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Space Kadet

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Everything posted by Space Kadet

  1. i am given new parts on a day when i was binging the new star trek..... ok 3 question i have to ask, i understand if the answer is no but the kraken loves a tryer... how easy would it be to make a new heat shield that's just a size bigger (7.5m)? same for the tank cluster (bringing it to the current largest tank size)? and what about white / grey textures for the cluster and orb tanks? Just a question, dont hit me!
  2. A calmer episode this time, but setup for the future! @JadeOfMaar you might like this little OPT vtol
  3. its looking great, not im trying to learn how to make things because your finished with this one but its looking really good.
  4. spent some time trying to break DSEV and it seems to hold up. im still tryin to test the greenhouse with TAC installed (some work and some dont) but ill get you the info when i narrow down the problem And that huge heat shield rocks! 4000 tonne ship moving at 4 times orbital speed on even and i managed to aerobrake into the eve system
  5. so close with the fix for deprecated parts, still loosing anything that has WBI.HexTrussD2TrussAdapter thanks for the fixes so fat thow! and the whole thing in general!
  6. brilliant, i made it ! thanks for the help! @PART[Knes_Command_K-CEV]:NEEDS[Pathfinder] { !MODULE[ModuleKISInventory] {} MODULE { name = WBIConvertibleStorage enableLogging = True fieldReconfigurable = True confirmResourceSwitch = True showGUI = True defaultTemplate = KIS // LFO templateNodes = STORAGE_TEMPLATE capacityFactor = 1 resourcesToKeep = ElectricCharge;Ablator;MonoPropellant; logoPanelTransforms = decalsVisible = false baseStorage = .001 maxStorage = 14000 } } not tomorrow im going to try and test some distribution!
  7. so is this a mod manager patch , say the likes of which i could krakenise into a patch for @Well's KNES mod to change their internal kis storage to WBI convertible space?
  8. thanks very much, ill give these a shot! I was just trying to get back to kerbin from eve, with only a few solar panels but it was 'manageable' ill link the video when its finished. but i love this mod.
  9. that would work maybe just your large origional scaled up to 3.75 would be amazing
  10. *most innocent voice a 35 year old scotsman can make* could you make the bubble slightly bigger ? like 1.25 times the size.....
  11. I have an od one for you, so i tried to change the bubble size in the spec, just changing the big unit from 20 to 30 and when i cross the SOI of kerbin this happens .... any ideas
  12. yeah i can see that. I've not got enough programing to make this stuff but enough to understand how complex it could be maybe just put a tag on the engine that layth is a dangerous target because of jool that also keeps the idea of balance in check
  13. well in that case that its not a 'problem' with laythe, and your just in too deep to the Jool gravity well, what about a dual mode engine. and the second mode could be like an escape burn, in my head its something like a 30000km 'pop' straight forward that would take 90% of your exotic matter and EC and if you've done it right get you out of a grav well. but with a 2 week recharge time plus the required EM recharge. i'm not sure how well my thoughts come across, but ive been an EVE Online player for along time, and i imagine the timeout similar to the triage module....
  14. so is my understanding right that it takes into account both laythe and jool? as for blowing past moons, i figured that would be a given as they are so much smaller than a planet and warp drive would have to be that powerfull to begin with
  15. thanks man, i was wondering if it was maybe jools gravity well interfering, but i really have no knowledge about gravity (nevermind in computer language) aside from being able to put a gold ball through a window at 100m
  16. i meant that was the video of it working with the previous version. since then its not worked at the same altitude (i used hyper edit to 504k)
  17. i may have been the version before last, it was a ckan install, and there is no thrust limiter. heres the video of the first one warping (its at the right time https://youtu.be/_8gbuVaW3w8?list=PLmvNsdXzTt9k9yKene-N8LS6xK6LlOz91&t=1473 and now, and ive just reinstalled the freshe linked version from H's github on the last page.
  18. so im in orbit with a ship and one of the normal drives from the previous version, and when i engage warp it just sits there, the orbit seems to change but not alot (3 minutes the ap of the orbit shifted 3k) im at laythe and in a 500k orbit what am i missing? i do have full ec and the NF generator kicks out 3000ec/s it also worked fine before i updated.
  19. so todays work was accompanies with this forum window open and the thought ' i think he said a weekend release, friday is a weekend day' *refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh* *refresh*
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