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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. i think this was during the Kerbal States early experiments with LSD
  2. more like what did i do over the last 3 weeks, but i edited it to day so i think it counts
  3. well after a long christmas and many many drinks and explosions we have a new episode!
  4. @Angel-125 do you have stl files for the parts you've made? The reason i ask is im awaiting my 3d printer, and i have an Idea? Nvrmind, i think i have a plan here, now im just waiting for the printer and a days worth of building....
  5. this opens an alley for abducting tourists and forcing them to work for you..... so much cheaper than hiring them
  6. i use imgur, thw whole process is use the screen cap key in windows, take the pic and put it on imgue (after opening an account with fbook) and then taking the picture link (the one with the jpg ending) and copying the link into the text box here on the forum, the box will automatacially make the pic show from the link if you have the correct link.
  7. yup, i figured it might be just because t was a pre release, but just incase i let you know I always duplicate the install for new mods after one to many killed saves...
  8. sorry man, I'm scottish, i don't understand this 'salad' thing you speak of... Isn't it the thing you feed to food
  9. plus ive yet to have a proper release that killed a save.....
  10. whoops, anyway, any chance you could move the estonians COM down a bit (towards the wind end) im getting alot of flippin on aero braking....
  11. there is a core hear transfer part that could help but im not sure it will help without experimenting.
  12. so you mean to say all my existing craft with these parts will need to be .......exploded
  13. i think you have to get a previous version from github. Most devs stop supporting the older versions once they upgrade the mod to the newest version.
  14. yes! i was gonna ask for this, but though id been too much of a pest recently
  15. well it turns out you can play skyrim and kerbal at the same time
  16. nice to have you subscribed! ive only just realised that, but even in real life i get explosions, im currently smelling of butane and burnt hair...... Sorry for the wait over the christmas period, but the wife got me a nintendo switch for chrismas, and then went to her mates and left it unguarded......
  17. nope, but open a new sand box mod and try it, its hilarious how it falls apart!
  18. try going to a higher altitude and trying again, it could be you are too deep in the gravity well. other option would be throttling up (sorry if this is daft but your throttle was nill in the pic)
  19. ah its a tech issue, i would say moar science grinding is needed. but sounds like a good speed at a low level!
  20. i love this man! how do you film the sweeping shots?
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