidition designed, so ill get something sorted
  6. im so confused, all i have updated is your mods, but not the clockworks on laythe has stopped printing mid job and says exotic minerals needed, none of the converters are active and i have alot of material kits, this is a problem for after work tomorrow.... there was a bad explosion and i saved and rage quit...
  7. in the recent update have you changed the clockworks so that creating objects requires material kits and exotic materials?
  8. i use the supernova alot, and it dose need alot of cooling, but you seem to be having more of an issue than you should, whats your other mods?
  9. Heres an idea for a part.... the inflatable shipyards you have, why not make one that can be collapsed and return a percentage of the assemby equipment maybe in a dsev styling....
  10. if anyone is interested, here is the tool i made when i was doing the jool maneuvers
  11. Ok retarded question time, explodium. Where do i get it and what uses it? I had a breif look last night but i got side tracked creating a von nuemann probe just waiting for @taniwha to make auto factories a thing.
  12. any more info on gettin it workin, it still seems to be guffed, is it just a case of using patch manager and stopping the cross patch!
  13. that made me snigger, my work around was to use EL and make a craft with an isru..... but well it didnt work they way i planned. as for the airparkin bases, id say the mane casa module, and the huge bit you just made. also the main casa box should have the ability to rename the base just wait till you see what i dealt with today, i couldent believe it!
  14. So @Angel-125 ... i know your work list is huge and im not asking for this to be top of the pile, just mentioning it.... the tac-ls supplies in alot of modules are just set at 1000 each instead of being balenced by consumption. Also it would be nice if the ranch house could hold a butt load but ill put the can loads here to save you looking for them, whenever you get to this, again not pestering, just mentioning.... please dont stop working on my new dsev ship for this ls can values, small 8.1 w. 4.4 f 820 oxy medium 64.8 w 35.4 f. 6566 oxy thanks again oh space tent god!
  15. What mods do you have installed, and whats the contents of the wildblue folder ( it could be a duplicate placement within that folder)
  16. more detail needed, first do you have equipment on hand for the conversion?
  17. i may have made a huge space plane, and then pulled it a part one peice at a time
  18. Further to what @Aelfhe1m describes, id say pathfinder has 2 Major advantages, the first is flexability, they are many configs for parts so if you dont have what you need (of you loose it) you can work around. And the major one, for me is pathfinder is far less intensive on the cpu, less happening behind the scenes, less screwing with other mods (it works alongside them instead of overwriting their mechanics e.g.epl) and theres less background things going on, so higher framerates. Also, and this is just a personal gripe, but @Angel-125 hardly ever removes parts or changes the mod is such a way as it kills your save file. so if you want consistency in base building this is the way to go. I had mks originally but after 2 separate game killing up dates i swore off it.
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