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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. these things happen, its the 3rd wisdom tooth in 4 weeks, im already dumber and missing a surprising amount of skull! you should see how much is still attached to the teeth, never mind the look on the poor dentists face
  2. so im kinna bolloxed at the moment because if a renagade dentist pulling out my tooth and taking some jaw with it, so i just made another video today, because why not!
  3. i was dying, there was 3 manouvers in the jool system essentially, and between align and burn time, and fekin up and redoing it, it took me 3 days of effort and i downloaded a slowmo mod. im so tempted to crash the thing for a laugh! heres the funny thing, i pretty much built a small hand plane out of wood while i was doing it, so ill put that video on youtube later
  4. no button to start the garden, everything else is there just no 'start greenhouse' like the buffalo one
  5. kill me now! its done, the avatar arrived! the video is done and compiling and the beer is open!
  6. so im just getting the avatar to Laythe, and so far im on the first gool decelleration burn. its taken 12 hours including reloads, because i have use any physics warp, its running at 2 fps and occasionally things glitch and disappear! this was only a 300ms burn! the next one is 2k!
  7. oops wrong forum, this was meant for pathfinder, but its was meant for building up a huge supply of food. like intensive cultivation off kerbin. (starship resupply)
  8. @taniwha an idea for the 'auto factories' could be a drone usit that has a specific (and low ish) efficiency, however adding more the efficiency modifier drops off for each additional one added. so one part would be say 0.2 eff, 2 modules 0.3, three 0.35 etc, but slightly lower (like module stacking in eve online if you know it.) and maybe a part that could be a drone core skin for the moment, small medium and radial versions. just an idea i had while listening to 'we are bob' today at work.
  9. Damn.... how about a watney template for greenhousees that takes waste, water, ore and a tiny ammount of food and makes alot more food?
  10. heres a question, in the watney chem lab, splitting water gets you a lot more oxygen than hydro and dut.... det... google is so far away to check spelling, anyway shouldent there far more of the h compounds and less of the oxidiser? please
  11. So i keep going crashed between scene loads usually after 4 or so, and now the finger of blame is pointing here..... a quick search has suggested the this is a known issue, so here are my logs if they help and if someone knows who is looking at this can they be pointed to the logs. Much thanks for the mods regardless, this is a major part of my kerbals not dying! https://www.dropbox.com/s/ptb9za2bu0xo5ye/output_log.txt?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/9942ok630d8acqj/KSP.log?dl=0
  12. i like this one! never seen that b4. but seriously for a laugh put in TCA and make random ships, its great fun making an engine porcupine!
  13. consistancy requires either trial and error , quicksaving, tca or mechjeb. prayer results in fireballs. but this might help https://youtu.be/qJPmBl6HaAM?list=PLmvNsdXzTt9k9yKene-N8LS6xK6LlOz91&t=133
  14. heres a question, why dosent the mule mlm have the same issue? how is it configured differently?
  15. i just left a message for @FreeThinker on the ifs page, the reason this confused me in the beginning was the mmpatch folder doesn't exist in the core IFS install, and it seems a simpler solution could be found... on the bright side im gonna have like 300 more dv on my crafts once this is sorted
  16. so im tryin to get this into my ifs, ive already pulled out the core that ckan install and put in the actual mod, but is there any that @FreeThinker could make this exclusion part of the core IFS, so if the part has the wbi module IFS dosent touch it?
  17. im trying to work out goldsrike, but i dont think ill be using bonvoyage again, 3 seperate times ive used it and 3 seperate MASSIVE explosions that killed everything.
  18. yeah its there still, i think my i code is wrong for excluding it but im not sure....
  19. heres the logs from the last switcharoo if that helps https://www.dropbox.com/s/9942ok630d8acqj/KSP.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/ptb9za2bu0xo5ye/output_log.txt?dl=0
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