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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. whiles im requesting things, would it be difficult to give the greenhouses(heisenberg and buffalo) the manageable templates like the chucks and haciendas have. maybe even another one that just provides a bonus to the first greenhouse for growing things....
  2. so theres a converter int eh sunburn to make fusion pellets from liquid det and he3, but the watney can only make hydro and liquid deut.... any chance of a converter that would make liquid duet and he3 so its more compatible with far future tech? and if you wanna make an insanely expensive way of making metallic hydrogen as well id be cool with that too and im LOVING the teenie isru!
  3. so i have 2 suggestions, one is a repeat of someone elses idea, the first is a copy with an openable 'deployment bay' for small satalite launches, the next is a version of these craft (the 2 main lifting bodys) with the kas storage replaced, byt @Angel-125, switchable storage templates, for hauling cargo up to orbit.... Just an idea, love the mod!
  4. every day the same, pop into this thread look for a new release, jump onto pathfinder, then near future, then opt, then repeat a day later....
  5. i did not! this is the same save since 1.0 and in total probably a few whole months have gone into my game, each video is about 4 to 9 hours of video and 10/11 hours of play
  6. Mods where being abandoned since day one, but all the major ones still work or have been passed onto other mod makers, and things like near future, pathfinder, and mks are only getting bigger. Who cares if they update the game, it works fine now.
  7. im chuffed that your bison parts fit inside the small opt frame!, so many options shame i have to rebuild it, but wait till you see what im making.....
  8. ah ok, didnt think of that, i was thinking the 'auto ones that you get from some decouplers, but this an idea i hadent thought of! ive been very tired /stupid lately....
  9. so another thought i had would be a storage profile for enriched uranium in the sall tents, but i figured this would have less capacity than the regular things and equipment cost that was high, because radiation.... could be funny to add a small production bonus to food
  10. is there any way to get a fairing round the heat shield when you attach something below it?
  11. the little box asru, the monoprop conversion is labled liquid fuel
  12. i did know they where electric, but i did not no that. althow wait till you see my bigun
  13. i dont seem to get any of those problems, and ive build huge bases on all the atmospheric planets and the mun, dres and minmus. ive had kraken attacks, but as ive said only one with pipes(for path finder, MKS was a different story), these days you are far more likely to have a pipe snap off its mount because of all the upgrades to KIS. And even less likely with Pathfinder because i doesn't work the same as other mods, because the first part of the base is nailed to the floor, everything attached after that is attached to the same anchor point, meaning even if it dose clip into the ground it will adjust instead of doing the kraken 2 step.
  14. ah , i have a soloution/ work around, beams! you can mount them on the switch back, and mount panels to them i do get the point with attaching things, but nailing things to a tent wouldent work either, never mind the nightmare of problems in the actually making it work in code. but attaching things to the switchbacks is possible, and as you can see from some of my bases there has only been 2 good explosions between 200 bases and one of them was heat related.
  15. @Angel-125 heres one for you, after returning to any path finder base, the ore drills on the haciendas have to be reactivated.
  16. i use buffalo parts to create what you looking for the chassy cramework can be attached to nodes on pathfinder tents and used fofr sompreros, and maybe a loat of rtgs when you mess up..... like i did, heres my example, but its attached to the side of the round base but it has worked on pathfinder too! it starts dead on my example
  17. yeah i see your point, it only node attaches or attaches to the ground. but if you use the switchback 2 for the moment you can pipe connect it to that. nosent change the attachment, but its a good work around
  18. keep tapping r when in attachment mode to align the correct node, this will fix problem 1 and 3, problem 2 isint that the sombrero cant surface attach, its that the switchback cant have things surface attached to them.
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